anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi ladies, no need for me to test, AF started today, i am not as sad as i would have be in the past. I am just taking it easy. Hubby got me a spa pass months ago, i might just use it this weekend, if not next weekend because i will be so busy moving this weekend, but i am doing good. Moving on the July/August cycle.

Hope you ladies have better news for us!!!!!!!
Oh Keisha :cry: I had a feeling this would be your month.

What's going on with this thread?! We haven't had a BFP since February! That's nearly 6 months!!!!
Surely the OD must work for more girls! I start to find this all really discouraging :nope:
Keisha - I was waiting for your good news almost as if that's confirmation that there's hope for the rest of us.

Im really sorry af arrived. Im glad you are taking it easy - well done for being so strong! Go and enjoy the spa and a massage! You need some Me time now :hugs:

Good Luck with everything Jennie :flower:
DONT LOSE HOPE LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A lot of woman i have seen who have had this ovarian drilling done still take up to a year to fall pregnant, i have seen this on the soulcysters website its i think its all about PCOS and woman with their journeys with TTC, and everythign else with it, at the moment the forum seems to be overrun with woman getting their BFP and i have to say ALOT of these woman i know have been trying for over 3-5 years, and it still happend for them eventually. :)

keep your head up ladies, and yes my hubby gave me a spa pass thing 2 weeks ago, he sent it to me a workd along with all thses helium balloons saying "i love you" hehehe im gonna use it today :)

anther thing, does any of you smoke? i am really good with everything else, dont drink much and even gave up smoking for 2 years except for the odd social one, lately due to stress i have been havign a few more, i know i shouldnt this wil make things worse for me but how the heck do i give up!!!! SIGH - never a dull moment aye...
Progyluton and PCOS
Low-dose Hormones
Progyluton is a low-dose hormone medication that is often used to regulate the menstrual cycle where there is abnormal uterine bleeding. The medication is a combination of estrogen and progesterone but in doses so low that progyluton cannot be used as a contraceptive. Because there are fewer side effects with this medication, doctors like to prescribe progyluton for young girls and older women with menstrual irregularities.

The Pill can lessen the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) by nipping ovulation in the bud, and giving your ovaries a break from producing follicles. That works for the symptoms, but doesn't help a woman with PCOS to conceive. But, since progyluton works in a way that is similar to the pill without serving as an actual contraceptive, it may be given to women with PCOS who are trying to conceive. In other words, the drug will lessen the symptoms of PCOS by regulating the menstrual cycle and though it won't help you ovulate, it won't cause a complete nullification of your fertility since, unlike the Pill, progyluton does not inhibit ovulation.
Keisha > :cry: Im so sorry the witch got you! I also really thought this was your cycle. Good luck for the next! :hugs: Enjoy the spa, wish I could get one of those 

Arza > At least the blood test are positive that you OV'd and that is already a step in the right direction. Don’t beat yourself up about it, the relaxed cycles are needed just as much as the bd'ing on the right time. I hope you can manage to at least try to conceive this month.
A BFP will definitely be a positive thing for all of us, but we must just persevere and it will happen.

Sam > I read today whilst looking for information of Soy that they progyluton is not strong enough to be a actual BCP but it tricks your body into starting AF due to change of hormones. Holding thumbs that AF arrives as scheduled!

Lozdog > Yes I use the microscope but it is as confusing as hell. I have had partial Ferning for the last 10 days? And the OPKs to me so far has been a waste, I have not had any luck with them so I stopped using it in the hope that my temps will tell me if I OV'd but that isn't happening either :cry: Your letter is confusing, but the only thing that will tell if you OD will work better is if you can start OV regularly and then get a BFP, fx'd

I used to smoke but im very happy to say that I will been "clean" for 17 months on the 1st of August… :D

Maria > bringing the romance back can be so much fun :D I must say im still battling to get my DH to get into BD'ing when I seem fertile, if he doesn't feel like it chances are slim hehe. But then again we continue with our normal routine even if im not fertile so it helps I suppose. Wine tasting….that is so much fun! hope you have a blast of a day!

Jennie > Good luck with the scan, hope the waiting time till the op flies by!!!

AFM > Im still not sure if I OV'd this cycle, will have to see if AF arrives. But im researching Soy at the moment, have any of you ladies had any experience with it? Or alternatively Im going to go back onto Clomid. I still have partial ferning on my microscope so that doesn't make sense either, and my temps aren't doing anything in particular either.
Well, Im off wine tasting in a minute :wine:

Sam - I also heard that BCP is used to start af - I hope you get yours very soon!

Tella - I can see that temp has gone up a little today....may be it's the start of an upward trend?!

Oh and I don't smoke - never have. But I do like my wine. I don't drink a lot but a small glass nearly every night with dinner...

Im CD13 and no news. Still some pulling pains on the right but no other symptoms. So it's a waiting game :sleep:
Lozdog Thanks for the encouragement!!! I hope you enjoy your day at the spa, have fun for all of us. No i don't smoke, i would have a drink at the end of my cycle when i get my BFN, but that is it. I very very rarely drink.

Symplsam Thanks for the info.

Tella yeah the witch got me, but the fight is not over! I had purchase a bottle of Soy before i did OD, but i didn't take it because i have read that it can really mess up your cycle. That was when OD was introduce to me so i opt to do the OD because of the good results my RE spoke of.

AFM nothing to report just waiting for the witch to leave!

Have a wonderful day ladies!!!!!!!!
one positive thing i have notice, in my last 2 cycles i have Oed on cd14, with a luteal phase of 17 days, so my cycles are becoming regular. So happy for that because before OD , I had no idea when the witch would show up. So this is my postive from OD & more to come (my BFP)!
hiya girls had my scan today glad thats over dont think iv ever been so glad go for a wee lol :D
Hi girls wonder if anyone can help I have had PCOS and Endo for ever and was diagnosed when I was 18 I'm now 24 and have been trying to conceive for 8months no joy went back to my gyn and they referee me to have a lap and historoscopy along with dye test and removal of endo and ovarian drilling. Everything went well was in a bit of pain after op but back to work now. Had the op on 8th July Feel a bit better touch wood no pain other then what I think may have been ovulation pain on 20th of this month I am due on on the 2nd I seem to have a period naturally every other month I tested yesterday I know I shoulnt of but thought I would see BFN :( how long after ovarian drilling dis anyone find out they were pregars I have to go on cd21 for bloods xxxx any tips I currently take metformin 1000g a day any suggestions???? Xxxx
Jennie - what did the scan show? Are you still having the OD on the 17th?

Amy - welcome to the thread. We had lots of BFPs here up until February (not sure what happened since then :shrug:). But most girsl fell pg within 6-9 months after the OD.

I had mine 5 months aog and ovulated 4 times since then - we did everything right and BDed on time yet still no BFP.

I think it's all very individual. I hope you get your BFP soon!
Hi Ladies,

Maria - How was your wine tasting day - hope you had a good time!

Hi Amy - Welcome to the OD forum - Hope the op goes well for you.

Jennie - Goodluck - what did the scan say?

Keisha - You are so right, as much as we hate to see the AF come every month as it confirms that we have just been unsuccessful again - it is great to see our cycles normalising!

Lozdog - Thanks for the encouragement! You lucky thing - wish my husband was as good at showing his feelings - enjoy your spa day! I do not smoke either - however to give up I would say that if your put your mind to it and are dedicated to it you will give up smoking.

Tella - Waiting to hear your good news OK! :)

AFM - Day 3 of my cycle - sort of looking forward to this new cycle - yet apprehensive at the same time - I hope I do ovulate, and I pray that my OHs Swimmers will get to the egg this time! LoL! We need to set this forum off again with all our positives -

Have a good weekend evryone - you will all be in my thoughts and prayers!
Hey Arza - wine tasting was amazing! Really good tour of the vinyard and we got try 5 types of bubbly (the viyard only does bubbly). And they were quite generous! Eeeek!

And it's friday today! So the weekend is nearly here!

I know what you mean about looking forward to the new cycle yet being apprehensive. But we need to stay positive and stay optimistic. There's no other way!

Im CD14 today and I don't think anything's happening....The twitches are still there every now and then...but no ewcm or any proper ovulation pains that I usually get.
I know it's still early as I have been known to ovulate as late as CD19...So Im just waiting and trying to stay hopeful
hiya it showed that there where cysts on my ovaries so i think we are still going ahead with the op the doc is ringing me monday :)
Hi ladies
I was diagnosed 4 years ago after a lap that I had pcos and end. I wasn't trying for a baby then but am now am on metformin 1000g a day
Have had surgery on 8th July had hysteroscopy and lap found endo deep , tubes were fine had dye test and ovarian drilling had pain 10 dpo and have been trying from day 12 past ovarian drilling as gp advised all was good. Still waiting for aunt flow is due on 2nd normally I have one every other didn't last month. So should be on aunt f 2nd aug. Did anyone fall straight after ovarian surgery as above thanks any tips yo help would be great xxxxxxx
Hi ladies sorry seemed to put two posts up thanks Maria that's great positive thoughts.
I am having a bit of bloated pain in tummy ATM but feels a bot different to normal af. I'll keep you updated as I'm going to do a test tomorrow to see if it's a BFP baby dust hopefully. Xxx
hi ladies, welcome to the group Amy - i had my OD done on the 13th July, i think i have ovulated since then, not too sure when to be exact but now my boobs are getting tender like they usually do if i have a successful ovulataion cycle, heres hoping for both of us aye :)

Maria - iv got both fingers crossed for you my dear that you are in your fertile period and catch the egg - just RELAX tho, font think about it too much (duh i know easier said than done) i figure if i put too much emphasis and thought into each cycle the more dissapointed i am when its a BFN and you know just about EVERY woman i see get their BFP on the cycle they werent even "trying".

jennievictoria - OMG i SO know what you mean about wanting too pee after scan. i drank too much water before mine and my bladder was so full while waitng it was actually painful and i thought i f i dont pee now im going to wet myself! so i had to go to the loo to "let a lil bit out" hahaha. so when are you having OD?
Lozdog - great news about possible ovulation and fingers crossed you'll be one of the lucky ones who gets pg the month after the OD!,! How often did you ovulate before the OD?

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