Jennie > Im so happy for you!!!! only a week left, so the countdown begins
Keisha > It might have taken a bit longer for you but the GREAT news is that your OVing on the 13/14th for the last few months! So atleast that part has been successful and like you say now we just waiting for your BFP, which will come soon!!! When will you find out when you doing IUI?
Amy > Like any surgery, it is a shock for your body. Give it some chance, I had a 32day Cycle after my op and my doc said it could have been op to 36 and still be normal. Im now on my second cycle after OD and I Ov'd on CD25 which is very long into but at least I Ov'd and that is a lot more than what I had before OD. Next cycle I hope it comes down to normal Ov around CD14.
Fee > that is phenomenal news!!! Seems like your body just needed awake up call
for the next cycle, fx'd for that BFP
Lozdog > Im doing the same next cycle if AF arrives, im gonna take Femara in the hope to shorten my Follicular phase from 25Days to 14days.
Cridge > No never heard of apple cider vinegar. But let us know if you find anything concrete on it.
Snflwrgrl > Good luck with the last 6 days!!! Mine is almost over, just hoping that my previous test was just to early and that AF will still stay away!
MommyMel > Any news yet? Still keeping the fx'd for you!!
Maria > I knew it was gonna happen, it was to early but thought it was worth the shot. I used a test that I bought at the local pharmacy, it said it was early detection from as much as 20 units per litre. What is IC test? this one had pink lines does that mean anything? Im still uneducated when it comes to the different HPT's. It did however turn out that I have a stomach bug, so that can be the culprit for the symptoms.
Good luck with the remainder of your 2WW at least your Holiday starts today and you can have a nice, well deserved break!
AFM > IM currently 13DPO, and praying for AF to stay away. I will only test on Friday which will make me 15DPO, if AF stays away obviously! I had spotting last night, I cant say I have ever had it before AF was due, normally the morning a little spotting and then a bit later full AF will arrive but so far nothing. I hate this waiting game!
to you all