anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Thank you so much for the positive words, I’m so excited to have it done and move to the next step which will hopefully be the BFP (i know may take months). I went for my Pre-op on Monday and they said that all my blood work came back good and my A-something-H levels were GREAT! I asked her what that meant and she said pretty much my ability to grow large enough eggs to fall pregnant were above average. So pretty much the fact that i have so many cysts on my ovaries that they won’t allow an egg to grow large enough. (is what i got from it). What all did they tell you and do on your pre-op?
They probably meant your AMH! Problems with AMH indicate low ovarian reserve so you sound to be completely in the clear and have a great egg bank :haha:

I think my pre-op only looked at infections and things like HIV :wacko:
Hi Barberwife :flower:
Have you had your op? How did it go?
I can't remember much about my pre-op, they didn't check very much at all! I don't know though if this is because I was ttc no2, and had fallen pregnant naturally before? They did swabs for MRSA and generally told me what to expect. :dohh:
PCOS makes a hard capsule around the ovary which makes it difficult/impossible for eggs to break through, so having great AMH levels is a really good sign the op could work well for you :thumbup: I don't remember if this has been mentioned before but you need to count the day of your op as CD1. Sending you lots and lots of baby dust

AFM - Still feeling really low. I'm irritable all the time - maybe hormonal. I've got the HV coming in early January to offer me some support and then I will start to look for some support groups. I've just completed a course in peer-to-peer breastfeeding support so I am looking forward to helping other ladies establish breastfeeding. That should give me something positive to be getting on with.

How are you all?
Oh wow Kyla - well done for the bf course. That's fantastic because I used all the support I could find so the more of you are around the better!

I'm so sorry you are feeling low. Pcos is clearly not helping because of the higher male hormones - that does make you more irritable. I also often feel like murdering someone. People don't understand me - they think I'm being selfish and silly. And I agree but I can't technically control it - and that makes it even worse. Knowing I should be eternally happy but in reality things can be very different :nope:
Thanks Maria :flower: I wanted to do the course for ages as so many Mums have said they'd have breastfed longer (or even started) with peer support so I thought I'd give it a try. I'll be happy if I can make a difference to just one new Mum.

It IS hard when you feel irritable and you can't control it. Stupid pcos I really hate it! I think it contributes towards my depression too. :dohh:
Hi have you all been? well I am supposed to have the surgery in January 2014!!! hoping for the will be a new year.....I turn 30 in January...I am trying to be hopeful....I am very scared....but hearing all your stories gives me a lot of hope.....especially Maria F.....thanks for all the support.....just a few quick bad was the pain afterwards? what meds helped you?....well wishing all you gals merry christmas and a happy new year!!!
Shardil - best of luck!! OD can do wonders really. I had 2 laparoscopies and pain afterwards is very manageable. It's uncomfortable and you have to take it easy bu you can walk pretty much right away. Afer my second op I was back in the saddle in a week!
thanks maria F. i have been reading a lot of posts.....a lot of women said that they did not ovulate before the drilling....but i know you can have a period and still not i don't even have a period on my own (only with Diane or provera in the past) that would be both ammenorhoea and annovulation....did any of you all have no periods as well?....i did a million tests...FSH, LH, morning cortisol, androstedione, dexamethosone, ACTH...all sorts of things the endocrinologist made me do....did you all do the dye test as well? i think that is to check for blockages of the tubes?.i got recommendations from 2 gynaecologists to go ahead with the hubby is on board now!
I didn't ovulate on my own, almost at all. I stopped the Pill in Oct 2009 and ovulated on my own in Jan 2010. Then I went on to ovulate twice more in march and April. But from April didn't ovulate or get a period until August when I took provera to get a bleed. Then I had 7 or 8 months of Clomid and I did ovulate about 5-6 time with Clomid.

But after the od I ovulated nearly every month!!!
Hi Shardil

I was nervous about having the OD done because I am a wimp with medical things and was frightened of the pain. I actually found that it wasn't that painful afterwards, mostly just sore. The first 24-48 hours I found I had gas pains left over from where they put air in to look at your ovaries. I had the referred pains in my shoulders so the night of my op after I recovered at home was the worst, then it just got better over the next few days.
Yes, they did the dye test for me, in order to check my tubes for blockages. :thumbup:
I had pcos since my teens and all my life I have had period problems. They have varied from very heavy periods but regular in my teens which made getting on with school life difficult, to long gaps between periods, I think I once went just over a year without one and some years I'd have 3 periods in a year. I did manage to have a natural pregnancy (I was 28 when I conceived after weight loss) and then I had to have the drilling done for number 2.
The op is all good, try not to worry about pain, as Maria said it is manageable, it's just a tiny amount of time in your life to get onto the next step of your journey. :hugs:
:hi: ladies,

Another post from me! Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. :xmas9:
I have finally started my parenting journal. It's just early days on it, but it IS a start. As some of you may have read, I'm suffering with Post Natal Depression :cry: I had it with DS1 and now I have it again. Today is a really down day for me, I have enjoyed a family Christmas and Boxing Day and today is back to normal so feeling very low so hoping the journal will help.
Here's the link (don't know how to get it in my siggy without the whole link - any ideas??)
Hi All :) I'm new here...

I have PCOS and after two and a half years TTC without a BFP, I had Ovarian Drilling at the end of February 2012 and fell pregnant around 6 months (4 cycles) later in early August 2012 whilst also taking Metformin.

Unfortunately, the pregnancy did end in miscarriage and we're still TTC #1 but I'm still positive about the OD because the only time we have managed to get a BFP in our 4.5 years of trying was in the 6 months after OD. :thumbup:

Good luck xx
Welcome kit!!! I'm so sorry about the m/c. It's always devastating but perhaps even more so when you've been trying for SO long. I'm sending you lots of :dust:

How are your cycles now? Do you ovulate on your own? I see you are in the 2ww. Any symptoms this cycle?
And has DH been checked over? Is he all fine?

Have you also considered doing IVF? Like you say you DID get pregnant so you CAN get pregnant naturally so it's just taking time again.

Kyla - will check out your journal in a moment :hugs:
Thank you :) I know what you mean, I wouldn't wish it on anybody but it seems particularly cruel when people have tried for so long - a lot of my LTTC friends have had one or more mcs as well and it just seems so unfair.

My cycles have always been quite irregular. These are my cycle lengths from Oct 2009 to Aug 2012:- 63, 51, 35, 65, 42, 34, 82, 31, 31, 31, 29, 30, 30, 83, 78, 81, 32, 40, 76, 16, 29, 31.

I got my BFP on CD34 of the next cycle but started to bleed on CD40. The hospital confirmed miscarriage with beta HCGs but I started getting positive urine tests again over a week later and new beta HCGs showed that my levels were rising again. The doctors believed it was a new pregnancy, but they're not 100% sure - unfortunately, after a couple of weeks I started to miscarry again and it ended up being quite drawn out because I wanted it to happen naturally. It took just over 2 weeks to start bleeding, despite falling HCG Levels, and then the bleeding lasted 3 weeks.

The next cycle lengths were:- 61, 29, 56, 31, 34, 39, 32, 64, 29

I sometimes ovulate on my own, but it's been confirmed that I don't always ovulate. That's one of the reasons the gynaecologist prescribed Clomid previously - I took it for 5/6 cycles but didn't get a BFP and i'm no longer eligible on the NHS as my BMI is slightly too high. DH had a sperm analysis done when we first started TTC - they didn't give us the results in detail, they just said there was no problem there.

We had considered IVF, but again we're not eligible on the NHS due to BMI being too high and we cannot afford to go private. So until i've lost the weight that's not an option for us :(

We had a break for a while, NTNP instead, but for the last couple of cycles i've been using a CBFM because I got my BFP with it last year. I got a peak last cycle but it didn't result in pregnancy, this cycle it hasn't detected a peak (only Highs) but I started using BBT this cycle too and FF thinks it detected ovulation on CD15 (making me 10dpo). Ovufriend has me at 8dpo, because it's marked ovulation on CD17 - i'm inclined to go with that because it's a clearer thermal shift and I had EWCM at the same time.

I've had some cramping the last couple of days which started at the same time as a slight temp dip at 5dpo (7dpo with FF) so I'm really hoping that it was implantation, but I get cramps before AF too so not sure. I've also had a little bit of indigestion and I've been gassy but I get that on occasion anyway, so still not certain.

I took a test this morning and there was a very very faint line in the time limit, but I had similar faint lines on those ICs last month in the time limit that turned out to be evaps. :shrug: Hoping for a new years BFP :cloud9:
Oh Kit! Can you get a frer perhaps?! Or who'll you wait out till af doesn't show hopefully?
I'm keeping everything crossed it wasn't an evap! I only got evaps on ic's after the time limit (like at the 10 minute mark a grey line would show up). :dust:

Are you still on metformin? I found the only thing that helped me lose weight was a strict low gi diet. It was actually quite ok because you can still eat meat and veg and some pulses. But strictly no pastry, sugar, alcohol, potatoes and white bread/pasta/rice. Wholegrain bread and pasta was ok a couple of times a week I think. Also absolutely no alcohol and only fruit low in sugar and no fruit juice.

After a month I could definitely see results! I was on metforminnfor a total of a year before I think I saw any benefits from it.
Thanks hun :hugs: I do have a FRER but I'm saving it until either New Year's Eve or until I get a clearer line on an IC - hubby will probably kill me if I buy anymore FRERs at the min, used 6 last cycle :haha:

Unfortunately, I think yesterday's test was another evap like last cycle because the line is much fainter (barely visible) today. Ovufriend still has me at 9dpo and FF has me at 11dpo, so I know there's still time but feeling discouraged at the moment. I never used to get evaps on ICs inside the time limit but a lot of people seem to get them now, so wondering if the tests are lower quality than they used to be.

I'm not on Metformin any more because i'm not eligible on the NHS anymore because my BMI is slightly too high. :( My BMI is a little over 35, and the local NHS trust has a policy of not providing fertility aid to women with a BMI over 35 - because i'm taking Metformin for PCOS, to try and get pregnant, it applies to that too. Which is ridiculous - my PCOS symptoms seemed to get worse when I stopped taking it.
Oh that's SO stupid of the nhs! The whole point of taking Metformin is to help lose the weight if you have pcos. It's so much harder to get your sugar levels under control without it. Everyone raves about the nhs but it gets my blood boiling. Why does it provide free care to God and it's wife even if they've never paid any tax in this country and then there's no funds left for the "non life threatening" treatment like fertility?!

Can you post a pic of the test? It's normal for the line to get much fainter on the ic's when they dry out. The control line isn't as bright either. Have you done another one today? I'm still so hopeful for you!
Yeah, it just doesn't seem fair :(

Literally, the only thing they'll do for me at the minute is refer me to a dietician who would see me once a month. I saw one twice in the past though, once for 3 months and once for about 6 months and did everything they asked and both times they were satisfied with my progress and even though I lost some weight, I didn't lose the required weight.

This is yesterday's test:-

And today's:-
Hmmm, I see what you mean. Yesterday's does look darker. I didn't have to squint to see a line! Today's - I'm not so sure about.

But - I got a super early BFP. 9dpo on frer when my BLOOD levels on 10 dpo were only 17 so God knows what they were in urine the day before!!! So I know frer are super sensitive. And an ic didn't show anything until 12dp and even then you had to squint. The ic I used was 25miu in sensitivity so chances are on 12dpo my levels were probably about 50 in blood and 25-30 in my wee (I had another Beta done on 14dpo and the result was 151). So basically ic didn't give me a good line until about 14-15dpo!!!

Still everything crossed for you!!
It's the same IRL - Yesterday's test was faint, but i'm sure I could see it and I thought it looked pink. But today's was a total squinter even once it was dry :shrug:

I'll try again with FMU in the morning :) Last time I got my positive it didn't show up on a FRER until 12dpo, but it was visible on an IC the day before at 11dpo. Then, it showed up on a digi at 13dpo.

Fingers crossed that my 8dpo test really was the start of a BFP and my urine was just less concentrated today or something. I'll be 10dpo tomorrow so really hope to see something. :)

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