anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi ladies, looks like i Oed on cd13 this cycle!!! So happy with this.
ladies there is hope, it might not happen within the first 9 months after OD, but i will happen. The 18th of this month (August) makes it one year since OD & i ovulate on my own between cd13 & cd14. Just waiting for my BFP!!!
Yay Keisha! I'm so happy to hear good news can come even almost a year after OD! Good luck! I'll have fx'd for you!

Hi Amy - I had to go pull out my pregnancy journal to know exactly when I tested with my son. I had forgotten another strange thing that happened before I knew I was pregnant. I had been on Metformin and had been sick as a dog. My nausea suddenly disappeared the week after I ovulated. And it looks like that weird fatigue and dizziness only lasted a day or so about 5 dpo. Just before I tested, I had called my nurse to let her know that we needed to prepare for a new cycle because I really didn't have any "symptoms". But I went ahead and tested 14 dpo and got a major bfp. I made a note that my breasts were really sore at 15dpo, but I think that's pretty normal for me when I ovulate. By 19dpo they were so sore I couldn't sleep on my stomach - it was a soreness like I had worked out really hard. So everyone is totally different, but that's how I experienced it. I just remember looking for and expecting all these symptoms but they really weren't there. And I had never heard of the nasty yellow cf as a symptom, but that's pretty much the only thing I look for now because it was so different and evident. My temps were also fairly low for a typical ovulatory cycle for me - they were above 98.0 (which is when I know I've ovulated), but they stayed right around 98.1-98.2. That freaked me out so I stopped taking my temp about a week after my bfp. My beta tests were enough to suspect multiples though, so I figured the lower temps were just fine. You just never know from cycle to cycle. Good luck to you!
Jennie > Im so happy for you!!!! only a week left, so the countdown begins :D

Keisha > It might have taken a bit longer for you but the GREAT news is that your OVing on the 13/14th for the last few months! So atleast that part has been successful and like you say now we just waiting for your BFP, which will come soon!!! When will you find out when you doing IUI?

Amy > Like any surgery, it is a shock for your body. Give it some chance, I had a 32day Cycle after my op and my doc said it could have been op to 36 and still be normal. Im now on my second cycle after OD and I Ov'd on CD25 which is very long into but at least I Ov'd and that is a lot more than what I had before OD. Next cycle I hope it comes down to normal Ov around CD14.

Fee > that is phenomenal news!!! Seems like your body just needed awake up call… :) :dust: for the next cycle, fx'd for that BFP

Lozdog > Im doing the same next cycle if AF arrives, im gonna take Femara in the hope to shorten my Follicular phase from 25Days to 14days.

Cridge > No never heard of apple cider vinegar. But let us know if you find anything concrete on it.

Snflwrgrl > Good luck with the last 6 days!!! Mine is almost over, just hoping that my previous test was just to early and that AF will still stay away!

MommyMel > Any news yet? Still keeping the fx'd for you!!

Maria > I knew it was gonna happen, it was to early but thought it was worth the shot. I used a test that I bought at the local pharmacy, it said it was early detection from as much as 20 units per litre. What is IC test? this one had pink lines does that mean anything? Im still uneducated when it comes to the different HPT's. It did however turn out that I have a stomach bug, so that can be the culprit for the symptoms.

Good luck with the remainder of your 2WW at least your Holiday starts today and you can have a nice, well deserved break!

AFM > IM currently 13DPO, and praying for AF to stay away. I will only test on Friday which will make me 15DPO, if AF stays away obviously! I had spotting last night, I cant say I have ever had it before AF was due, normally the morning a little spotting and then a bit later full AF will arrive but so far nothing. I hate this waiting game!

:dust: to you all
Hi Tella,,

honestly, I am too scared of getting a BFN again, thats why i have'nt tested as yet.

What is bothering me is the following:
AF should have been 05/08, nothing, not even spotting yet,
I am noticed constipation since last week, and some extra CM,,, and thats all i have. No sore or tender boobs(normaly before AF i get them), no nausea, nothing else. Although i do feel tired whole day.

I dont want to get my hopes up or read anything into it, just in case is a Neg again....

If AF does'nt show her ugly face by next Monday (15/08) then i am doing the HPT...

Gosh.... why must this roller-coaster be so rocky ???? Argh !!!

i will definatley keep you ladies posted.... at least i have ladies who understand what i am going through.... i feel like crying now !!!

much love to all of you....
thank you hun im so excited keep swinging between excitment and being nervous lol x
MommyMel > I understand completely how you feel! Good luck any how and im praying that the :witch: will loose her way!!!

Jennie > I know it is scary but once it is done you will see it is not as bad as you thought it was gonna be! And then you can also look forward to more regular cycles and OV's! :hugs:
yeah i just really hope it works at the moment i dont have periods at all so hopefuly this wil help :) picked me some pjs up today and some new slippers for when im in hospital x
Don't worry, I had the same, took primulot about every cycle to bring on AF, and last cycle it came without any meds! :)

I also got new PJ's and slippers for hospital, it makes it a bit more fun!
mommymel - you're killing me with the suspense! ;) I'm like you though - I don't test until I have GOOD reason to do so. Good luck! I can't wait to see your result on Monday!!
it defo makes it more fun i love buying pjs i brought these slippers pink bit granyish but there like walking on clouds lol cant wait to pack my bag for hospital just want it to be next wednesday now x
should i test even though i have no symptoms ? or should i wait a while ?
Test, and then you know either way :) the worst that can happen is this month was not your month, plenty more to come , we have the benefit of ovarian drilling to give us lots more chances!!!
MommyMel > Symptoms can be the death of us, i had most of the symptoms but yet the :witch: has arrived today for me :cry:

So just think about it like this, if you test and it is negative then you can have a relaxing weekend and dont have to stress about the results on Monday and if it is + then you have a very good reason to celebrate the weekend :D

Loads of :dust: for you!!!!!!!!!

Jennie > I also went pink but with teddy bears on them hehe, made me feel like a child again :D

AFM > Im calling the FS today to setup an appointment, he must check if everything is still fine and then put me on meds to shorten my cycle, this 38 day cycles are not funny!
Thanx Ladies, i will do a test in the morning.

thank you for the support.

much love !!
mommy mel good luck with the test let us know how you get on! :) lol i renember when i was young i said some giant teddy bear slippers :haha:
The :witch: has once again made her apprearence!!!!! :devil:
I am now gonna try the Pre-Seed ..... :shhh:

I expected this,,,,, even though i was hoping !!! :shrug:
MommyMel > Sorry to hear!!!! It always happens with me to, when I set a date to test the witch shows up. I said i will test again tomorrow morning and well it arrived this morning. So we are cycle buddies then :happydance: hope we both OV early and that it is a successfull cycle!
Thanks, Tella,,,, looks like we cycle buddies indeed....

I just hate this feeling!!!!

thank you for the kind words !!!!
Argh! Tella & Mommymel! It's "funny", but I'm the same way - whenever I decide to test, af shows up immediately! That's why I swore off testing years ago. Good news is that you ovulated and had af on your own, right?!

I had my 6wk. post-op blood work done this morning. I'm so nervous that the OD didn't do anything for me, but I'm trying to stay positive. Did any of you have your hormone levels checked after OD? Did your testosterone go down? I'm trying to have faith in the procedure, but I have very little faith in my body any more.

Anyway, I'm on cd 11 and starting those opts waiting around for the big O. Where do you ladies get preseed? Is it something you order online? I've never had much of a problem with cf when I ovulate, but I'm wondering if I should hurry up and get some just to help out.

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