Thank you

I know what you mean, I wouldn't wish it on anybody but it seems particularly cruel when people have tried for so long - a lot of my LTTC friends have had one or more mcs as well and it just seems so unfair.
My cycles have always been quite irregular. These are my cycle lengths from Oct 2009 to Aug 2012:- 63, 51, 35, 65, 42, 34, 82, 31, 31, 31, 29, 30, 30, 83, 78, 81, 32, 40, 76, 16, 29, 31.
I got my BFP on CD34 of the next cycle but started to bleed on CD40. The hospital confirmed miscarriage with beta HCGs but I started getting positive urine tests again over a week later and new beta HCGs showed that my levels were rising again. The doctors believed it was a new pregnancy, but they're not 100% sure - unfortunately, after a couple of weeks I started to miscarry again and it ended up being quite drawn out because I wanted it to happen naturally. It took just over 2 weeks to start bleeding, despite falling HCG Levels, and then the bleeding lasted 3 weeks.
The next cycle lengths were:- 61, 29, 56, 31, 34, 39, 32, 64, 29
I sometimes ovulate on my own, but it's been confirmed that I don't always ovulate. That's one of the reasons the gynaecologist prescribed Clomid previously - I took it for 5/6 cycles but didn't get a BFP and i'm no longer eligible on the NHS as my BMI is slightly too high. DH had a sperm analysis done when we first started TTC - they didn't give us the results in detail, they just said there was no problem there.
We had considered IVF, but again we're not eligible on the NHS due to BMI being too high and we cannot afford to go private. So until i've lost the weight that's not an option for us
We had a break for a while, NTNP instead, but for the last couple of cycles i've been using a CBFM because I got my BFP with it last year. I got a peak last cycle but it didn't result in pregnancy, this cycle it hasn't detected a peak (only Highs) but I started using BBT this cycle too and FF thinks it detected ovulation on CD15 (making me 10dpo). Ovufriend has me at 8dpo, because it's marked ovulation on CD17 - i'm inclined to go with that because it's a clearer thermal shift and I had EWCM at the same time.
I've had some cramping the last couple of days which started at the same time as a slight temp dip at 5dpo (7dpo with FF) so I'm really hoping that it was implantation, but I get cramps before AF too so not sure. I've also had a little bit of indigestion and I've been gassy but I get that on occasion anyway, so still not certain.
I took a test this morning and there was a very very faint line in the time limit, but I had similar faint lines on those ICs last month in the time limit that turned out to be evaps.

Hoping for a new years BFP