anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

How are we all doing, ladies?

Im 9DPO and a BFN this morning. I "know" Im out and it will be onto cycle 6 post OD from Saturday :nope:

It seems all of hit a brick wall - we had loads of BFPs a few months ago but none since :nope:
Hi Maria, Im so sorry about the BFN but isnt it a bit early to know for certain that the test is acurate? Till when must you wait to find out when you going for the IUI cycles?

Im still on my OV wait, gonna get some cheap OPK's and then test from CD10, just incase my cycle is shorter than 32days so I dont miss it again.
Thanks Tella - yeah, usually 9DPO is early. But i had spotting at 7DPO (for the first time ever) and everyone just assumed it was implantation! So it's 2 days since then and FRER are so sensitive - they should be able to pick up something.
Trouble is I am now having cramps and some more spotting and Im petrified it's af - that would give me an 8 day luteal phase :nope: It's way, way too short!

Oh, it has already been confimed I get 3 free IUIs and the Dr said they can start in the next 2 cycles. Trouble is I am away for 12 days in the middle of august so kind of have no choice but to wait till september - which is what I always wanted...If you can say "wanted" about IUI/IVF rather than falling naturally.

Best of luck with OPKs! I agree with starting ealry - OD can make your cycles unpredictable!!
Hi Maria - Really sorry about the test hun...I am really wishing to hear your news and its so sad that all these cycles are just going away...its not fair!

Just keep your chin up, and lets hope that you tested too early and maybe just maybe the test was wrong and you get a BFP after missing AF! It could happen you know..never say never!

As for me I am on day 14 of my cycle and I am feeling sick - must have had something nasty over the weekend! Well have to test for OV, It was negative till Saturday, and I couldn't test yesterday as I was out, so will test today. I hope that I do ovulate, we will be BDing however just in case. (TMI)

Well take care ladies...have a good day.
Hi ladies, remember back in May when i did my ultrasound and there was a 9.2cm cyst on my left ovary, well ON Saturday i did another ultrasound NO CYST, but there was a 20mm dominant follicle just sitting there on the same ovary. I think i Oed yesterday (Sunday on cd15).
I got my +OPK the day before the ultrasound on Friday. It was so cool seeing the little follicle HOPE THE LITTLE EGG IN THERE GOT FERTILIZED!!!

Sorry about BFN MariaF, but it is nit over until AF appears!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Keisha > We are crossing everything that are possible to cross!!!!!!!!! Im so glad to hear that the cyst has disappeared.

Maria > oh I thought you still waiting to hear from the doctor when you can start. But it is great, you can have a nice break before the IUI and be relaxed and we will all be praying and keeping our fx'd for your BFP!

Have any of you had any experience or knowledge on Soy to assist in ovulation?

:dust: to all you girls
Keisha - that's incredible news! Im very pleased for you! Yes, you deserve this more than any of us so let's hope you get a BFP this cycle shortly followed by all of us!!!!

Arza and Tella - best of luck with OPKs. I know waiting for a positive can be stressful so I just hope you get a nice strong positive this month!

And thanks for all your kind wishes ladies - they really mean the world :cloud9:

My cramps are getting stronger though - strong dull pulling aches. Please keep everything crossed that the witch stays away for at least another 2 days to give me a more or less decent LP!!!
Thanks so much Tella, Saturday was a special day for me seeing my little 20mm follicle. I really hope that i get my BPF when i test on the 24th. This would be so much more special. This is my 10th month & 9th cycle since LOD, yes it is hard seeing all those BFN but i am extremely happy i did it because atleast now i O on my own & that gives me hope that my BFP is possible.

Wishing everyone a BFP for July2011!!!
Thanks MariaF, but i think that all of us deserve our BFP now! doing LOD just shows the dedication to our journey to become mothers. I know we all would be wonderful moms!!!
Really hoping that July will bring all of us our BFPs!
hello ladies hope all is well........MariaF sorry for the neg test but lets hope it was to early..........well as for me i took the last provera pill on wednesday and still waiting on AF to arrive i just cant wait for her to jus get here......even though i no im out for the next 3 months i jus want her to get back on stream. im having cramps on an off but thats it.

keisha403 goodluck and lots of baby dust to yah

To everyone else baby dust to you guys as well
Thanks Symplsam, & why will you be out for the next three months?
Hi i am new to this site and came across this thread when running a google search. My partner and I have been ttc for 2 1/2 yrs with no BFP only BFN. I have been told that I have severe pcos. I gained a large amount of weight and went from my normal 8 1/2 st to 11 1/2 st and was had very irregular periods at about 1 every 3 to 5 months. I was given clomid treatment but after 2 months treatment was stopped because it was working to well and and my highest count had 11 follicles on 1 ovary and 7 on the other which I was told is dangerous as 1 of the follicles was nearly 8cm. A few months later I was admitted to hospital with stomach problems ( not related to fertility) and after years of trying diets and alsorts I lost 3 1/2 st in 4 weeks and my periods went back to monthly. And when scanned to check my cysts was told that they had gone prob because of dramatic weight loss. Still did not manage to conceive so have been told I need a laparoscopy to have my tubes checked and have my ovaries drilled. Fingers crossed this works because the hospital have also said that this is my last chance on the NHS as I'm not entitled to IVF because my partner has a child from his fist marriage. Very nervous any info any 1 can give would be greatly appreciated. X
Welcome Princess1712, Congrats on the weight lost! I was told by my ultrasound tech that any follicle over 2.5cm is definitely a cyst, so even though your follicle were developing you might have also had a cyst on your ovary. LOD would be a good option because of the cost compare to IVF & also because it helps the regulate our cycle. Laparoscopy give the RE a change to see so much more than a ultrasound can. There are a lot of ladies who got their BFP shortly after LOD.
Hi keisha my consultant had to examine my scans because of the amount to confirm weather cysts or follicles and he said follicles which is why treatment was stopes 1 because the size of them was to large and also the amount was to much risk of multiple preg as already have very high multi preg rate in my family. Hoping that when they have done the Op they will say that my tubes were blocked and that they have been unblocked. I no that even if tubes have to be unblocked they are still going to do the OD to give me best chance.
I didn't realise how much this would mean to me or my partner when we first started trying. And because everyone else in my family has had lots of children we just assumed it would happen quickly but 2 1/2 yrs on and still trying. But I think the wait will make appreciate what we have got even more.
I went and saw another specialist as mine is away! He took me off the provera and put me back on a high dosage pill for 3 weeks! Also double my clomid! H said cos the provera worked the first month and I did ovalute my body could of gone into shock! Been reading some post of here! I am in Australia and think our treatment might b different.
Princess - well done on the weight loss! How long ago was that? May be your body is just recovering from the shock of all that weightloss! Do you know if you ovulate now? Are you taking your BBT or doing OPKs?

Sam - what a shame DH will be away. :cry: I can't cope without mine for more than a few days so 3 months must be very tough. Sending you lots of :hugs:

Fee - yeah, your treatment does sound different...So what are those other pills you've been put on for 3 weeks?

Keisha - how many DPO are you?

Im 11DPO and spotting for 4 consecutive days now :nope: My BBT is still very high so the spotting is a total mystery :shrug: All tests are BFN and I think it is getting heavier. But whay would I spot from 7DPO if my temps are still high :shrug: Will ask the FS when I see him next week.
Princess > The Laparoscopy is not bad at all, i personally didnt have much paid on the cuts just the gas that they use to be able to see inside. But then again it passes quickly and then you atleast know everything is in order and you can continue TTC and hopefully you will get your BFP soon after your LOD. When are you going?

Sam > OMW i will never cope, i dont know how you do it. Hope the 3 months passes very quickly for you, so you can have ur DH back in your arms.

Maria > I dont know much of the BBT thing yet, im still learning and only gonna start using it properly next month, but isnt it possible to have spotting eventhough you might be +?
Hi maria been put back on contraceptive pill! That will bring my period on in 3 weeks the take my clomid! They seem to think the op and all the drugs have shocked my body! It's still early days for me so worth a try
Maria- I don't do the bbt or otks anymore as my consultant told me not to, on last blood test they said I ovulate ok so as long as we keep trying every 2-3 days we have been told not do bbts or otks so that there is less stress.And the weight loss was end of nov last yr so it's been 7 months.

Tella -glad to hear that the lap is not to bad.I am booked in for aug 15th.

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