anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hello everyone!!

Firstly I am so so sorry for not posting for so long, I have been keeping up to date on the thread but just haven't had chance to post, and that's despite me being on maternity leave for a month already!!!

Anupur - congratulations on the birth of your beautiful princess, I am so happy for you. I hope everything is going well.

Cullen and Nikkia - congratulations on your babies, nearly two months old, where does the time go. I hope you are both enjoying your gorgeous babies.

Mommymel - congrats on being pregnant again, how fantastic after such a long process last time, amazing! I hope it happens like that for me with the next one, just maybe not quite so soon, haha!!

Maria, Kyla and Cridge - hope all is well with yourselves and your little ones who are not so little now I'm sure and keeping your on your toes I bet!

Scerena - almost half way! I see you are also team pink, yay!

Tella - hope all is well with you and work isn't keeping you tooooo busy. xx

Sunny - any news? I think your babies must be here by now!

Hello and welcome to the newbies, this is such a fantastic thread, the best in fact!

Apologies if I have forgotten anyone, a lot has happened since I posted last!

AFM - I am now 34 weeks, I went on maternity leave early for no reason other than I felt I deserved it after waiting so long for this! Plus I will probably not be going back to work afterwards.

All is going really well, I love being pregnant, I actually feel better pregnant than not! I am just finding I am getting quite tired these days and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. The only problem I've had is being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, the blood result had to be under 7.8 and mine was 7.8 so I was very much borderline but they still have to treat me the same. It is actually quite a good thing as I am getting extra scans and they are being so thorough in monitoring me. I do have to go to the hospital pretty much every week but that's not a problem as I'm off. I have to check my blood an hour after eating, but that's fine too as I was always interested to know what my glucose levels were doing with the insulin resistance. I have not had one high reading so I must be doing something right!

I have a final scan at week 36 and then they will book me in for induction due to the GD. So baby Eleanor will be here by her due date! Scary! At my 32 week scan they estimated she was 4lb 12oz and that she will probably be between 8 and 8.5lb when she is born. They she is slightly bigger than average due to the fact that I was over 8lb when I was born, not to do with the GD. My belly is very 'sticky outy' now! I have not put on much weight anywhere apart from my belly luckily and have managed to get away without any stretch marks so far!

So I am just doing chores around the house at the moment and getting everything ready for Eleanor's arrival, things like cleaning windows and kitchen cupboards etc. I can't call this nesting as it is not coming naturally to me, I have a to do list!!

We are having our two bathrooms refitted from Monday for three weeks and I am a little anxious as I know there will be a lot of dust flying around and I just want to wash all the baby clothes and linen and put them all away but I can't until the messy stuff is done, however this will be cutting things a bit fine time wise! I am such an organised person so it's hard knowing I can't be fully prepared for another 4 weeks!

I have my baby shower on Saturday so looking forward to that. I am also going on a hen weekend in two and a half weeks! It's only about an hour away from home so not too bad! DH is going on a stag do abroad this weekend, only for one night, after that he is sticking near me at all times!

Anyway, that turned into a bit of an essay! Apologies again for not posting for so long.

Lpear - lovely to read an update from you!! So nice that you went on mat leave early and are enjoying the last weeks of pregnancy. Were you insulin resistant before pregnancy? Did you take Metformin? I hope it will all be under control. But you are 34 weeks gone now so even if God forbid doctors decided to welcome Eleanor into this world a bit earlier everything will be Ok! Although sounds like you'll be one busy mummy to be over the next few weeks! Enjoy your time with DH as just the two of you - you'll never have it back again :haha:

I'm off work tomorrow with Sophia and I can't wait to spend the day with her. She is now making 3-4 steps unaided and its the cutest thing to see! Still makes me well up every time she waddles over to me :cry: :cloud9:

Anupur - your body produces milk on demand so the more you pump after feedin te more it will produce. I know it's really painful when your boobs are exploding and little Angelina can't drink it all. But I would suggest only expressing a tiny bit after each feed, just until it stops being very painful. And in about 3-6 weeks your supply should regulate to only meet her demands. What's really helpful is to get some large cabbage leaves, soften them in boilin water and put them onto your boobs for relief!!
Hi Maria

Yes I was insulin resistant before and am still on metformin. Fingers crossed the diabetes won't stick around after the birth.

Wow, Sophia is going to keep you busy now she can walk unaided!
yes my friend had years of issues, then ovarial drilling and boom BFP next cycle….and boom again 2 months after trying for number 2 shortly after the first was born!
Hi ladies! Anupur - gorgeous little princess you have there! Love her hair!!

Lpear - I felt the same way with my first - healthwise, I felt so much better while pregnant than I did any other time! I was still sick and had the usual pregnancy aches and pains, but my overall health just seemed so much better! :thumbup:

I just had to check in - I've been mia lately. I hope everyone is doing really well!!
*for those that don't read my journal, I'm copying this here* :)

Hey PCOS friends - this month is PCOS awareness month and Insulite (it's a vitamin/herbal system I tried years ago) is having a contest this month, as well as trying to get the word out about PCOS. I entered (not because I want to win the contest, because I don't know that I'd take the pills again even if I got them free... too many to take, but because I wanted to share my story). If you want to go read my story (which you all know all too well :haha:), or share your own(!!), then you have to like them on FB. Their page is "Insulite PCOS" and then hopefully you can find the link to the contest. I had a hard time navigating their page for some reason, so hopefully it's not hard to find. My story is also cut off, which is super annoying - mostly because I didn't check it before I sent it. :nope:
Hi my name is Lona and im 32 i was diagnosed with PCOS when i was about 18, i was in a previous relationship for 11 years and had gotten pregnant twice both of with ended with miscarriages. First one i was 19 n lost the baby at almost 5 months, second time i was 20 and lost the baby at 2 months. I had been trying to get pregnant ever since, the relationship i was in was not at all healthy and my self esteem dropped i went from 145lbs to 236lbs, after the break up i lost 50lbs n im happy to say im at 185lbs ive met a wonderful man and got married in april, i want more than anything to give him a child but being that i havent been able to get pregnant since 2002 im afraid that wont happen for us, ive tried metformin years bk with no luck, i never had a d & c with either miscarriages so maybe thats a reason, within the last yr i started getting periods bk ( i wasnt having em for almost 2 yrs) once i lost the weight, im still irregular but i do get them once a month. About 2 weeks ago i had a laproscopy, hysteroscopy, d&c, tubal perfusion and ovarian drilling, i was told by the dr after the surgery that it looked good and since i have ovulated in the past n concieved that he has hopes but im still so scared that i cant have kids, ill b 33 soon and the older i get the less n less i believe, has anyone gotten pregnant after those procedures?
Hi Lona! :hi: There are many women that conceived after ovarian drilling (OD). I think your odds sound good! I had to use gonal-f for both of my babies, but I do know that I saw some benefits from the OD. GL!!

For any of you that tried to find that post on FB and couldn't, here's the link: :)
Wow ive recently just came back on this site and its nice to see this thread still going I used yo post on here over 2 years ago id had ovarian drilling and after 5 years trying to conceive had OD and clomid and got pregnant :) its nice to ser it still here ive just recently come back to bnb after deciding to conceive baby number 2 :) goodluck to U all I believe OD is the answer for pcos sufferes ! =)
Thank You! Im so impatient being that ive tried for so long, im really hoping ill be able to do this without the help pf meds :)
:hi: everyone!!

Finally got round to updating. How are you all?

Welcome Lona! :flower: Lots of success stories here, including my own (I had my ovarian drilling baby in February and I'm 36). It's a great place to come for support. You sound like a great candidate for ovarian drilling, how are you feeling now? Are you monitoring your cycle at all? In addition to the operation, I (and lots of others) recommend a good quality pre-pregnancy multivitamin such as Pregnacare Conception, as well as using a sperm friendly lube such as PreSeed. Good luck and keep us posted :hugs:

Lpear - Lovely to hear from you. Sounds like you've got loads of things keeping you busy. We had our bathroom refitted before DS1 was born, it was inconvenient but so, so worth it. It's nice when baby finally sits in a lovely new bath rather than the old one. :thumbup: Sorry to hear about the GD. Do bear in mind that growth scans etc to predict the weight of your baby can be inaccurate. All along I was told Jude was "massive" and would be a big baby, they even talked to me about possibly inducing early because of it, he was 7lbs 3oz and they were wrong as they said he could be nearly 9lb. A lot of girls on the forums reported the same. Hope you are still feeling well, do you have a date for induction yet? So excited for you?

Hi babydust :flower: It's amazing to think that some of the Mums who have their OD babies are now thinking about ttc again. :happydance: Good luck. How have your periods been? My baby is 7 months old and mine appear to be back, although long 35-40 day cycles and 2 cycles where I have just had light spotting for a fortnight :wacko:

Anupur - thinking of you and Angelina. Such a gorgeous name :cloud9:

Choco - How are you?

Maria - Wow it's amazing how quickly the time has flown, with Sophia now taking her first steps. I bet they'll be now stopping her soon! So happy for you.:cloud9:

Cridge - How's life with your two boys? :ninja:

Lots of love to all my OD friends: Nikkia, Bride, Keisha, Cullen, MommyMel and Tella - would love to hear how you're doing.

AFM - Jude is at a lovely age, always ready to smile and giggle. He's enjoying tasting new foods. We're going to start baby yoga and a baby rhyme time soon. My hair loss has pretty much stopped altogether now and I've got lots of straggly new growth. Acne is flaring up though, but I think my overall PCOS symptoms are still less than before the op. :thumbup:
Lovely to hear from you Kyla!!! Sounds like things are goin well for you! I'm glad hair loss has stopped (I'm not as lucky :nope:). My acne still flare up, especially around ovulation and af.

I think this cycle I have ovulated around cd17. But I didn't have any tests lefts to confirm. But I had a ton of ewcm and sharp pains on cd17. This would be the earliest natural ovulation and will hopefully give me a 30-31 day cycle. I still find it amazing that my body may be beginning to figure out what to do! I hope it carries on like this because we want to start ttc'ing in about a year.

Babydust - I do still remember you when I first joined this thread over 2.5 years ago. Gosh, to think I've been following this thread for so long is unbelievable! How long did it take you to conceive after the OD and like Kyla asked - how have your periods been?

Lona - welcome!!

Hi to all the other girls!
Hi Everyone! Just a very quick post to say that Alexandra and Max arrived by c-section on the 29th of August - a few days before planned section. We are doing great and I promise to post pix and the entire story when i get a bit more time. We are very happy and utterly exhausted!

Hope everyone is well. xoxo
Sunny - I was just thinking about you yesterday and wanted to ask whether the twins have arrived!

Huge Congratulations! Beautiful names! I can't even begin to imagine HOW exhausted you must be.... I think I would have been only half concious most of the time :wacko:

Really looking forward to pictures and the full story.

How is everyone else? Anupur, Nikkia, Keisha? How are you ladies?
Congratulations Sunny!! Welcome to the world babies Alexandra and Max :cloud9::cloud9: I expect you're over the moon but extremely tired. Take it easy and update us when you can. :hugs:

Maria - Did you try to the Pregnancare New Mum multivitamins? I think they're helped with my hair. Fingers crossed your body keeps up with ovulating so things happen quickly for you when you're ready to ttc again. :flower:
Kyla - I did look for those vitamins but our local Boots or Superdrug don't stock them. Perhaps I can try another store, though ours is quite a big one :shrug:
Hi Maria, I order the vitamins direct from They still do 3 for 2 like Boots, but you also get loyalty points with them for next time you shop. There is a Bounty code which works for more money off, but I can't find it at the minute but this code might still work for another 5% off VITA5OFF :winkwink:
Hi All hope your all ok?
Congratulations sunny on your arrivals.

All good this end Rory is keeping us very busy but is a very happy gorgeous boy and I'm loving it. xxx
:hi: Nikkia! Great to hear from you. I bet Rory's personality is emerging every day :cloud9: Are you in a routine or do you go with the flow?

How's everyone else? Bride and Keisha, thinking of you both :hugs:

All fine here. Jude is crawling now so it's baby proofing time all round the house as he is into exploring his surroundings. :baby:
Hey ladies sorry I haven't been much whooooo to all you lovely ladies who have had there babies hope yous are all keeping well !
Well I've a story so at the start of august I got my period and decided to try femara for a month thought what had I got to lose so my period due date came and I got all cramps and new it was on its way so decided instead of getting my period I'd take he pill for six weeks and go get our iui ! Started the pill three weeks ago and last week felt a bit unwell thought I had a bug as I was sick still felt sick so decided to stop the pill today sick again so I said ill test not expecting anything ! Well I nearly fell of the toilet when I got a BFP so I did another test both clear blue digital ones and both say pregnant 3+ weeks which means I was prop preg all along and didn't need to start the pill ! Oh I'm all over the place thinking of everything will be going the doctor tomorrow to confirm !
What do yous all think could I have actually been pregnant and not realised xx

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