anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Maria - Femara is a pill taken just like clomid (5 days at the beginning of your cycle). It is very similar to clomid but ... different enough, I guess. ;) It's shown to work really well for women that no longer respond to clomid. Of course, for those that do respond to clomid as well. It's typically used for women with breast cancer, but they've found that by taking it short term like clomid, it helps women to ovulate. It is metabolized within 44 hours, so it doesn't have long term side effects like clomid.

Ask your dr. about it. It's a newer protocol for fertility and seems to be working really well. The dosage is 2.5mg up to 10mg a day for 5 days. It seems that for most, 5 or 7mg is the lowest dose that really works well, but some do get pregnant on 2.5mg.

I'm on my 3rd day of taking it, so only on cd 5, but I'll keep you posted. I'm only on 2.5mg but i'm hopeful that since I recently had OD, I'll respond well to the low dose. I'm not being monitored this cycle but I'll be doing all the monitoring myself (temps, opk) so I should know how well it works for me.
Cridge - I seem to ovulate either on my own or with Clomid no problem, so I don't know what the problem is :shrug:

Fee - brill news on af :thumbup: yes, it is amazing how excited we can get about af :dohh:

Snflrwgrl - how are you? How many DPO are you?

I'm 4DPO and nothing to report really.

Lozdog - any news?
How much pain was you in after the operation? And how long did you belive it before sex ?
Jennie - had 2 laps and after the first one I was in was pain for about 7 days. After the second I was pain for about 3 days. We didn't BD for about 12 days both times.
:cry:hey girls well i took another test in the AM the next day before we went away on holiday and the same thing, only it was a pink dye test and another blue dye test, the blue one was stronger and the pink one faint ,but there. and then while on holiday i started to bleed, quite heavy cramps and (TMI) large clots, took a few more tests over the weekend and the lines were gettign fainter, i think maybe iv had a chemical pregnancy perhaps? i dunno, really gutted but oh well, it was bitter sweet for a few days, slight glimmer of hope, however many more months to come i guess huh (sob)
Lozdog, I'm really sorry af turned up :hugs: It does sound like chemical :cry:

But although I can imagine it's very hard try to see the positive - you most likely did get pg! I also heard that your body "remembers" what happened last cycle and most likely will try to get pg again the next. You know you can pg so I think you'll have your real BFP Very soon!!! :thumbup:
Lozdog - so sorry af found you! But like Maria said, don't give up because next month you might get your bfp for real!

Jennie - I had a slightly different procedure done, so I'm probably not the best one to respond, but dh and I got busy about 5 days after the procedure.

Maria - I forgot to mention that it also doesn't have an effect on lining like clomid does. It keeps lining thicker than clomid. Do you know how your lining is effected with clomid? Some women don't have a problem with thin lining, but many do.
Hi ladies, I have been so busy with moving, but i am back.

I should be Oing within the next 2-3 days, now that i am Oing on cd14. My temps started falling yesterday & I just notice some EWCM. I started my BDing marathon today. I so hope that this is my month.

Hey ladies let get these BFPs!!!
Fee > Im delighted AF showed up! Yay on your ovaries working!

Maria > Almost the middle of that 2WW and hopefully na AF after that 2WW :D

AFM > Im 11DPO, only 3 more to go till testing :happydance: Im getting loads of cramps, heartburn, TMI :blush: - gassy, occasional Ferning on OV and lots of creamy CM still. FF says to test on 18DPO only but i dont know if i will be able to wait that long.

I have also gotten Femara for my next cycle, spoke to my pharmacist and they recommend it before Clomid as it works out of your system quicker than Clomid. So if AF does come (hope it doesnt) then i will start with it on Day 3.
Cridge - my lining seems to be OK on Clomid. I think it was over 10mm when I was being monitored on Clomid. However, I did read that although the thickness may be fine, it can affect the quality (i.e. the ability to accept the egg) - and this is very hard to see on a scan.
When Ill be doing my IUI I will be on injectibles (Menopur) and that doesn't affect the lining :thumbup:

Keisha - great to see you back! And best of luck BDing!! So do you ovulate without any meds now? Every month? Did you have regular ovulation before the OD?

Tella - those symptoms all sound fab :thumbup: I have a good feeling about you this month :winkwink:

Im 6DPO and have been having really odd cm...there's tons of it, it's stringly (almost as stringy as ewcm) but thick and with a pale yellow tint - sorry for TMI :blush:
I also have on and off cramps and woke up this morning feeling a bit nauseous. But then Im only 6DPO so most of these symptoms are probably just in my head :dohh:
Oh and my nipples are sore - but then I had that before and nothing came of it :shrug:
My AF is 3 DAYS LATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!1

should i be excited ??????

i am even more confused now !!!!!!!!
Lozdog > Im so sorry to hear that but keep your chin up and lets pray for that BFP in the next cycle.

Cridge > It sounds a lot better than clomid that is why im also gonna try that rather than Clomid this cycle if necesary.

Do you girls think i should try testing or should i wait till 14DPO?
MommyMel - if you know for sure you ovulated and when and your af was due around 14DPO, making you now about 17DPO I think you should take a test! It should alsoready come up with a strong fat positive :thumbup:

Tella - 11DPO may be a day or two too early. But knowing me Ill start testing from 8DPO - Im just a freak and need to feed my POAS addiction :dohh::haha: So if I were you Id do a FRER tomorrow, when you are 12DPO.
I think most pregnant girls get their BFP on 12DPO or sooner. But as I said even if it's a BFN not all hope's lost - implantation can happen as late as 12DPO and then it takes a day or 2 for enough HCG to get into your urine

Thanks MariaF, i want to test, but i am so scared of getting BFN..... i had so many of those already.
I wish there was a magic pill us ladies could take..... and just fall pregant...

i was suppose to get AF on the 5th Aug, but nothing as yet.....
my breast have a tingly sensation sometimes,,, but other than that and a late AF, i have no other indications yet....
mommy, mel and others who are in 2ww - i also had the tingly boobies thing, and mel i def had the stringy/globby pale yellow tinted thing... but no one can go off my symptoms becasue this was a complete cock up, lol. the only thing different for me this time was i usually always have AF cramps befor AF but this time didnt which made me test, then after 2 days line got fainter then BAM heavy AF
and mommymel i would test, do it at a impulsive moment where you feel that if its going to be negative you can sort of "handle it" thats what i do, i keep thinking no no no not going to test, dont want to see a negative, i would rather sit here and think im pregnant, and then the moment i think, "ah waht the heck if its negative so what," i do it, that way you know and you can either scream with excitement if its postive, or move on and be content with knowing so you can focus on next cycle. with me as SOON as i test, i finally get AF straight after lol, murphys law huh
i also had the globby pale CM, thought nothing of it really..... no cramps, but feel a little light headed at times.... but nothing striking.
i hope my doctor was spot on about me conceiving after Ovarian drilling and Lap....
Lozdog, you are so right !!! that makes perfect sense.
If AF comes and show her ugly face, then at least i know where i stand and what to do !!! Argh ! this can be so frustrating....
If its positive, i will be the happiest women alive, The biggest gift from God !

good luck to all of you...
i had OD, Lap, Hsg and Dye on the 7th June 2011.
everything looked great and ready to go !!

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