anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Woops sorry Torilou for spelling your name wrong - really sorry!:blush:

Hun can I ask how do they know that you get mature follies but they just dont burst? Is that found out from prog tests or scans? xx

Scans. I had a scan about 5 days after the LH surge and sever pains (so what would have been ovulation), yet the formations were still there and looking very large.
I know after ovulation the ovary still has corpus luteum but they are meant to be smaller than the original follicle - not larger!!!
Trouble is that those cysts that I had still produce progesterone so according to bloods I do ovulate perfectly!
Ive been reading through loads of info on the net and there's many stories where according to bloods, opk's and ovulation signs ladies were ovulating. Yet it turned out the follicles weren't popping. No one knows why it's happening. And even the HCG shot didn;t always help.

The only way to tell for sure is to have scans in the run up to ovulation, then wait for the positive OPK, then have another scan about 5 days after that. Whereas as Im sure you know they usually stop scanning you when they see a mature follie - they just assume it will pop! Not so!!

Arza - I went to BMI in Eastbourne. They charge about £2,200 for the op +£500 for the anaesthetic +£100 for follow up appointment.

Im shocked how different prices are at the same brand of hospitals :wacko:

Very interesting!! Will look into that as ive never had a scan after supposed ov but prog tests came back I did (whilst on clomid) but ended up with what I can only assume were cysts as still none the wiser why he did the drilling yet, presuming because the layer on ovarys was thick, did you have the drilling because of this or from having pcos? xx
Hi everyone,
Reading through this whole thread is really inspiring. There is hope after all. Congratulations to all you expectant mums and wishing all the luck in the world to future expectant mums!!!

My story -
I had always known something was wrong - From day 1 my periods were irregular - Eating healthily and exercising but not able to shift excess weight easily. I am 30 now - But since the age of 16 have been to and fro from the doctors regarding my periods and the problem with not being able to lose weight. Last year I changed doctors and spoke to my new doctor - I was concerned as my OH and I had been trying for almost 3 years without success. This was last June - I was sent on several blood tests, then later referred to see a consulant. I saw him in January - He sent me for yet more tests and would see me again in 3 months. Finally yesterday I was told I have PCOS. I now have to wait for an appointment for Ovarian Drilling and dye Op. I knew nothing about either but have spent all day yesterday and this morning finding all the info I can.
This thread really gives hope that it can happen and will happen.
I am a completely new to all of the drugs mentioned in the thread so may need some helpful advice with these later on.....

Appreciate any advice / useful tips you can give... :)

Take care
Vick xx
Anything u wanna ask just pm me. I've had pcos for 14 years and know pretty much everything about it. Sounds like u finally have a good fs who will look after u xx
Hi Vickie,

Sorry that you have PCOS. Its not easy when they say in this day and age they cant do anything for us!

When I was diagnosed and went to see my specialist they said that I should try a drug called Clomifene Citrate (Clomid) first as that induces ovulation. I hear however that it works really well for people with a healthy BMI or people who have lost 10% of their body weight prior to starting this drug, in my case I was overweight with irregular cycles and it didnt work over the 5 cycles I used it, but I know a lot of people that it has worked for 1st time round, so if your FS does suggest that you use Clomid first I suggest if you are not already so, get into your healthy BMI first and if you already are then it may just work for you. However use Ovulation predictor kits (use the good brands) and if it is positive optimise that time with a good lubricant and lots of baby making and take very little stress, I wish I had done this in hindsight as I had totally relied on the medication and nothing else - except for the baby making LoL! (Sorry for too much info!)

I would also suggest that when you see an FS ask if they do cycle monitoring, as I have also heard that this also really helps as the doctor becomes very attached to your case and helps you out more, not to mention they wil know exactly what is going on inside!

That is all I know for the moment I am waiting for my OD operation as well, so food luck and if you have any questions let me know and if I can I will reply back - GOOD LUCK!

Thank you so much in taking the time to reply and sharing some very useful info.
(Help... I'm not too hot on these shortcut words - Whats FS??)
I am already on Day 3 of Dukan Diet which weirdly I had started prior to finding out I had PCOS. From looking on the net I have since found following a low carb diet is good for PCOS. The Dukan is great - Certainly recommend it.
I need to lose approx 2 stone to be within healthy BMI and am soo prepared to do this if it ups my chances of falling pregnant with/without clomid....

Have you any idea how long you have to wait before your OD?
Does anyone know how much time you have to take off from work after the Op? Is it standard a few days? or not necessary?

Thanks again for your advice and tips - Keep them coming!! :)

FS is - Fertility specialist I think! :)
RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist :)

I too need to lose 1.5 stone to get in to the healthy BMI and have been sweating my butt off for the past three weeks walking and gym classes..I lost about 7 pounds in my first week and since then stayed constant. I have stuck mainly to a low calorie diet as well. To be honest I find all this food counting quite the hassle I wish there was an easy way to eating healthy except for fruits and boiled Veg! Urgggh! I am sure there must be easy healthy recipies but I am so obsessed I probably miss the healthy stuff altogether. I hope I eventually do start to lose weight again otherwise I will go to see my doctor for some medical help....coz I may be insulin resistant.

Losing weight definately helps literally everyone on the internet that has lost weight have got pregnant naturally or with the help of Clomid after 10% weight loss at the least! Good luck to you and me!

About the OD, I have been told that I will be referred now and I will get an appointment in approx 8 weeks time, we have most probably decided that we will go private and so I will book myself in for the 1st of June....God Willing. It seems such a long while away! I am hoping to have lost some weight by then just to make sure the operation will work for me. The surgeon has told me that it is a 45 minute procedure, then a one nighter at the hospital, then 2 weeks off from work to get better. Other people have not been off for that long maybe a week, but I will follow the doc's advice to the book I think. (Any excuse to be off work, not lose my holidays and get paid!!)

Yes, any tips and advices will be appreciated!
Thanks for letting me know the codes - I keep reading them trying to make sense.
Sounds like we are in a similar situation -
I tried all sorts of Diets over the years and stuck to them like clockwork and the weight just wouldn't come off. Then last year I discovered the Cambridge Diet. Basically living on the minimum of vits and minerals. 1 soup, 1 porridge and 1 shake a day - This is the only diet I have done where I managed to lose the weight. I managed to keep it off for a year but slowly it's gone back on again - I don't want to do that diet again as I don't feel it's the right way - Literally starving yourself!!! I want to do it properly with diet and exercise but it just doesn't happen.
I been following the Dukan all week - Which has an attack phase to which you don't eat carbs for the first five days, then move onto the cruise phase until you reach your ideal weight - Everyone I know loses so many lbs, but me, I stick to it like clock work and I just don't lose what I think I should. It really gets me down!! It's all I think about from morning to bed time!! But I will keep on -

I can go private through my work but the consultant has been so good - I'm terrified if I go private then if it doesn't work I will blow my chances of getting ivf on the nhs...... I don't know how it works....
Too right - I'm hoping to get signed off for 2 weeks - Like you say, fully paid, not losing my holidays :)

I have booked an appointment with my doc tonight to find out if I can get referred to a dietician who knows something about losing weight with PCOS.. Will let you know anything I find out....
Just read this thread tonight and I am so happy I found it. I just had OD on Monday (April 18th) and I returned to work today. Feel pretty good. Still have some bloating and gas pains, but nothing I can't handle. This thread is very encouraging. I can't wait to go to my post-op appointment on Monday to find out what my next step is.

Good Luck to everyone! :thumbup:
Good luck. Hope the op brings you yr well deserved baby x

snflwrgrl9 - Glad ur feeling well after ur op, let us know how you get on, it will give us future ODers some boost! :)

Vickie- I know exactly how you feel, I too do not want this to be a one time weight loss it should be a lifestyle change for life. Well I go to do Zumba atleast twice a week, and all the rest of the days I do atleast an hour walk/jog, I hope to be running it all soon! In terms of diet, I eat what I eat normally but a lot less, I figure that starving myself will not help as I will just damage my health, so I steer clear of junk foods like crisps, fries, burgers etc but I eat regularly when I am hungry - I think the experts call it grazing and I eat only healthy things like an apple, or a plum or carrot sticks - You get the point...Its sort of helping...and I eat 3 square but small meals a day. My DH says he can see a big difference in me - so thats motivating me..

I have now definately booked my operation for 1st of June and am looking forward to that, and trying my hardest to lose as much weight as possible for it all to work.

Maria - where are you? Hope you are well and please reply soon with an update and I pray that this time its your BFP we will be reading about soon!

Just dropping by to say hi again and to give you all some hope, 21st Feb I had my od and 21st April I got my BFP! Heres to wishing you all the best, keep me in your thoughts that this will be a sticky one girls! xxx
Wow congratulations torilou. That's brilliant news. This will work out for need to worry hun but I'm sending lots of good thoughts all the same xxx
Thank you Kstan, all the best to you too hun! Cant believe it really, still in shock, was supposed to be going to see my fs on Tues and will now be ringing up Tues morn to cancel, wanna go just to give him a great big kiss!! lol xxx
Haha. I understand that. I've got y follow up in may. Know I should cancel but I just wanna go and hug him and tell him I love him x
Aw lovely news congratulations torilou I am really pleased for you xxx

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