anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi everyone, sorry for being awol, hope you are all well.

Welcome to the newbies, sorry I will get down to some personals with you all soon but want to welcome you here, this really is the best place for support and I wish you all your BFP very soon xx

Nikkia, ooooohhhhhh that's brilliant hun, I'm so pleased for you, you take care of yourself and little baby Rory, I'm sure he is just gorgeous xxx

Well, I have news also, our little girl Ella Rose was born on 9 July at 9.57pm weighing 7lb 1oz after being in labour for, well officially my waters broke at 2.30am on the Monday, 8th and I was admitted about 9am to the hospital, my contractions were getting stronger and I had awful back pain every 5-7 minutes but unfortunately I had to be put on a drip on Tuesday afternoon and baby Ella was born a few hours after. Labour was unfortunately quite intense and I hadn't slept in 2 days before giving birth, had to have an episiotomy and i'm still a bit sore but were both well.

Unfortunately I have been unable to breastfeed, she did have a little suckle following delivery but my milk supply hasn't come in and so we have had to go with formula, I'm so disappointed in myself for not being able to feed her, feels a little like I have let her down but i'm glad to read that seems to be normal with the hormones, I feel really down a lot and its not like me at all, how did you ladies cope with it?

Anyhow, I will get caught up with everyone soon xx
Oh Cullen- I'm over the moon for you too :cloud9: Feeling really emotional ladies - Sophia was born this time last year so reading all your announcements makes me all nostalgic :wacko:
I'm so sorry you couldn't bf - but it happens :hugs: It's not the end of the world and Ella will be perfectly fine on formula. But did you see any bf consultants? Do you feel like you've had enough support to help with bf? Because its not really late if the problem is with latching/demand from Ella. However it does also happen that the milk simply doesn't come in - remember that when Ella is 20 years old she won't care less if she had boob or bottle! Also you won't feel like one big kitchen for the next 3 months and DH and other family members can step in with helping you a lot sooner than with a bf baby :hugs:

Please don't listen to all the stories that formula is rubbish and bf is THE only way forward. Of course all of us would like to bf and many of use had to put in a huge effort into it but at the end of the day it's completely fin to FF!!!

I'm not really sure what to suggest on the emotions/hormones. One thin I didn't know was that it was SO common! I honestly thought I was alone! And just knowing that pretty much every new mum around me was also hysterical, upset, tired, on the verge of a nervous breakdown somehow helped :shrug: please know we are al here for you!!! Unless you've been through labour and having a newborn it's hard to I understand what exactly you are going trough!!! And of course is ltttc'ers have even greater expectations that once the baby is born life will be euphoric - well, truth is there's not much room left for euphoria after weeks of sleepless nights!!!! Don't worry, in a few weeks it will get better!! And we are always here for you if you need advice or just to vent!
Congrats Nikkia & Cullen!!! Such wonderful news! I love hearing about all these OD babies!!! :cloud9:
Congratulations Cullen!! Welcome baby Ella!

:hugs: Oh Hun, never feel like you've let her down. Babies need love and care, food in either formula or breast - it really doesn't matter a jot. It's no-one else's business but yours and babies will thrive on either.

It is a shock having gone through birth, sleep deprivation and the battered, sore body to then have crashing hormonal emotions, but it is also normal. I used to feel I was the only one awake at 3am, sore, tired and trying to calm a baby. I believe Omega 3 supplements are helpful to balance and I also suggest making sure you get enough B vitamins, continue with the prenatal vitamin if you can.

Also, easier said than done, but do try to sleep or doze when Ella does. Every bit of sleep you can grab really helps. First few weeks are the worst while you adjust, just wait til she learns to smile.

I am so emotional with the arrival of two babies on the thread. :cloud9:
Congratulation Cullen :baby::hugs:
Give ella a tight hug from me. Really want to see a pic of Ella and Rory also. My hubby like baby girl. I know ella looks like a little fairy hun. Take care of her and urself.​
Now i am 33week and badly want to see little baby pic to refresh my mind. Sometime i feel depressed to see any emotional situation. I know this happen for hormones. How is my pregnant budy Sunny monkey? Thinking about leaper also.​
Hi everyone, sorry for being awol, hope you are all well.

Welcome to the newbies, sorry I will get down to some personals with you all soon but want to welcome you here, this really is the best place for support and I wish you all your BFP very soon xx

Nikkia, ooooohhhhhh that's brilliant hun, I'm so pleased for you, you take care of yourself and little baby Rory, I'm sure he is just gorgeous xxx

Well, I have news also, our little girl Ella Rose was born on 9 July at 9.57pm weighing 7lb 1oz after being in labour for, well officially my waters broke at 2.30am on the Monday, 8th and I was admitted about 9am to the hospital, my contractions were getting stronger and I had awful back pain every 5-7 minutes but unfortunately I had to be put on a drip on Tuesday afternoon and baby Ella was born a few hours after. Labour was unfortunately quite intense and I hadn't slept in 2 days before giving birth, had to have an episiotomy and i'm still a bit sore but were both well.

Unfortunately I have been unable to breastfeed, she did have a little suckle following delivery but my milk supply hasn't come in and so we have had to go with formula, I'm so disappointed in myself for not being able to feed her, feels a little like I have let her down but i'm glad to read that seems to be normal with the hormones, I feel really down a lot and its not like me at all, how did you ladies cope with it?

Anyhow, I will get caught up with everyone soon xx

Cullen congratulations on Ella's safe arrival what a week! I could have written your post myself I'm also do upset about breast feeding and also feeling quiet low, but as all the other ladies say its all normal. My husband is bring a great support we are currently doing shifts until he returns to work so we both get a stretch of sleep each. How are you doing your feeding routine? Have you been getting outside? I know it's v hot here x
Huge Congrats to all our new OD Babies!!! So happy to hear they all happy and heatlhy and that is what is the most important thing of all!

Please do spoil us sometime with pics of the little ones!

Maria, so has AF returned properly and hopefully O as well?

Sorry im not on so often any more things are hectic at work and home.

Miss you all so much! :hugs:
Hi ladies....sorry I haven't been on for a while.....glad to see all of you are doing well....

As for me, I recently did a series of blood tests...just waiting on the results and the the next step would most likely be OD...once I can convince the hubby...take care :)
Hi everyone, Congratulations Cullen! :hugs:
My journey continues AF came on 23/07 at CD35, so now I'm on my 2nd cycle CD4. I called my doc and he said to give a try now :sex: from CD10 to CD20 and still no meds... AF is really heavy this time much more that any recent ones I can recall, he said it was good, because of the constrictions from the PID I had, and the acne :devil: is literally the worst I have ever had! I mean I have forgotten how my chin looks like! Still on my vits and hopeful. :flower:
Hey Tropic - good luck for this cycle! Will you use opk's?

Shardil - what does your hubby have against the OD?

So I'm now on my second cycle after having my baby. Before the OD I went on for months without a period. I always had to take progesterone to induce a cycle. I also didn't ovulate without Clomid.

After the OD I did ovulate on my own a few times and finally fell pg after 8 months. I bf Sophia for exactly 12 months. But for the last month I only bf once a day. I had a light period starting on June 18th or 19th (I can't remember!!) then I took some opk's just out of interest and got a positive one roughly on cd25-26. Then yesterday on cd 38 I got my af. It's the heaviest I've ever had!!! I soak through a large pad every 1.5-2 hours :wacko:
So I'm just interested to see what will happen with my cycles after having my baby :thumbup:
hi ladies, how are u all?​
last week i did 34week ultrasono. Usg report shows oligohydramnios. My amniotic fluid volume was 6.5cm. My doc saw the report and told that now we have to do OT. But she want to confirm umbilical blood flow is good. Today i went for doppler study and it shows that all thing is good. My amniotic fluid volume is 13.5cm. So we consult with doc and she told me to come with this report on thursday. She told me to check blood pressure and baby movement. Really i felt horrible bp up to 144/ 90. How can a spacialist do this kind of error?​
cullen and nikkia - i know u both are too busy at this moment. Take care urself also.​
maria - after knowing about ur menstruation i feel good. I will talk about bc pill with my doc because i dont want 2nd baby before 4yrs. U know maria i thought about last year august month when iui brought bfn. This yr i will get my baby in between my arms. Time really flies to quickly.​
its longtime we dont get any news from lepear and sunny. How r u buddies? Scerena how r u feel now? Did u get small bump? Really happy to know any news from u friends.​
Great to hear from you anupur! I'm so sorry you had to go through all this stress with the doctors! But I know so many stories from friends who were also told their babies wouldn't make it or be born with sever disabilities - then they had other tests and all was good! I can't even imagine how you must have felt waiting for the next appointment! I'm glad all is ok though! Not long now.

I know you won't be buying anything until baby is here but have you at least looked at prams/cots/little toys?

My period was VERY heavy and I had an 11 days luteal phase. Not ill be interested to see what my body does over the next few months. We also don't want another baby for the next 2 years but I refuse to take any bc because I do blame the Pill for making my pcos so bad :wacko:

A year does make a huge difference.... This time last year I was absolutely exhausted looking after a newborn Sophia. My really good friend however was still ltttc'ing. She had a miscarriage in February - so we were pregnant together u til she lost the baby. We both thought we would be pushing prams together because he was due in September.... And then the mc happened :nope: So when Sophia was born and she still wasn't pregnant again I'm sure she was feeling very low, depressed and a bit jealous.... They were planning to do IVF and she didn't know what would happen in a year's time.... No she's pregnant and her due date was yesterday!!!!! I am so happy for them and I can't wait to read her birth announcement! :happydance:

It would be great to hear from sunny, Lpear and Keisha too!
Hi Ladies,

preggie me again.........
went for the scan on Friday, all looks good so far.
iam 8 weeks now, but this prgnancy iis so different, feeling sick and nauseous all the time.
the most i weighed when i was pregnant with Jenna-Li was 64kg, i now already weigh 63kg...... omw
i am hoping and praying for a baby boy now, but as long as my baby is healthy i dont mind.

how is everyone doing ?
Anupur, i wish all the best for you and your baby, sometimes even the experts makes mistakes,,,,, i hope you are enjoying your pregnancy.
Scerena,,,,,, you are doing well so far,,,,,,, so happy for you!
all the ladies here, have a wonderful day,,,, lots of hug from me here in South Africa, Cape Town....
Oh mommyMel - I can't believe you are 8 weeks already - nearly a quarter way done with this pregnancy :wacko: I'm sure it would be great to have a boy next but a third beautiful girl would also be lovely :thumbup:

Sorry you are feeling ill. It must be so hard coping with Jenna and feeling ill. Do you still bf her? I hope you are feeling better very soon!

How are the other ladies doing? My period is finally over - I've never had a period this heavy. I think even my post partum bleeding wasn't as heavy :wacko: Ill be watching my cycle very closely, hoping OD is still working and I will ovulate on my own regularly now!
mommymel yay I have a bump buddy :wohoo: I too was really rough in the beginning of this pregnancy too- fx'd it goes away soon for you :hugs:

anupur I'm good thanks, cannot wait for you to have your baby :)

maria sorry you had a heavy af :hugs: fx'd you ovulate on your own :hugs:

cridge I hope that you and the boys are well???

nikkia & Cullen I hope that both of you and your babies are well??

:hi: to anyone I missed :hugs:
Mommymel!!! It's crazy you'll have 2 babies under(ish) one! How are you feeling about it?! I'm so sorry you're so sick this time - can't be fun with a baby! My pregnancies were completely different but... both boys. So I wouldn't judge on that, BUT I'll be crossing my fingers for a boy for you for SURE!!
Hi everyone

Anupur - :hugs: I hope you're feeling well and looking forward to meeting your baby. I am so excited for you. Did you see anyone today? Try not to worry about your BP, it's the second figure that needs watching.

Maria - I'm glad you're AF is there, it gives hope for the future. I'm now on my 3rd AF since the birth. Jude is 6 months old so I think that's probably good going. First AF was textbook, second was weird as I spotted for 2 weeks, this one seems light. I'm on CD4 so hoping it goes soon. My hair is also starting to grow back :happydance: Yay! I've got lots of wispy new hair growing where my hair line had receded - so relieved. I'm taking Pregnacare New Mum and I think it's helped a lot as before the loss was quite drastic.

Cridge - How's life with you and your two boys? I still can't quite believe it when I say "my children" now :cloud9:

MommyMel - Sorry you've had a rubbish start I the pregnancy with not feeling well. How are you coping? Has your c-section scar all healed and gone back to normal?

Shardil - Thanks for the update. OD really paid off for me, I have never regretted having it done.

Thinking of you Keisha, Sunny, Lpear, Bride and all my other OD buddies :friends:
Hi All, I am so glad to have come across this thread just at the right time. I have been going through this thread page by page and managed to reach till page 200! My heartiest congratulations to all the OD moms and wud-be OD moms and lots & lots of baby dust to those TTC! It is very motivating to read so many success stories!

About me: I have PCOS and can go on without periods for months or may be years idk (haven't waited for that long as I start taking duphaston 10mg to have regular periods). Am also taking metformin 1000-1500mg. I took clomid 50mg from CD2-6 for one cycle (in June) and it did not help with ovulation. My doc did a follicular study on CD10 and CD12 and there was hardly any growth in the follicle. She has suggested me to do OD as she feels it is going to help me. I have already met one doc who does LOD and she said we can do the OD on any day. She was ready to do it on the same day I went for consultation. But one thing what got me worried is when she said that there will be many cycts in my ovaries due to PCOS, but they can only rupture 5 cysts in each ovary otherwise the ovary will get damaged. So, I am not sure if my problem will solve with some cysts still remaining there. Could anyone please share their experience? don't know if my worry is legitimate or it is just due to my ignorance.
:hi: Welcome to the thread Chocofudge

Sounds like you are a good candidate for OD. The op will be effective with the cysts still there. As I understand it, pcos causes a thick layer like a capsule to grow on the ovary. The OD process breaks up that capsule, disrupting the hormone imbalance that the cysts cause and somehow kick starts the ovaries into action as they heal. It's not the destroying of the cysts that is effective as such, more the disrupting the ovary casing which allows our hormones to "reboot".
My FS drilled 5 holes into each ovary and it seems 4-5 holes is enough to get the desired results. I remember worrying 5 wouldn't be enough, but it's normal for everyone.
How soon can you have your op? :hugs:
Hey choco and welcome to the thread!! I think I'm one of the "oldies" on here and although my OD miracle is 13 months old already I still love it here!
I had 8 holes drilled in one ovary and 10 in the other. I heard that the more holes they still in each ovary the better and I've never heard about damaging the ovaries with the drilling... Don't forget they don't necessarily rupture cysts, they try to break down the capsul that covers your ovaries. This capsul prevents your ovaries from releasing the egg. Also this capsula produces testosterone which we pcos ladies have too much of already so the more they drill into the capsul the better.
Can you perhaps have another consultation with another doctor? Where do you live?

Kyla - glad your hair situation is improving. I also have wisps of new baby hair but its growing much slower than my existing hair falling out :dohh: But I believe now I've had 2 periods since birth my hair is less could just be a coincidence but before it used to be greasy by the next morning after I washed it and now it's fine for 2 days. So we shall see!

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