anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Ren78 I waited about 47 days and no AF but i chose to go by my DR to see whats up and was given provera.
Hi girls, the :witch: got me today. So on the one hand it is a good sign as it is natural and not medicated but on the other hand :cry:.

Just like i said before, the day i do a HPT and get a negative is normally the day my AF arrives. So i wasted another test :(

Oh well lets hold thumbs for this cycle and also hope we get a BFP soon.

:dust: to all
Tella - did you get regular periods before af? Did you do opks last cycle to see if you ovulated? I know exactly what you mean about getting af! I used to go without it for months so having a regular cycle for me is like a miracle! When other ladies are concerned about af being 5 days late I'm just happy I get one every month or so :dohh:

I'm 2DPO and am extremely happy I obulated this cycle, on CD15, completely natural, no meds. I took supplements though - EPO+Starflower oil and Sage leaf to help with follicle growth. Other than that just the usual metformin.
We Bd'ed on CD14 and 15 so just another 10 days to wait. This is my 5th cycle after the OD. So I definitely see an improvement - in my cycles, in my skin and hair. But just still no BFP...

Also, I'm going to see the FS on July 20th to discuss IUI and provisionally book one for september! :happydance:

On the one hand I'm happy but on the other I'm desperate to fall naturally. I really don't fancy trips to the hospital every 2 days for scans and coming up with excuses at work...

How is everyone else doing?
Towards the end just before the OD, i started to get kinda regular cycles but the CD'S amount was different everytime. But not once even on clomid did a folicle develop to the satisfaction of my FS. I did do the OPK's but got a negative everytime so im not sure if i missed it or if I didn't. I started testing on CD9 - 16 and i suppose if my cycle is 32days I could have OV'd later. But my FS said that if i got my AF naturally it is a good sign that i OV'd so im confused.

Im so glad you OV'd naturally!!!!!!!! :happydance: It gives hope to us that's just done OD! I hope that you conceive natural eventough you have to oppertunity to do IUI! Did you do OPK's to find out if you OV'd or blood tests?
I used OPKs like a maniac :dohh::haha: I ran out by CD14 without getting a positive. the one from the evening of CD13 was totally blank which is unsual for me (I have elevated LH leves so I get a line all the time). The b complete chance I found 2 unsused OPKs from the periovus cycle that I forgot about :thumbup:
Used one early morning of CD14 and BHAM! A strong positive. The used the second one in the afternoon - even darker test line. Then I stopped as ran out of OPKs again - usuall I would carry on doing them for 2 more days - to see the line getting lighter again

If you got af on CD32 the earliest you could have ovulated is CD18 so ou probably missed the surge.
Id stock up on more cheap OPKs and keep doing them till you are blue in the face :haha: That's what I did. It can get discouraging when you keep seeing negative results but then eventually you get a positive and it's such a relief :thumbup:
Hi all......just popping by and saying hi again.......I thought I was gona have a full flow and got sooo happy...but it was a spotting for like 10 and thats it......oh well must have been nuts or mangos i was munching...lolllllll great times hey xxx good luck all xxx
I am slowly getting my period! Been 13 days since I finished the provera! It is slow but getting there! Now just confused about the days! Yesterday was very light and more a brown colour! Today is light again and red and brown! What should I count as day 1? I need to take cl
Ren - have you tested?

Fee - I would count today as CD1 - when it's more of a proper flow and red rather than brown.
Awww Maria - So So happy for you... I will be praying to hear your good news, I think I will be as nervous as you, on your 2WW.

Tella - Sorry AF got you, well as you say it is a new cycle - for you and me both I hope we ovulate naturally this month again - ideally a pregnancy, however if not, at the very least a normal cycle!

To all the other ladies Fee and Ren - Wish you all the best - lets all hope OD will be the link to the missing piece in all our lives!...XxX
Arza - great to see you on here. How are you? I see you are CD8 - are you using OKS? You must have had a reasonable cycle since the OD then :thumbup:

Yeah, Im 3DPO and feeling unusually calm! Normally Id be stocking up on HPTs already to start testing from 6DPO or so.

But this time I just don't have the urge. Also I always use extra OPKs after I get my positive to see the line getting lighter again. This month I ran out exactly on the day I got my positive. And I didn't bother buying any more! I hope I can last until at least 8DPO!!
Hi Maria - This is my first cycle since OD so I am just hoping it is normal... :)

I guess we have been through these times so many times we learn to cope dont we? So I would say, just carry on as you are - I know we will keep thinking about it, no matter how much we say we will try not to, but if it is meant to be it will be. So go ahead and stock up if you need to, however if it keeps you calmer not to have the HPT's around you then you know yourself - remember however that if it is meant to be no power in the world can stop it...

Have you ever heard of using eggwhites during the fertile time? I have read in many many place that if done correctly it really increases fertility chances? I don't know I am skeptical, but if I do ovulate then I may try it - sorry if its too much info!

Go really easy for the next 2 weeks no lifting heavy things and no strenuous exercise - In other words please go easy on yourself - Also do not have any medications at all and eat healthy and drink loads of water. You will be in my prayers! :hug:
Oh Arza - you are so kind, thank you :flower:

I go horseriding regularly and can't avoid lifting heavy things...Im going next on sunday - 8DPO. I will test that morning. But Im not sure if I should stop riding during each 2ww - that would mean only riding for 2 weeks in a month :wacko: Ive been doing it for years so I just hope my body is used to it!

No, I went to Boots today to get baby aspirin and Claritin and didn't feel like going by the HPT section :thumbup: Im really pleased. I hope it stays this way for the next 5 days :haha:
hmmm well i feeel bit lost atm as im waiting for my appoitment to come through for my scan :) did any of you girls have absent periods then ovulate after ovarin drilling natrully as i havent had a period for ages at least 12 months x
MariaF > I will definitely start testing around day 10 this cycle, so if my cycle is shorter then i will also catch it and i will continue till past day 20 to make sure I don't miss it this month. I think the cheaper ones are a good option considering a negative is just a waste, and if i get a strong test line then i will do the digital once i have. I don’t know if I will be able to fight the urge to do HPT if I know I've OV'd, last month I didn’t know so I wasn’t too worried, but we will see this month.

Arza > Yeah I agree, the fact that it is a natural cycle now makes me want to jump out of my skin. Now i just hope and pray that i OV this month and hopefully get a positive this month. True words "what's meant to be is meant to be".
Hopefully we will have three things in common, Same date of OD, +- Same Cycle days and maybe a positive in the same month? Hehe just being hopeful :)

jennievictora > I had irregular cycles but the doctor gave me meds to bring on AF so I had an AF "regularly". How long has it been since your OD?

About me > Im only in the beginning of my cycle now so the wait till OV is still on. On a positive note another LTTC buddy of mine on Facebook got her positive this morning after 5 years :happydance: She had IUI done this cycle and are 1-2 weeks preg.
Jennie - before the OD I could go on for months without af. I never waited as long as you, I always got Provera from my GP to kickstart a period.

It's been 4 months since my OD and Im on my 5th cycle. I know I didn't ovulate on all of them, but still! I consider it a miracle.

Tella - I know exactly how you are feeling! When Im not taking Clomid I immediately start doubting my body and wrrying I won't OV. You can't do that! We all must trust our bodies! Sooner or later you WILL ov! Just think positive and think: I will ov - be it day 14 or 24!!!!

Im 4DPO and feeling totally out with it. :wacko: I don't know how to explain it but in the past Id be testing already - yes, Im a POAS addict...and NOT proud of it :haha:
This month I just can't be bothered! Seriously! I can't be asked to move my butt and get tests, take my temperature, start stressing about lack of symptoms - I know Im only 4 DPO and all of this might still kick in. But I honestly hope it doesn't because I enjoy this relaxed state of mind :thumbup:
Hi Maria - I know what you mean about having the missing feeling when you don't do something that you have been doing for years, I am just saying about the strenuous exercise because my mum always tells me not to lift heavy things like the sofa or bed etc and not to sit on my heels with my bum facing downward but not on the ground - and also not to jump around too much after ovulation because she says that the egg will not find it easy to impant and may lower your uterus. I asked the doctor about this and he did say that scientifically it is not proven that any of these things may hinder the chances but he said he would advise that while trying to conceive after ovulation it is better not to take any stress be it mental or physical.

However, I also hope that your body is used to your long term exercise and you do not have any problems.

Hi Tella - True say - really just being normal would help first! I really hope as you say our times come together - and soon!

jennievictora - I never had regular periods, however its been only one month since my OD so I am not in a position to tell you anything yet - However my doctor would bring it on knowing that we have been rying for a long time - well at least I hope he would.

Take Care all - May we be all blessed with what we want soon!
Hi All! Its been a few days since I have visited. I am trying not to stress about it too much this month.

Maria - fingers crossed for you. The 2WW is the hardest and I am right there with you. Currently, 4DPO as well. However, I just don't feel like this is the month for me, but we will see....hopefully I am wrong. I only have 1 HPT left and will wait until the morning of July 14th to take it. I will go in for bloodwork this day also.

Jennievictoria - I had very irregular AF before my OD. I am on my 3rd cycle and have Ov'd each cycle, but no BFP yet. My FS does subscribe me Clomid 100, so far it has worked every time since OD. I hope you start to experience a normal cycle soon.

Arza - good to hear from you! Hoping this is your cycle too!

If I don't get a BFP this cycle, my FS is recommending that we do IUI next month.

Hoping for the best for all of us!
hey thank for all replies had my letter for my scan today :happydance: 28th july it is and after that will know for sure if injections or ovarian drilling tbh i think it will be ovarian drilling as my cysts are quite bad i think x
Hi all I am still so confused! Had some bleeding Monday and Tuesday but was more brown! My specialist is away until the 19th! Should I take my clomid or not? Just don't get y the provera worked one month and not the next

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