Hey ladies i have been following this thread for a while as i have just had my lap/dye and ovarian drilling last wednesday. me in a nutshell im 26 married for 4 years and have been TTC for 3 after 4 rounds of clomid ovulated 2x but all BFN so alas i had the drilling apparently my ovaries, uterus and tubes were fine but the surgoen drilled 5 holes each side. just a quick question for you ladies who have had this done..... i had mine done on CD8 would it be possible to ovulate this cycle only days after having the OD?? i would be cycle day 12 now and im feeling "crampy" but not sure if its still because of the surgery, im a bit bruised in areas and bleed vaginally for about 3 days, that has stopped now but i have been getting this (TMI) thick yellowy/clear discharge . im wondering if it could be fertile CM?