anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Looks like it's just me and Bumski still not preggo from those who had OD a while ago :cry:
I'm cd29 or something and still no ovulation :nope: I really regret having OD now. It hasn't made a jot of a difference yet cost me 3k and obviously all the stress of an operation...

I really don't know what the next step shud be...I already had 6 months of Clomid and ovulated on 5 of them. So don't see much point of taking it again. I guess IVF us next although I doubt it will work either. If it hasn't happened after everything I've done so far, what would IVF change?!

I guess OD is only successful for 80% of ladies so I must be the remaining 20%....
Hi Maria,

Listen, not to worry hun, you had your operation recently. People have got pregnant a lot later after their op.

Are you absolutely sure you arent pregnant? could be! U never know! Even if you aren't, I am the last person to say this but have will happen for you too...I know you want it really bad as much as I be positive :)

Smile hun, it may still be your will be in my prayers!
Hi MariaF, i am trying to be patient still waiting for my BFP, & i did OD back in Aug last year. I do O, i time BDing but still no BFP. I will be seeing my RE in June if nothing happens by then. It is difficult i know, but what else to do. I just pray that our little blessing will be soon.
Hi MariaF, i am trying to be patient still waiting for my BFP, & i did OD back in Aug last year. I do O, i time BDing but still no BFP. I will be seeing my RE in June if nothing happens by then. It is difficult i know, but what else to do. I just pray that our little blessing will be soon.

have u not had clomid? I had od the same day as you and had 3 rounds of clomid and i found out i was pregnant in January, i had never ovulate before od and clomid
Hi Babydust1, I did 11 Clomid cycles before OD & Oed atleast 9 of those cycles , so no more clomid for me. I was placed on Tomaxifen after my two first natural cycles after OD because i was Oing a little late. I am presently on my 5th Tomaxifen cycle & just KMFX. A little frustrated but i am still very hopeful. Really hoping that i don't have to go the IVF route SO EXPENSIVE!!!
Its been 11 days since my OD procedure. Had a smiley face on the OPK today (first time ever to O)
Hi all...just checking in and saying Hi....Hope your all ok and that all those BFP's are going well xx well abit more about me...had the OD 16th Mar and today is the 30th April...I have had no AF at all...had bleeding from 16-28th Mar...but nothing since then....did a few days of OPK and all negative....Spoke to my gynae and no clomid no fertility drugs no follow ups nothing...if anything they want to try on our own for 6mths and if nothing then i have to be referred again to the gynaes.....great......Does anyone know whether you can fall pregnant without having a AF?? We been away for a few days and have been BD quite alot even up to 2 times a day..TMI i knw ... sorry...But because I am soooo stressed and carefree, i started smoking again and i know i put on weight...I currently am in the obese catagory and have a BMI of 45.....which is huge..I knw...but i cannot seem to shift the weight and because I am soo tired with this all, I have put weight on, starting smoking again, no AF....I am sick of it!!! what does a woman need to do.........!!!!Any advise??????????
ANY NEW BFPs?? I should be Oing this weekend so I am hoping to join the OD BFP Club soon!!!
Good luck girls, really hope it works for you xx
hey, has anyone had trouble with their belly button healing after od surgery. i still have stitches coming out. thanks for the replies.
Hello ladies, I'm brand new here and I found this forum is just what I need right now. I had my OD on Feb. 28 and now is like May 9 but I still don't have AF yet... so confuse right now. Anyone have the same problem as I am? I'm very depress now... please advise.. is it normal to not have AF and how long suppose to have AF after OD??? HELP!!!
I have been trying to conceived for about 5 years. Then my Gyneacologist prescribed me duphaston and Clomid at the same time to help me regulate my cycle. Then she referred for an ovarian drilling which took place in december and i also continued with clomid. 6 months later i conceived which was the exact time I was told. Unfortunately I miscarried on the 15 weeks of my pregnancy. 3 months later I again got pregnant for a twin pregnancy which was great and again i mc in week 20 i was so upset about it. It has been a year since I have again been trying to conceive and no luck since.

Now I am wondering whether it would be possible for me to have OD again, as i am desperate to have a baby. My GP as refered me to a Gynea to the NHS as the last time I went private. And I will not be able to afford it again this time.

Has anybody had OD twice?

i dont think its possible to have it twice but all you can do is ask hun, it depends if you had both sides done, because i only had one ovary done and that was my left side i couldnt get my right side done due to my bowls been in the way but he did she if it was any problem and i didnt fall pregnant he would take me back in and do only that side, so u can ask hun i wish you the best of luck and i hope you get your dream very soon :hugs:
Gosh, I haven't posted on here for ages....

Just wanted to see how everyone was doing? Most girls seem to have gotten their BFP but Im sure there were others who are still waiting after the OD.

It's been nearly 3 months since mine. I think I ovulated once in this time but did have 3 periods (very erratic cycles).
Im currently CD8 and have taken Clomid this cycle. But Im not too hopeful. Something tells me we have bigger problems. If it hadn't happened already, after everything Ive been through :nope:

We have our free NHS FS appointment in 4 weeks and been told we can have 2 free IUIs and 1 free IVF. I guess that's next but it still seems to surreal...
Hi ladies, this is my 8th cycle since OD, i did Ovulate on all cycles but no BFP, So i will be visiting my RE on Saturday to find out what is our next step. GL!!! to all the other OD girls waiting on their BFPs!
Good luck for your appointment, keisha. I also don't understand why its still not happening for us :shrug:
Hi MariaF,

So good to hear from you! That you are still checking in - please keep us posted.

Well I am in for my OD next week Wednesday- It just cannot come quickly enough. I am also on a weight loss journey - extremely hard. I have lost just a megre 14 pounds in one month - now I am on a plateau so nothing coming off...this is a lifelong struggle so still keeping up with it. I feel better though definately positive.

I am really worried about after the op...just trying not to think about it, I hope that they dont find anything else that is more serious, and I really hope the op works for me. So I will let you know how it goes.

Please wish me well, and anybody reading this post say a small prayer for me next Wednesday A.M OK! :) Any suggestions please let me know...

Good luck to all of you fellow OD'ers! :)
Best of luck Arza - it has come round sooo quickly :wacko: Although it may not seem that way to you.

I would say make sure you follow the No eating No drinking rules - I think it's 10 or 12 hours before the op that you can't eat. This will ensure the anaesthetic takes well and you won't have the nasty sickness when you wake up.
I had 2 laps and the secodn one way better than the first! After the secodn one I was literally running around after 2 days - I couldn't walk upright because of the stitches but I was moving about no problem. I almost felt a bit of a cheat for not going back to work right away!
Ill be thinking of you on wednesday. I hope it works quickly for you! :thumbup:

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