anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

So sorry MariaF! We will get through this. I think I am stressing over it too much. I want to try to relax, but it is very hard when it is something I want so bad.

I have had clomid for every cycle after my OD. Everything seems to be right throughout my cycle, but then we get a BFN.
I'm the same, snflwrgrl.... Every cycle I think this is the one where I won't buy opk's, we won't time BD'ing, I won't start testing at 6DPO - and yet what happens?! Same old scenario!
Hey MariaF & Snflrgrl9 so sorry that you are having such a bad day!! My insurance does not cover any fertility drugs or procedures. So I am really hoping that OD works for me. After 9 months, i am still trying to be positive, I think it will happen for us soon.
Hi MariaF & Snflrgrl9 please keep strong ttc is such a frustrating time it makes u wonna scream. It will happen............i have a friend that did OD and she got preg 1 1/2 year later but mc and got preg d next cycle and is now waiting for her baby girl aug 2nd. So i am very hopeful and she did IUI and clomid every cycle. The cost of IUI where im from is kinda cheap its 700 dollars. So ladies be strong.

As for me 34 days since OD nothing yet kinda getting pms symptoms so hoping within d next week it will be here so i can start trying DH leaving the country in mid july till early sept so time is against us so to speak.
Keisha - have you tried Clomid after the OD? I think the drug itself is quite cheap and we don't get monitoring on it here so it's not like you need to see FS or have scans or anything.
Sam - have you been doing OPKs?

It's encouraging to hear about your friend. Because our FS said that the holes they made will disappear within the first year - that's why if the OD works it should work within the first year, at most.

I also want to start IUI again in September (I hope we can get 2 free gos from the government) and then IVF early 2012...Oh, gosh, I can't believe Im thinking about 2012 already :wacko:

Ren - any news?
MariaF no I have not been doing the OPKs because i didnt know u can ovulate so soon after the surgery i only found out last week which was like day 25 or so after the OD so im thinking i missed it so im waiting patiently for it to arrive to get the ball rolling.

As for my friend she had lots of cyst removed and even though she did LOD she still never got a cycle and had to take meds to bring it every cycle and she got a good result with taking 200mg of clomid thats the only dose that will make her produce eggs. She never had a period on her own she was always on BCP to brig it.
Hi MariaF, I did 11 cycles of Clomid before OD, so i cannot take anymore, but i did take Tamoxifen from Dec10-April11(5 months), so this cycle i am doing without meds because of the cyst on my left ovary & was so shocked when i Oed on CD14.
Sam - thanks for sharing that story! Trouble is I do ovulate regularly - well, in the last 2 years Ive counted about 9 ovulations. And it's still not happening. Which makes me think we are now moving into the unexplained category :cry:

Keisha - They do say that Tamoxifen and Clomid can still be in your body for a couple of months after you stop taking them :thumbup: I see you are 8DPO today - any symptoms?

Im having the most severe cramps ever :wacko: Honestly, in the past Id be lucky to notice any af cramping. But since last night I just want to curl up in bed with a hot water bottle - it hurts!!!! Im sure the witch will be here with a venegeance - I can feel it :growlmad:
Yes MariaF, I am having alot of symptoms, but i have them every month when i O, so i try not to get to excited about them (heartburns, sore boobs & cramps in my lower abs, feeling boated & feeling very sleepy)!!! If i follow these symptoms i will drive myself crazy, so i try to ignore them.
Hi Ladies...thanx for the words of wisdom...and as your all probably aware its easier said than done.......ive totally lost hope now.....been 3 mnths since OD and BD only few times in were in Jun...and well were both really down about it....NO AF NO SIGN of anything...its a joke...oh well ive accepted it aint happening and that ive probably hit sick of it now.......sorry dnt come on here as ofter as before just dnt find time day to do so and also...with everyones positivity is somes negativity...and i dont wana bring anyone else down with me and my thoughts....wishing you all a BFP VERY VERY VERY SOOOOON....Sending u all losts of Baby Dust xx
Hi Ren - apologies in advance if this will sound rude/offensive - I honestly don't mean it this way :flower: BUT...

You cannot give up! I know you've been fighting for ages and I know it's not fair and can be so discouraging. And I know when you hear yet another annoucement that some is pg by accident you want to die.....You must carry on! You must believe in your body, your husband and your future baby(babies)!!!
You need to lose that extra weight you were talking about and believe me I know it's SUPER hard and almost feels impossible. And I also got so down about it I was hysterical....especially after my own mother told me I was fat and all my problems were from the extra weight. I knew she was right but couldn't bear her saying this to me - we stopped talking for a while.

But....after losing just 10 or 12 pounds my skin cleared up miraculously. My whole body was covered in massive angry acne yet since I lost that weight and started eating healthier, it slowly got better.

With PCOS everything takes time. It took me about 2 months to just lose those 10 pounds - usually you can lose it in a month. I cut out all bread, sweets, alcohol, rice, potatoes. And was exercising every day. At the beginning it felt horrible - it was winter too so all I wanted is a big bowl of something hot and sweet or hot chocolate and it was a torcher waking up at 6am to go on the exercise bike which is in our unheated summer room.

But when I lost the first 5 pounds I felt so proud that I just wanted to carry on! I only lasted about 3 weeks but the weight kept coming off for the next few weeks. I have just started the routine again because I want to lose another 10 pounds.

I am 100% sure that if you lose about 20-30 pounds you WILL get your cycle back. Please, please dont give up!!! Just tell yourself that by end of august you will lose 10 pounds! And then by Xmas another 15 pounds - I swear your periods will come back!!! Or you can go on the Clomid then.

I really hope you find the strength to keep fighting! You are not alone - trust me we've all felt this bad too - hating the world, our own bodies and all pregnant women - but you have to pick yourself up and keep going :hugs:
Hi All, sorry for being MIA for so long. It was a long weekend here so didn't have much time to go onto the internet. All my OPK's have been negative this cycle, i was gonna continue testing but my BFF suggested that i rather wait for my first AF after OD and then start testing again.

MariaF > im so sorry!!!!!! But everytime I think my AF is late or not coming and i test i get a :BFN: and then next day the :witch: gets me. I hope the FS tells you what you wanna hear and that you can go for IUI.

Ren > I agree with Maria! Set achievable goals and have a type of reward for it. That way you will have a feeling of success more often than only at the end of your journey.

snflwrgrl > Everytime someone tells me to just relax it will happen by its self once you do, i wanna do something to. I know it is true but untill you are in that position no-one can start to understand the feelings, emotions and desires that grabs hold of you. Holding thumbs for you !!!!

Keisha > Our medical aid/insurance doesn't cover it either we also have to pay for everything here. Even my OD they had to say it was for ENDO in order to have it covered. However they did find ENDO during the op so at the end it was true. Hope the signs this time is for the right reasons.

Sam > Who know maybe the fact that you didn't worry about the OV this month it might have counted in your favour. So far i have not OV'd and i dont think i will this cycle, so also just want AF to arrive so that i can start monitoring a normal cycle.

:dust: to all
Tella - mine was the same! They also had to say it's for ENDO and DID find some!!! But also to regulate my periods and help with skin - as in OD was not for fertility treatment. At the end of the day it's the same cost for the op - OD or just to have a look!

Im CD4 (I think) and looking forward to our weekend away this weekend. We are seeing the FS on Friday and then going up North, to Liverpool to celebrate our 2nd Wedding anniversary and my best friend's 30th Birthday - should be a fun weekend!
Then hopefully ovulation the following week but Im trying to stay strong and not buy OPKs.
I also don't ovulate every month after the OD and this month Im not on Clomid so not too sure what to expect. I wonder if the FS can offer me a scan on friday (will be CD7) and if he can see anything there...
The scary part for me was the fact that they cant pick up ENDO with the normal scans. I must have gone for about 10 scans before he advised OD and not once did he mention that there might be ENDO, and i had Stage 3.

My FS said it is all natuaral if i have a AF after 28-32 days after OD, so no clomid or anything.

I hope he can do a SCAN for you, it is always nice to see if there is any development in the ovaries.

Sounds like a great weekend! My husband will be very jealous, he loves Liverpool :)
Hi Tella, welcome back!!
MariaF your weekend sounds so exciting, have enough fun for both of us!!!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!!
Oh yes, ladies, I will certainly have enough fun for everyone!!!!

Keisha - how are you? Weren't you in the 2ww last week? anything good come out of it :winkwink:

Tella - I have heard some women say that really good specialists CAN find ENDO from just a plain scan but Ive been to see 2 different FSs and both of them insisted it's impossible :shrug:

Tella - looks like it's a 1 year TTC anniversary for you :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Maria enjoooooy your weekend hun.

Tella girl today its 39 days OD and im waiting very patiently for my periods to come so i can start trying my DH is leaving the country in 30 days for 3 months so i wanna try ASAP as you said i hope it worked in my favor :D
Hi ladies, hope everyone is doing fine!!!

MariaF i am 14dpo today, but i am planning to test on the 25th (Sat @ 17dpo)
I hate testing because of all the BFNs, i think i might be traumatize! lol

My chart for this cycle is a little crazy with the fall temps, but i was told that fall temps after Oing is a good sign, but i will just wait until Saturday to know, if AF does show up before then.
Keisha - I think this is IT! Your temps look good and no sign of af! Ill keep everything crossed for you. Good luck! I really hope you get a BFP. That'll give the rest of so much hope!

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