Mrs Chambers - I had a feeling you may be
When they told you to test before the OD...I just "knew" you'd have one of them miracles when it happens either just before IVF or OD!
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! Enjoy the H&H 9 months
I also think that these stories only happen to other people - but they are all around us and you never know, I might be next
Ren - we've been told to try naturally for about 3 months then consider Clomid again. Then if still nothing after 9 months I think it's IVF. Why wouldn't they do IVF for you?
tryingforever - hope your OD went well this morning. Thinking of you
Keepsmiling - OD is designed to help address your PCOS problems. You shouldn't do it unless you have PCOS that affects ovulation/cycles. If the only problem is MF then OD certainly won't help.
DH's first SA came back with 8% morph. We were told it's within the 4% minimum....but let's get real - less than 1 in 10 swimmers was normal!!! So he started taking Wellman Conception, eating more fruit and veg and cut out alcohol - in 6 weeks morph went up to 17%