anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Loz - I had my OD on April 18th. I Ov'd 11 days after. But still haven't got my BFP. Boo! But, I guess it will happen when it is meant to happen! :)
wow april well thats not too long ago hun! i mean to say highly fertile couples sometimes take up to 6 months aye! i am SO FREAKING NERVOUS right now as in i cant stop bloody googling anything and everything to do with ovarian drilling, success rates, how many holes are reccomended (my surgeon did 5 each ovary) , when you can ovulate after it blah blah!!! AHHHHHH i need to step away from the PC, actually it was googling all this that got me sigmed up to this bnb forum so i cant say its all bad lol , i have now become aquanted with you lovely ladies and we can be on the TTC journey together. are you guys signed up with soulcysters website? i am its really good and quite similar to this forum only its soley based on woman with PCOS:hugs:
just putting another post in i need to get my posts up so i can put in a siggy (apparently you need 5 or more posts or something) :)
Lozdog - I know exactly how you feel. I was googling almost all day. Anything and everything about PCOS and OD. My sister actually found this forum for me and I am so thankful. It really helps interacting with people who are going through the same thing you are.

I am not exactly sure how many holes were drilled for me, but it was alot. At my pre-op appt my doctor told me it was a pretty severe case of PCOS. My Ovaries were very large, and I could be at risk for multiples if I didn't have OD (like Kate Gosselin on Kate plus 8 - EEK!!). So, I am not sure of the exact number of holes, but I would say at least 40 holes. He gave me a pic of it after and I couldn't believe how many holes were drilled. Ever since my OD, everything has been right on schedule, just waitng to catch the egg. We will be most likely trying the IUI this month. My doctor is highly recommending it to me.

I wish you the best of luck with your OD. I am sure you will be fine. I was a little sore after (back to work 3 days after), but the worst part was the gassy feeling, that lasted a couple of weeks for me, but everyone is different.
Hi ladies, I decided not to test today but to wait for AF to show. Just don't want to be sad today. Will be testing on Thursday the 28th if AF doesn't show that would be 19dpo.
lozdog could i have the name of the pcos forum you use please as id be intrested in having a look at it :)
FX'ed for you Keisha! Would love to hear you got your BFP!!
THANKS Snflwrgrl9!!!!!!
GL on your OD in Aug. Jennievictoria!!!
Maria > How many days till you due to OV?

snflwrgrl > is your IUI scheduled for this cycle or are you still deciding?

keisha > only 2 more days :D keeping everything crossed for you!!! I cant wait for you possive news!! :dust:

lozdog > there is so much info on the net it is confusing. that is why i decided to rather join a forum and get first hand experience and advise from people who has gone/ is going through it.

Me > Im so confused at this moment, the chart is up and down the whole time, my OV microscope is showing ferning most of the time and my CM seems to stay fertile according to FF. So i dont know how many DPO i am now or if i have actually OV'd. I have flu and yesterday i took my temp late and after i woke up so it is completely out of range, but i suppose we will have to wait and see what tomorrows temps are like. Im considering to contact me FS and ask him to put me on Clomid and monitor if i do actually OV.
Keisha - your chart looks great! Fingers Crossed :happydance: We've not had a BFP on here for a long time!
Im CD11 or 12 - can't even remember :dohh: Which is good!

I have no OPKs and am SOOO busy at work that I have no time to go out and buy any.
I have some random twitched in my right side, but no EWCM. So I think if I am to ovulate at all this cycle it won't be for another few days.
I don't mind to be honest. It's just 15 days until our holiday and then we are back it will only be may be another 3 weeks till my first IUI. Which will be stimulated and monitored. So Ill have no drama on tracking ovulation, EWCM, etc. I do like the certainty :thumbup:

Tella - see my comment above! I also hate not knowing for certain what my body is about to do or where am I in the cycle :wacko: I think most women won't understand us. They have a clock-work cycle (and I laugh at comments when someone says I have a very irregular cycle - it's 28-35 days!!) - I still call this clock-work! Because most of us on here can go on for months/years without a period. So they are certain when af will arrive and when roughly they will ovulate. But for us it's still all new to even have a cycle! And of course we doubt whether our bodies will play ball!

I really hope that you have ovulated and it's just the cold affecting the temperature. Were you doing OPKs?
Maria > I agree 100% with the irregular periods. It is alot easier when the OV is monitored by the FS but then again it can also be disappointing if there is nothing. However that happened before the OD so im possitive that it will be differnt Post OD.

I did do OPK's till CD 18 of which all was negative but then decided to stop and use the OV microscopem which was furned completely on CD17. That is one of the reasons why im confused.

Oh well, im just holding thumbs that tomorrow will also be a higher temp, which would mean i OV'd on Saturday/Sunday. But then i need to see how long my LP will be. If AF arrives then im gonna ask my FS to monitor me this coming cycle so we know for certain that i do OV.

The holiday countdown is exciting!!!!!
Tella just keep BDing until you are sure you have Oed!

Maria i haven't chart in over a week so i am not sure where my temps are, but AF should arrive today or tomorrow, if she does. I see that you are approaching the BD section of your cycle, HAVE FUN!

AFM - 17dpo today, but i am trying not to think about it to much, i guess i am not as optimistic as i once was. If it (my BFP) happens I would be the Happiest woman in the world, if it doesn't, i wouldn't be surprise.

Hello ladies,

Sorry for being quiet for the past few weeks, I have been busy with family and unfortunately may have missed my fertile period completely! As I was too pre-occupied with all my commitments, so I never realised when I OV'ed, however I had a Day 21 blood test and that came up with a very high progesterone reading 70.8, so I was chuffed, but I have had lots of spotting today, so I think AF got me :(
I have to say I am extremely upset that I let other commitments take over when this should have been my priority, I have been really really upset with myself and keep beating myself up about it!
Yet, I was watching the Panorama programme yesterday that said that their is a baby born every 40 seconds, then why can we not just have one!!

Anyway, so I think that is a wasted month, unfortunately our fasting month begins next week, so again another slow month as far as trying to conceive is is so hard to be positive it is unbelievable! I just wish that one of us could have positive soon so that we can get some encouragement.

Wish you ALL the best.
hi ladies i spoke to my dr yesterday and was told to start BCP-progyluton and if after 5 days from completion AF didnt come to come in and see him. ? tonight is day 1 !
hey ladies, how are we all?

Symplasm - iv never heard of that BCP, does the doc want to put you on it to induce AF? and then give you something to ovulate??

Arza - so sorry you missed your fertile period!! at least you are ovulating tho aye, i find that if i have had a successful cycle it tends to give me a good few months of natural cycles (until it goes tits up again and dont ovulate lol) heres hoping next month is your month

Keisha: im so nervous for you, are you gonna test? any symptoms?

Tella. do you use the fertility saliva thing? i have one of those, i think they are more accuate than OPK's for me

Maria - countdown to your IUI! you must be stoked, heres some insparation for you, my SIL has the worst PCOS i have ever heard of, she has only gotten ger period for the first time EVER in her life (not counting a few BCP AFs) after losing weight and has had her 3rd IUI, got pregant (amazingly) but it was an ectopic, the point is, if she can get pregnant after having crap ovaries, never ovulating etc, then im sure we have better chances :)

AFM - i got my operation note letter today, it said what they did etc, apparently uterus,, tubes, and ovaries ALL normal and mobile but then it said "scarred ovaries not like PCO ovaries" weird huh? and yet it said "normal appearing ovaries" my question is....if my ovaires arnt that bad and cystic , does that give me better chance to concieve than other ladies who have really large cystic ovaries and will my drilling work better for me???:saywhat:
LozDog - I wonder if your ovaries were just covered in adhesions/endometriosis rather than the thick capsule from PCOS :shrug: Did they still make holes in them?
May be if your ovaries are not policystic then the drilling will just help yo ovulate a little bit easier?

Arza - don't beat yourself up about missing your fetile windo :hugs: See, Ive ovulated 5 times since my OD and we BD'ed right on time, I took OPKs and charted, held my legs up in the air, used Preseed - and NOTHING! And you know what?! My body is protesting now. Ive killed all romance for the last 5 months and when we start IUI forget about romance - it will be timed injections, hormones, emotions, regular trips to the hospital to be monitored etc. So these remaining 2 cycles Im taking it easy. We BD only if we want to - and turns out we both only want it every 3-4 days - not every day or every other day as I was subjecting my poor DH to. But when we do it - it great :blush:
The good news is that you did ovulate and that progesterone reading was brilliant!
Can you not TTC during Ramadan? I hope the family issues are not too serious :hugs:

AFM - Im cd12 and nothing unusual to report. Im still very busy at work as all our senior management is visiting from New York this week. We have an out of office activity tomorrow - we are going to a vinyard wine tasting :wine!
yeah could be maria although the doc said i had no endomentriosis or anything, he said everything was normal but just that slight about "scarred ovaries not like PCO" that got me thinking "huh?!" anyway, i know i def have PCOS because of other symptoms, irreg periods, some hirsutism and my LH is always higher than FSH.

geez i SOOOO know what you mean about BDing on demand without actually enjoying it, you must make time to do it even when your not in your "fertile" window, that way, its only all about love making and nothing else and brings intimacy between you and your hubby still :)

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