anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

had my bloodwork done today, BFN. Looking forward to the next month. Hoping this will be it!
THANKS Kstan & Tella for the encouraging words!!!

The two cycles following my surgery i Oed on CD20 & CD22 (Sept. & Oct.). I went back to my RE he gave me Tamoxifen so i could O earlier. So in Dec & Jan i Oed on CD15 both months. In late January I went to my GP for a regular checkup & found out that my Blood Pressure was a little high 140/90, so she decided to put me on Aldomet which is a Pregnancy safe meds for High Blood Pressure. Since than from Feb-April my Ovulation CD have been between CD19 & CD24. My Blood Pressure went back to normal so i stopped taking the meds in late April. To my SURPRISE my May cycle my current cycle i Oed on CD14 I was so SHOCKED. I think that the BP meds was messing with my cycle. I know i needed to take it, so happy now that i can start having cycles with 28 days. It is so hard testing and waiting to O on CD24, that's so stressing. I was even planning on starting BDing later this month, so happy that i started early. I got my cross hair this morning so I will be testing in the next 2 weeks.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!!!!!
I thought this was meant to be a forum for discussing issues that we all have in common....thanks for no comments replies or advise guys...much appreciated...hope u all get ur bfp's soon....i thought i would get some advise following my last message but seems like some people are just selfish...want allll the info and then when its their bfp, they bugger rude and selfish !!!!!!!!!!! anyways no disrespect to those that have responded ... good luck and god bless u all x
Snflwr sorry about bfn hun. Fx for you, keisha, maria, arza,symplsam,ren and everyone else testing soon get bfps. As always, will b popping in to check on u girls as all the od graduates do.

Ren obv yr very frustrated at the moment. We've all been there trying to get bfp so understand yr anxiety but here really is no need to be abuse on here. Everyone who has bfps continue to pop in here o offer support and encouragement so think yr comments are very unfair.
Kstan - to be honest I have to partially agree with Ren. You are the only one who still pops in here and that's understandable because you guys belong somewhere else now. I do understand where Ren is coming from - when you are really frustrated and no one seems to repond it's easy to just pour it all out on here :nope:

Ren - i went back to look for your message and the latest one was 6 weeks ago. Sometimes it's hard to reply to every single post - and i certainly don't get responses to everything I say/ask. But you should try and be a bit of a more active member maybe :shrug:
I didn't go through what you've been going through after the op but may be others have?! I would say it's the weight that's stopping you from ovulating. Have you ever taken Metformin? It can really help with the weight loss. Have you also tried a low GI diet? Like cutting out all wheat, sugar, potatoes, rice, pasta for say 2 months? Pit helped me lose about 5 pounds in 2 weeks! I know it's not much but in 2 months that could be around 20 pounds!
May be you can try reflexology and acupuncture to help with stress?

I just wanted to offer support because I've had times when I felt really sad, angry, down and mad at the whole world. I know you didn't want to offend anyone here and I sincerely hope you feel a bit better soon!:hugs:
I get that too. I only pop in every now and then and don't look back thru all the pages. A lot of us still pop in because we so want you guys to get yr bfp. It's horrible knowing that we've all been thru same but are all at different stages. The people who had bfps would love nothing more than to see everyone else get what they want too. X
Kstan - to be honest I have to partially agree with Ren. You are the only one who still pops in here and that's understandable because you guys belong somewhere else now. I do understand where Ren is coming from - when you are really frustrated and no one seems to repond it's easy to just pour it all out on here :nope:

I just wanted to offer support because I've had times when I felt really sad, angry, down and mad at the whole world. I know you didn't want to offend anyone here and I sincerely hope you feel a bit better soon!:hugs:

Well said. I completely agree. I had a few posts (starting a new thread) where I didn't get any replies, sure it is frustrating, but I figure if someone had the same experience and can offer some help they would post a reply. Also, this site is very popular and kind of hard to view every post. This is a very frustrating process for anyone going through it. :wacko:
Snflwrgrl - sorry its BFN :hugs: I'm 8DPO today of the 4th cycle after OD and a BFN today. I know its early, but I have no symptoms at all so I'm not hopeful :nope:

Just 2 weeks left till our next FS appointment. I've no idea what's next for us ...I hope its IUI followed by IVF.

Good luck to all those still waiting for that BFP!
Hi Ladies
snflwrgrl9 sorry for the bfn dont be discouraged .............well its 30 days since i had OD, Im waiting patiently for AF to get started on trying How soon did u guys have to wait for AF to come after OD ?

Baby dust to all
Hello ALL the ladies on here:

snflwrgrl9 - Soooo Sorry about the BFN! I love ur +ve attitude though! :)

Ren78 - I agree with Maria - You should have maybe come on again, and I am sure we would have got back to you. There are just so many posts on here that in my case I do forget others at times and something will come up again and I will have to go back and find the start of the story! (Dont know if that makes sense)

One idea would be to keep all our signatures up to date so we can always pick up on updates on there. Also always put an update of yourself in a reply to someone else - so that no one is 4go10! Haha - I am just coming up with random things to help answer everyones queries!

In my case - I am grateful to all of you who remember me and reply! Even if you just think of me with a prayer.. Bless u!
Symplsam - I O'd 11 days after my OD. Then 15 days after AF arrived. I am currently waiting for AF to arrive for my second cycle. I feel good that my body is working the way it should (finally!) - justing hoping for a BFP soon!
Hi Ladies....hope your all well and keeping safe and healthy...1stly I want to apologise for my outburst yesterday and yes Maria, you are right i am very frustrated....and have nowhere to run.......If anything I was really hoping that after the OD i would at least have my own AF...but nothing....16th Mar I had my OD. Since then, no cycles at all. Have BD about 2/3 wks after the OD and now cant be bothered. Used OPK for about 1 month and then gave up that no cycles, dont think i am OV and no weight loss no BFP nothing........So yes it hurts when people have had the same and had some form of outcome........its one thing after another.....i did take metformin for about 2 wks and couldnt handle the side effects...maybe il try again....i dont knw....Ive started drinking this tea called paiyouji and havent lost ay weight. had a full blood count and waiting for the results. I just dont know anymore....really upset and angry.....and Really sorry if i offended anyone xx started smokin again and just having few drinks here immune is awful....had 3 colds and flus since surgery :(
Hi Ladies....hope your all well and keeping safe and healthy...1stly I want to apologise for my outburst yesterday and yes Maria, you are right i am very frustrated....and have nowhere to run.......If anything I was really hoping that after the OD i would at least have my own AF...but nothing....16th Mar I had my OD. Since then, no cycles at all. Have BD about 2/3 wks after the OD and now cant be bothered. Used OPK for about 1 month and then gave up that no cycles, dont think i am OV and no weight loss no BFP nothing........So yes it hurts when people have had the same and had some form of outcome........its one thing after another.....i did take metformin for about 2 wks and couldnt handle the side effects...maybe il try again....i dont knw....Ive started drinking this tea called paiyouji and havent lost ay weight. had a full blood count and waiting for the results. I just dont know anymore....really upset and angry.....and Really sorry if i offended anyone xx started smokin again and just having few drinks here immune is awful....had 3 colds and flus since surgery :(

Don't give up Ren78. Try to stay positive. Praying all of our luck turns around so we can get our BFP's soon!
Symplsam - I O'd 11 days after my OD. Then 15 days after AF arrived. I am currently waiting for AF to arrive for my second cycle. I feel good that my body is working the way it should (finally!) - justing hoping for a BFP soon!

hi snflwrgrl9 ok good well im new to this board and when i joined it was already 21days after OD so i missed tracking ovulation, mainly because i wasnt informed that this could happened so today is day 30 since OD and today im having period like cramps so im guessing that its on its way. An also my Dr told me to expect my period in like a month or so. also when i did the OD i was on cd 21.
snflwrgrl - Sorry to hear about your :bfn:! Good luck with the next cycle! Will be keeping you in my prayers and holding thumbs for you.

Symplsam - Im on CD 11 today and is still doing OPK's as it is still negative.

keisha - Hopefully i will be getting a positive on the OPK in the next day or two (if im on a 28d cycle), because then we should be having the 2ww together :) Hopefully with a positive outcome :D

Red78 - Sorry girl, this journey is definitely not an easy one! My first post also got lost in all the msg's but after i came back and started posting more often, the more support i've received. Myself and DH have started an healthy diet to ensure our bodies is taken care of. Im sorry you started smoking again, i stopped a year and a bit ago because i wanted to start TTC, and it wasn't an easy task but well worth it. Hope you can find the strength to stop before it becomes an difficult addiction to break.

MariaF - Im so sorry you also got a :bfn: even if it is early. Hope the appointment with your FS comes quickly and that they will move on to the next step for you.

I did another OPK today (CD11) and it is still negative, still hoping that it will give me a positive in the next few days.

Simplsam - I was lucky and like snflwrgrl ovulated on day 12 after the drilling. I had a 26 day cycle. We BD'ed like mad so I was really disappointed not to have caught :nope: then I think I didn't ovulated (cd21 bloods confirmed it) but still had a 28 day cycle and then I did get a positive opk on cd12 of the 3d cycle but the cycle was only 23 day :shrug:
Now for the fourth cycle I've taken Clomid and am going for my bloods tomorrow to hopefully confirm ovulation although I'm 99% sure I did ov.

Tells - keep going! My FS said he'd expect me to have first af within 6 weeks of the op...which means I could have ovulated as late as 4 weeks after.

Ren - that's OK. It's nice to see you back on here :hugs: You remind me of how I felt last August...I was so upset and frustrated I cried in the office nearly every day and no one could mention babies without me having an outburst :cry: I do believe acupuncture helped me. It's not cheap (£45 a session) but after about 4 weekly sessions I could really feel a difference! It's soooo relaxing!
What diet/exercise plan are you on? As I said for us PCOS girls it's important to cut high GI foods. With Metformin you need to make sure you are on extended release version. You can ask your GP for a new prescription. I'm on it and except for a couple of days of loose stool didn't have any problems :blush: I heard similar feedback from other girsl. You start with 1 tablet a day and gradually increase it to 3.
I really think getting your BMI to below 40 will domthe trick and I wish you all the determination and luck in the work with the weight loss.
Also, I still drinknregularly. Not much , maybe a glass with my dinner but at least 3 times a day. I think wine/beer in moderation can't hurt!
Hi all

Ren hun I could be classed of one of those selfish ones but to be honest I dont post in here as I dont want to rub it in people faces with my ticker stuck underneath, I come back and check on you guys quite regular to be honest hoping that all the familiar faces will of got or soon have their bfp!

I know how hard and frustrating it is so I dont take offence as we all were/are in the same boat yet I refuse to feel guilty or bad that Im also now busy finding out different kinds of info that obvioulsy is important to me at this stage of my journey.

I really do wish you all the best and if I can be of any help to anyone then feel free to pm me or on here (I do still peek) ;)

Good luck to you all ladies and hope and pray that this year you will all have your dreams fulfilled

Hi Ladies!

Ren78 - Glad to see that you are back. In terms of weight I have a similar problem as you, my BMI was 29 - 30. I thought my diet was OK and I couldnt understand why I was putting on weight. However although I have not had a preganancy success, and I have not yet reached my target weight I thought I would just tell you what worked for me, as I have managed to lose 1.25 stone - I looked at so many diets and what made them up like WW, and CD diet - I then realised I couldn't follow any of them and I was sure to cheat so I made a conscious decision to make changes to what I eat normally - and excersice more.

I started by never skipping breakfast and having like Bran flakes or weetabix - as these have more fibre and low sugar. Then having salad or vegetables for lunch - snacking only on fruit no chocolates and no crisps ( I LOVE CRISPS) - Basically very few carbs, and more veggies, and almost the same rules for dinner - using a smaller plate helps alot, and eating with absolutely no distractions like the TV radio or computer also. As I read somewhere PCOS people should eat more things as provided by nature and not in a box! As they have low sugar and it is the sugar that makes us gain weight.

Correct me if I am wrong anybody - As far as I have researched PCOS does not cause insulin resistance - it is the other way round it is insulin resistance that causes PCOS when the cells in the body do not absorb insulin the liver has to produce a lot more almost twice, and this increase in Insulin causes blood sugar levels to remain high and that is why PCOS sufferers put on weight around their midsection. The same occurs in our cycles - When the ovarian cells do not recognise the presence of Insulin it fails to produce/ release the egg and instead where the egg would have been released it leaves a cyst, and when this happens over many cycles - we have poly cysts (More than one) hence the term Poly cystic ovaries! Since our bodies are not doing the natural thing i.e produce an egg and balance the hormones then finally if no egg fusion, a period every 28 - 31 days then it is due to the hormones we have a bulge in our midsection - and the presence of Male hormone Testosterone causes hair growth, and obviously the horrible infertility. There is a combination of factors however this is a summary :dohh:

So as PCOS sufferers we need to ensure that we help our bodies along - I read that cinnamon helps reduce insulin resistance so every morning instead of putting sugar in my tea I put a small amount of powdered cinnamon instead and I think its working or helping. This I had to do because my doc said that Metformin is a fairly new drug in the market and the side effects are not fully known as many women who take the drug face extreme side effects and he said that it is better to control the diet instead, infact he said that women who lose weight on Metformin only do so with a diet change and a good exercise regime, although they feel that they have lost weight using the drug - when in actual sense it is the dietary change and the exercise that does it. Well I didnt take Metformin, as my Doc refused, instead I just tried to eat only what God has provided on earth, and I have a motto now that I will not eat anything that does not require an effort on my part to make or prepare (and this does not include the effort it takes in opening a box), plus I exercise for an hour a day, I walk - Jog for an hour on some days and I go to classes on others. However exercise for an hour a day is a must! I have been doing this for the 8 weeks before my OP and I think its helped I can feel the difference. I do not drink or smoke so I cannot help on that front - but it would be good Ren78 if you can just be disciplined and not do it, dont just give up, do this for yourself and for that little angel/miracle that we all soooooo badly want.

I hope that I do not sound like a lecturer, and I know this is an OD forum so sorry if I am saying all this in the wrong place. Also I apologise for the long content of this post. I really hope this info helps others and I hope I am correct in what I am saying - If not please forgive me.

Baby dust to all! Wish all the people on here who are not pregnant - ALL THE BEST - we will all get there soon!

X x X
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.

I am having a down day. Had an appointment with the FS today for bloodwork and u/s and they said they may want to do an insemination this cycle. DH and I didn't want to do this at all. I am afraid mostly because of the cost and that my insurance won't cover it and of course, nothing is guaranteed to work. My insurance will only cover diagnostic procedures for infertility, but not fertility treamtents. So, I'll have to check with the billing department to see if it will be covered. All the co-pays for blood work and u/s are draining my bank account and starting to charge them to a credit card. Blah!!

Sorry to vent, but I just can't stop thinking about it and I am frustrated. Trying to stay positive! I hope everyone else is having a good day.
Nope, not having a good day either :nope:

Another wasted cycle - so that's 4 after OD and first on Clomid after OD.

I honestly thought it would have happened by now. Makes me think Im right in thinking it will never happen for us :nope:

Also, sorry to vent and be so pessimistic, but it sucks right now :cry:

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