anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi MariaF 3 Free IUI cycles, that is great. I checked and found out that my IUI will cost $500.00US not including meds. I am planning on doing 3 cycles before concerning IVF which is $7,000.00US. So expensive I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to go that route. My RE wanted me to wait three more months to see what happens before starting IUI. So i am not sure when i will be starting, but i don't want to waste three months trying natrually and nothing happens but the flip side is i might get my BFP naturally without all that expensive procedures. So confuse!!!
Hi Keisha - well, if you wait till September we may be doing IUI at the same time :thumbup:
Thanks Mariaf I will do that! I think I just worry too much and just want it all to happen
Hi girls. I'm new to the boards! I read this entire thread about a week ago (whoa!), but it's taken me some time to actually post. I'd love to join your group if that's okay.

I had my OD done yesterday! My doc used a new procedure called fertiliscope where they go in just behind the cervix. So it's just local anesthetic and no stitches or air traveling up to your shoulder. I haven't taken any pain meds at all (except for the ones they put in my IV before the procedure) and I'm feeling about 90% today. She burned 4 holes in one ovary (she said less is more and they've seen the same results with fewer "drillings", which means less risk of scar tissue). She did find a few polyps, which she removed. That was the only part of the procedure that really "hurt".

Anyway, I have a 9 year old son, which came to us after 4 years of trying and using Gonal-F, and although we've been "ttc" ever since we was born, we never felt comfortable doing more than clomid until now.

My dr. wants me to start progesterone in a week (once leakage from OD is done) to bring on a cycle and then start Letrozole (Femera) with that cycle. I'm not convinced that I need to bring on a cycle based on what I've read from your posts. What do you all think? I'm tempted to wait a couple of weeks to see if I ovulate, and if not, then go ahead and bring on a cycle. I'm currently on cd 47, my last cycle was almost 180 days and I never ovulate on my own. Last time I ovulated was last June, July and August by way of clomid.

What do you think? Should I start progesterone next week? I don't want to mess with growing follies if they are indeed growing, but I don't want to hang around waiting for something to happen either. Most of you ovulated before starting your period after your surgery, right? Or did you start a cycle before ovulating?

I'm so anxious to see how I respond to this surgery! I'm hopeful that I'll be one of the lucky ones that respond in some shape or form, but I'm worried that nothing will come of it.

Also, was anyone tracking their testosterone before and/or after their OD? How about weight loss? I've been on Metformin for about 14 months and lost 10 pounds the first 10 months but have been at a stand still ever since. I'm hopeful that the OD will help jump start my weight loss again - has anyone had that happen?

I hope you don't mind if I join you. This seems like such a great group!
:) Cridge
WELCOME Cridge!!! Yes it does take some time to read through the whole thread, but at least I helps as you know exactly where each person is in their journey. and if not, you will catch on quickly :D

That's interesting to hear! Isn't it amazing that they can do more and more these days with less recovery time! Be glad you didn't have the gas, it is VERY sore.

The FS to me that I must take the first day of bleeding after the OD as my CD1 and to come back only after 32 days if AF has not arrived. If it arrives on time every month, he said it is a good sign that I'm ovulating naturally and then i will only see him in 6 months if I don't fall pregnant. However it AF doesn't arrive in 32 days then he will also give me medication to force AF and then i will go onto Clomid.

I have no experience with Metformin so can't give an opinion on that sorry :)

You always welcome to join! The more support the better.
Welcome Cridge :flower:

Wow, that new peocedure sounds ace! And you got me worried now - I have about 10 holes in each ovary and am really worries about scar tissue :nope:

Personally Id give my body a chance to recover from surgery and see if you do ovulate naturally. Id give myself 6 weeks or about 40-50 days to see if anything happens. Then I like your Dr's plan. But do you think she'll accommodate your wishes? Sometimes Dr's can be really pushy :growlmad:

Are you overweight? OD probably also had a good effect on your testosterone levels so you may notice that Metformin will become more effective and weight loss will come easier.

Tella - when are you testing???
I cant even remember how many holes they made in my ovaries. i just remeber looking at the photo and there were a lot.

Not sure if i should even try testing, I didn't get a positive on the OPK's. I think what might be the route i will go is wait till after 32 days and see if AF has still not arrived then I will test and make an FS appointment. What do you think?
Tella, how many days has it been since the OD? Do you have any symptoms?

I would still test as it gets closer to the 32 days and then make the FS appointment. Knowing me Id be testing every day from Day 28 after the OD :dohh::haha:
28 days today, so i basically have 4 more days to be strong and fight the urge. I'm very emotional at the moment and therefor it think AF might be on its way. If no AF by CD32 then i will definitely do a HPT and also make a FS appointment.

So far i haven't had any symptoms that i can say I recognised.
Just wondering if anyone has some advice! Finished my provera just over a week ago and still nothing! Tried to ring my specialist but his away! I had a blood test last month on day 35 apparently all was fine!
Tella - good luck! I admire your patience :haha:

Fee - I don't really have any advice. Both times I was on Provera I got af exactly 3 days after the last pill :shrug: Have you tried Googling it?

CD13 for me and no sign of ov...Im trying to relax and just accept that we will be doing stimulated IUI in September....but it's very hard because to relax I have to admit that OD was pointless and that I put my body through all this stress for nothing - Im still not ovulating as I should :nope:
MariaF > :( Sorry there is no signs of OV yet. It is annoying when you think of all the meds/procedures that you go through to OV but still there is nothing. I know how you feel, every cycle on Clomid for me before OD was a waste. Hope the time flies so that you can start wiht the IUI in September.

Fee > I was on Premolut and also 2 days after i took the last pill my AF arrived. So sorry no advise here either.

CD 29 - Still no AF for me, so the wait continues.
Hi All, Sorry I have not been able to post on here more often.

Welcome to all the new ladies on here. Fee and Cridge.

MariaF - Please be positive hun, I am really rooting for have had the longest wait of all of us after OD, and I really hope that we get to hear your good news soon. Hopefully your weekend away should bring you luck? :) Is that coming up, or have I missed the boat and you have gone and returned? Either way hope you have/had fun. Well at least you have the IUI to look forward to, in the meantime I truly hope you ovulate naturally and get a positve soon.

Tella - Well let us hope the reason you are late is that you are +ve on the pregnancy front? That will give us all hope...

Well as for me, I Ovulated 10 days after OD, my procedure was on the 01/06/11. my temp charting showed a dip at 10 DPO and I got my hopes up as they say that a dip may be an implant dip. However that was not to be as AF got me on Tuesday! :(
Oh well, I did say that I would be glad if my cycles should just get back to normal so that I know when I am ovulating just to give me a fighting chance. So lets just see what happens in the next cycle, I am seeing my FS next week and I will ask for Clomid, but I have a feeling he will tell me to go au natural for at least 3 cycles. Lets see. I guess this will be my first natural cycle after OD so let hope I ovulate between 10- 18 days of my cycle to prove it worked.
I have a strange occurrence however, for the past 2 weeks I have had strange sharp pains at the sides of my abdomen, a bit like the description of ovulation pains - like a poking feeling in the inside, it just comes and goes. Strange.. I really do not know what that is and will ask my doc nxt week. Has anyone else faced this?
As for my weight loss journey, the scales have neither gone up nor down since my op and I really hope to see a downward shift soon, but I may have cheated some days, I blame the hormones. I am back on track again and just hoping for the best.

Well here is wishing all of you loads of Baby Dust! Speak soon!
Hi ladies, Well i took the test it was neg as i suspected went to my Dr he did a ultra sound everything was ok. He gave me provera to jump start my periods my dose is 10mg 3 times a day for seven days. No Clomid though,Then to return on cd 13 or 14 to check to see if I produced any egg/s. So i guess my ttc will be on hold till Sept due to the fact that my husband will be out of the country in 20 days for 3 mths or more so im not even sure if i will have a shot b4 he leaves.
Hi All!

Maria, I am sorry there is no sign of OV yet. I was feeling the same way this cycle. I am not sure that I am ovulating this cycle either. I am not sure what is going on.

Symplsam - so sorry the test was negative and that you may have to wait until your husband returns. I guess sometimes our "perfect timing" is different than God's "Perfect Timing". I hope your doctor has good news for you when you go to your next appointment.

Tella - still hoping for your BFP! Keep us posted.

Arza - welcome back! Hoping this cycle works for you!

Update on myself - this has been a crazy cycle for me. Af was very strange, spotted for 2 or 3 days in the beginning, then it was heavy for 2 days then tapered off. Went for my regular visits to my FS and they put me on Clomid 100. I thought they started me too soon for the clomid, but I listened to them anyways. I think it should be days 4-8 correct? I think I was actually only on day 2 when they had me start it. CD 10 went in for another blood and u/s, u/s showed a follicle at 16. Went back 2 days later and the follicle was no longer there. Went back on Monday they found some other follilcles that had grown to about 16. I had to go in for a post coital test on Tuesday. (Nurse said she was confused why they sent me in so early, should be right at ovulation). Went back today for blood and u/s and they think I may finally be ovulating today or tomorrow. I will have to go back again tomorrow morning for blood and u/s. Hoping for good news because this has just been a roller coaster ride this cycle. If not, we'll shoot for next cycle and hope it is a "regular' cycle - like my last one. We will probably have to do an IUI next cycle. My FS keeps recommending it to me. Just wish there was a guarantee with it.
HI :hi: iv seen my gyno today after a 150mg of clomid failed to make me ovulate and she said they are going scan me and depending on what they find they will either do ovarian drilling and lap n dye or injections they have booked me in for the op so if i have it done it will be 17 august :D x
Thanks snflwrgrl9 im not disappointed i got a neg i jus see it as its not the right time for me especially where i hav to take provera to start my periods as of sept last year my periods has been regular like clock work every 28 days, i dont know what change i took bcp one year end and refused to take it again to bring on my menses and my periods started back regular for feb and march then came like day 44 in april then OD on CD 19. So im hoping to take this time to get it back on a 28 day schedule so its ok for me i guess but thanks for the concern i will still be here to see how everyones doing. :D
Ok last month the provera worked fine don't know y it hasn't work this month! My specialist is away so I was told to call another one! He said if no period my Monday I need to go back on the pill! I don't understand does anyone know y he would say that? I am super stressed and worried now
Hi All...Just thought Id pop my head in and say hi..welcome to all the newbee's...Maria I totally understand what your saying but its sooo hard to actually get started with the weight issue.......on a brighter note, today 02 Jul 2011, exactly 3 months and 16 days after my OD, I spotted bleeding today..thought it might of been too much internal heat with all the anti hystamines im taking due to an allergy i might be bleeding...but noticed the normal release that one gets from an AF....OMG.....It came on without any pills, any kick start provera or shocked!!!!!!! i will let this flow continue and do an OPK day 8 onwards and see if amything...and start BD from day 10 onwards and see what happenes if anything..i could be getting overly excited but by having a AF on its own since 2008 is amazing............Anyways wishing you all a happy and positive BFP SOON XXX Baby dust coming ur way XXX
IS this normal and has anyone experienced this...?? meaning no AF for months after OD and then all of a sudden...whooosh!!!

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