anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

well girls i caved and did a HPT and got a BFN (grrrrrr!) oh well it was a bit too optimistic to expect a BFP this soon after the OD, my boobs are still sore however like they always are after i ovulate, still no sign of AF tho, im pretty sure im not pregnant. all those OPKS are still positive which is a little downheartning as i thought OD was supposed to reduce androgen levels and i know i had high LH levels pre op. Sigh,,,,, oh well. i will not give up hope tho, i know the Lord will bless me with a baby soon, he will bless all of us with a baby , if we only ask him and praise him. dont know if any of you ladies have christian beliefs or not but heres a scripture i believe is Gods promise to us about crowning us with motherhood like we were born to be "he settles the barren woman making her a happy mother of children in her home" psalms 113:9

Love to you all and have a great day :)
Maria - yay for cycle buddies! I have a positive OPK yesterday and today. The "natural trying" is going well. I go back to the FS on Friday to confirm ov. Then its blood tests the following week until the end of the 2WW. Would be so ecstatic if it happened this cycle (for ANY of us!!). If it doesn't happen for me, I am looking forward to the IUI.

Cridge - welcome! After my OD - I ov'd 11 days after and then AF came 2 weeks later. I hope your blood work comes back with good news! Unfortunately, I am not too familiar with the medications you are on. OD has helped my cycles stay on track. I wish you the best of luck. Come back here often - it really gives you support from ladies that are going through the same thing you are.
Been to c the specialist today had blood test and ultrasound going bak Tuesday for the results! He thinks my ovaries have stopped working
Maria > Good luck with the 2WW, im atleast halfway through today only 7 more to go! Im really keeping my fx'd for you girl!
It is so easy to lose faith in a procedure when we don’t see immediate results, however you mentioned in a previous post that most of the BFP that came from this thread took about 6-9 months and most of us are still within that time frame, so don’t give up on OD!

Snflwrgrl > Yeah on the OV, it is nice to know that your progress is being monitored by the FS. Good luck on your 2WW as well. Keeping those fx'd for you as well.

Lozdog > Sorry about the BFN, but please dont be discouraged by it. It is still possible to be too early for you to test. Are you charting?
Like you say the Lord will give us all a precious little bundle of joy to hold. Love the script you quote.

Fee > Im so sorry to hear that your doc might be thinking that! We will all be thinking about you, and that it is something less serious that is wrong.

Jennie > Hope it is just the BD that has caused it and that your op still goes ahead as planned. Best of luck and hope its not sore!

Arza > Thanks :D We must all just stay positive and it will come :) Loads of :dust: for you.

Amy > Did you confirm OV at all? Or was it just the pains. It might be that your body is still adjusting after the OD. MY doc told me to take the day after op as CD1 and AF arrived on CD32.

Cridge> Welcome!!!!!!!! Oh yes forums can be very addictive, especially this one because everyone is so "close" on it. And not hearing from someone for more than a day results in withdrawal symptoms hahaha. Also my first time hearing of that meds, what does it do? Good luck with the waiting to OV and have fun BDíng.

AFM > Im 7DPO so the wait continues, 7 more to go till testing and then another 9months for the next AF hopefully :dohh:
OK ladies UPDATE, i went out after i took that HPT and when i came back home their is a definate cross + in the test window, it wasnt there before but now it is, the line is thinner but def there, it is however a blue dye test and i have heard that they are notorius for evaps but i thought evaps are supposed to be grey or colourless??! this is blue, i dont know what to think!!!??? how do i post it on here to show you guys??
well i saw a slight line before i left to go out, was out for a few hours and came back to see this, i have never had a false positive before but i know it can happen, how rare is it tho? i did a pink dye test which was negative but i did that one late in evening tonght and the blue dye test is supposed to detect earlier so it picks up lower hcg levels than my other pink dye one
I would try and go get another test and retest first thing in the morning. OMW this is so exciting!

When my cousin (16) fell pregnant by accident, we asked the doc if the light blue line might be a false + and he said any line is a line. Unless you have had meds that could interfere obviously.
hehe im excited too but i cant get my hopes up, i just have this awful feeling that its an evap line owing to the fact that i left it so long and the pink dye test (although not a early response one ) was a BFN. my hubby is so excited, im going to feel terrible if it is a BFN. how common are evaps on blue dye tests really??
Im sorry hun, but it seems like the fact that you left it for so long might be the problem. But the best bet will be to get other test and redo it, it is the only way to know.
Lozdog - unfortunately blue dye tests are very bad for evaps. Basically every time Ive taken a blue dye test a clear blue line came up for me within 10 minutes.
I only buy them if they are on offer, obviously hoping to see a nice thick blue line
So you are right not to get your hopes up. But those positive OPKs certainly look promising :thumbup:

I do know someone who fell pg exactly 2 weeks after her OD :thumbup:
Lozdog - I hope it's for real! I've heard horrible things about blue dye tests though, so like others have suggested, I would retest in the morning. Good luck! I can't wait to hear how it goes.

For those that asked... Femara is generic for Letrozole. It's very similar to clomid, but apparently has better results and is typically used for those that become resistant to clomid. I've used clomid in the past and typically ovulated on it (I would become resistant if I used it too many months in a row), but my current dr. has had such great results with Letrozole that she went straight to that. She didn't even really care to wait to see what OD alone would do for me, which I'm glad of. I think partly because of my long history TTC and partly because of my age (I'm!). If you google Femara (you'll get more information on that than Letrozole) it will give you all you want to know. I know it's becoming more commonly used in the US, but I'm not sure about the UK.
Lozdog - that is very exciting!! Definitely try another test. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Cridge- Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day! I hope the femara works well for you!
So I have to wait to Tuesday for results! But today I have notice a light red colour when I go to the bathroom! So I guess I cross my fingers and hope I get a period over the weekend
Fee > fx'd for you to be AF!!!! Atleast you know that its not your ovaries then.

Cridge > Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Cridge, Happy Birthday to you! Hip hip horay :cake:

Snflwrgrl > Good luck with the with your appointment today! Fx'd that the :spermy: catch that eggy :D

AFM > 8DPO, not much to tell still the same :winkwink:
Happy belated Birthday Cridge :happydance:

Do you take Femara as pills or injections?

Tella - any symptoms?

Fee - any progress with the spotting?

Lozdog - any news? Have you taken another test? How many DPO are you now?

I'm 3DPO so just at the beginning of the 2ww...Oh well just 5 days till holidays!,!
Woohoo never Been so happy I have my period! So I will go bak Tuesday still but at least I know my ovaries r still working
Isn't it funny how we get so excited to receive a visit from af? Congrats Fee! :)

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