anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Keisha - hoping for your BFP. FX!!!

MariaF - enjoy your weekend!

I am waiting to ovulate right now - hopefully this weekend. I hope this is THE month for all of us!
Thanks ladies, but my temp went down this morning so AF is not far away! I really wanted this to be a BFP, we need one very soon to encourage each other!!!
I agree Keisha403. I wish one of us would get a BFP soon, to give the rest of us some more confidence.

I had a disappointing appointment this morning. I was expecting to hear that I would be ovulating this weekend, but, instead the doctor said during my ultrasound that the follicle they were watching was not there. It was at 16 on Wednesday, but he did not see it today. Blood work showed that I have not ovulated yet. What the heck? Can it just disappear? I don't get it. BUT, he put me on Dexamethason to help with my hormones. Hope this "trick" works. I am very pleased with the response I get with my FS. He seems to want me to get pregnant and much as I do. If something isn't working, he gives me something else to try.

I will definitely be keeping up with our every other day BD and I will be using my OPK's every day! Since bloodwork shows I haven't ovulated yet, There is still a chance for a BFP this month!!

Hoping for a BFP on this thread soon!
hi ladies today is day 43 no AF yet i have been feeling hot and sweating more than usual in the last 2 -3weeks or so i mean really burning up, i have been to places where i will always feel cold and im sweating like a pig then my feet would turn cold, this heat thing happens anytime of day and more frequent at night. I have NEVER ever felt like this im thinking if AF dont come by monday im gonna give my dr a call or maybe a visit cause im thinking its maybe a developing thyroid problem or something i never suffered with thy also i did a thy test back in 2008 and i was all clear.

Any suggestions ladies?
Hi I had ovarian drilling in
April now on provera and clomid! Just
Wondering how long it took ppl to get pregnant? And if they have any advice! Thanks
Welcome Fee83! Unfortunately, everyone has had a different experience with OD. Personally, I ovulated for the first time, just 11 days after OD, then AF arrived 25 days after OD. I have had one full cycle after that and hoping this is the month!

This thread has great information and has been very helpful for me. I hope it helps you as well!
Hi ladies, I am CD1 today! I should be doing an ultrasound to see if my cyst has disappear this weekend, so i can do IUI for my next cycle. Really hoping that the IUI do help, but i will be trying all natural this cycle.
Sam - I had horrible hot flashes when on Clomid. Apparently its the effect of FSH. But it's also a side effect of menopause. I really don't think you'll have anything to worry about but I think its a good idea to get it checked out.
Do you temp at all? When was the last time you took a HPT?

Keisha - sorry af arrived :hugs: We may be doing IUI at the same time!!!

Fee - its been nearly 4 months since mine. I ovulated 3 times since then and still nothing :nope: So we probably have some other problem. But everyone's different - I've heard stories where ladies got pg 2 weeks after OD :thumbup:

Snflrwrgrl - is the Dr sure you haven't just ovulated and the follicle just collapsed? If your grow by 2mm a day you could have ovulated late Thur/Fri! Did you do OPKs or temp?

AFM - we went to see the fS on Fri and he confirmed we get 3 free IUIs and one free IVF and we can start as early as July! :happydance:
MariaF- I cant temp because i am a sinus case and im a mouth breather, as for menopause im not ruling it out even though im only 29 yrs old. I had my husband buy me a pregnancy test today will test tomorrow or maybe wednesday or maybe saturday yea im scared of what d results maybe and i cant stand being disappointed but d heat is killing me im sweating buckets ah drop jus typing this post. Also the hot flash is jus like clomid side effects but im not on any fertility meds i only taking metformin/glucophage and folic acid.
Mariaf thanks! I took provera last month had bad side ffects was fine with clomid! Had blood test at day 35 was neg! Took provera again only had a lil Pain but still no period! Not sure what to do now?
hey Maria - yes, I did use OPK all last week and had a negative everytime and the dr checked the bloodwork to confirm if I have ovulated or not and that came back negative also. Still using the OPK and I have another appointment tomorrow for blood and u/s. I could really use some good news! :)
Fee - how long ago did you take the provera this time? It can take up to a week after the last pill to get af.

Snflrwgrl - good luck with the appntm! I really hope they see a follicle again today! You never know, last time Dr could have just missed it :dohh:
MariaF > Thanks, I'm kind of glad I missed that day on here, otherwise if it reminded me I would have been really down.

I don’t know hey, my FS is a Professor and is the best in Town, not just by referral but by success ratio of BFP also. He did mention some irregular tissue in my pap smear but said if it's not gone in 3 months then he will give me meds (this was Oct last year) and he didn't mention it again so it must have gone away. Oh well at least it is out for now, hopefully it doesn’t come back fx'd.

Im so excited for you girl!!!!! Oh wow, im so glad they can start with it so soon. Cant wait to hear when you going!

Symplsam > See this is where by FS said I must come back if my AF has not arrived in 32 days. He will then check if there is a possibility of pregnancy if not he will give me Primolut to force AF and then Clomid thereafter.

Keisha403 > Hope this is your cycle!!!!! We need to have a BFP soon :)

snflwrgrl9 > I also really hope this is your month! Also hope he just missed the follicle.

Fee83 > Welcome, I have not OV'd since mine on the 1st of this month. So waiting for AF to arrive in order to start a normal cycle.
Stay with us girl, share your experiences and you might find someone that is in the same boat as you.

:dust: to all
I took it twice a day for a weeks! finished it last Wednesday so will give it a few more days yet! Last month I had bad cramps and pain nothing like that this month! Just nervous and scared
Fee - Id wait till Thursday and if still no af go back to the Dr. May be they can give you a scan/bloods to see what's going on.
Tella he didnt even mention if it didnt come he jus said expect it in 4-6 weeks and that i had a good chance of preg since he found nothing wrong so he jus did the drilling and that we r to try without any help for 2 cycles and if unsuccessful come back and see him. But all this ive bin up like every 2 hours worried and then to use the bath so i couldnt test this morning hoping tomorrow i can.
The one thing that i find funny is, how is it possible that the FS's can give such different advise on the same procedure. Because 6 weeks will give you a 42day cycle and mine said come back in 32 if no sign. weird!

I was told that if my AF does come we must try naturally for the next 6 months and if still nothing thereafter he will look at alternatives. So my year is gonna be long still if i have to wait 6 months out. So hopefully it works quicker!
Ours said we were to wait for 3 months for the first period :wacko: Then try naturally for 6-9 months

Yes, I agree it's annoying how they all give such different advice!

It's almost 4 months since the OD for me and although Ive had cycles, only 2 were ovulatory. We did everything "right" and still nothing :nope:

So if we go ahead with IUI , as planned in September, it would be exactly 6 months since the OD. So I feel like Im giving myself a good chance.

Sam -what test are you talking about? A HPT? Oooo! exciting!!!
Yes its very annoying I just want to know if im preg or not ? If not where have my periods gone too ? But im trying to give it time cause my friend who got preg 11/2 yr after od said her periods came like day 44 so thats y im trying to give it till saturday day 50. which is like 19 days before my husband leaves for 3 months.

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