anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Fee - congrats on the new job!

Mommymel - I don't know that it matters what days you take clomid. I'd be interested to see some study results on that, but it appears that it doesn't matter.

I always start opk's on day 10... but because I ovulate so late, I should probably just learn from experience and start later. I think "normal" people should start around day 10 if you're not sure when you'll ovulate.

Yes - I was told that drilling 4 holes in one ovary is optimal. My doc says that from her experience and studies she's read, drilling 4 holes in one ovary seems to do the trick while giving less concern for scarring or other problems. Honestly, I wish she had drilled 4 in each because I'm not sure I'm benefitting at all yet.

When is Maria back? It feels like she's been gone forever!! She was coming up on testing too!!

afm - ugh! CD 18 and still no + opt, cf comes and goes but is mostly just not there. cervical position is WAY high but what I can feel of my cervix doesn't seem very soft. Twinges are getting more pronounced but I'm starting to doubt this cycle. Yes, it's typical for me to ovulate late, but I'm getting frustrated! It seems like my body is still totally out of whack. Luckily, I have a dr. appointment on Monday so if I haven't ovulated by then I'm going to have her do an ultrasound to see what's going on in there.
Congrats on the new job fee! That is great news!

Jennie - glad to hear your OD went well. The pain will subside soon. it will definitely be worth it.

I am still waiting for AF to show her ugly face. Nervous that I will miss my chance to go to the FS on cycle day 2 because we are leaving for vacation on Sunday. I will be calling my doctor tomorrow to see if they can give me a perscription of clomid so I don't miss my chances while on vacation.

If I don't get back on here before Sunday, I hope everyone has a great week! Would love to hear about a BFP when I get back!
hey thank you yeah if it gets me my bfp it will be well worth it. got a personal question now ladies did any of you have discharge after the op iv had it like pinky water and like brown stuff that i norm get before i get a period :-/ x
Jennie > My doc told me to take day after of as CD1, as bleeding post op is an AF.
after my op i had no discharge, but got my period 2 days later..... maybe its your body trying to kickstart again.
is there any odour, if there is then i would suggest you contact your doctor.

good luck babes,,,,, and take care !
yeah its not blood just odd colour hmm iam taking my northistrone as directed by my consultannt by iv got anthoer 3 days left on it and then it takes 6 days to make you bleed sorry tmi lol so it cant be that think il keep an eye on it and il let you know if anythn happens :)
acually, looks like it going to work babes... but we will have to play the waiting game for now ....
thank you for your reply yeah i need try n relax just want it so bad and im terifed it wont work fingers crossed tho x
Hi all sorry not been on here for a while.
I had my OD op on Monday and dye test.
Results from op are tubes are clear ovaries have been drilled and they also found endometriosis which they quarterised ( burnt off ) and my left ovary was stuck down so they have released it.
Bleed straight after op then got period wed am still feeling bruised and saw from all but getting there slowly.
Fingers crossed all works out for BFP
Jennie > Just stay possitive girl, it is hard at times but you need to give your body chance to recover after the op and then you are on your way to that BFP soon!!!

MommyMel > How you doing? Any news on your OV yet?

AFM > Im CD 12 now, OPK's have sofar been neg with a very faint line so still keeping fx'd that it will go + this week. But we gonna BD every other day and if we feel up for it then maybe more around a + OPK.

All the other girls where you know in your cycle? Hope everyone is doing good!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
thats our "problem" Jennievictora, we want it so bad that we actually put ourselves under stress without realising it, its always on our minds and in our hearts, , , , i know, i do the same thing.
Even though i know it wont create a miricle, i still pray and believe i will fall pregnant soon.

Baby dust to all you beautifull ladies.... and have a wonderfull day !!
Hi Tella,
how are you doing ?

I bought the OPK, hoping to use it from CD10 .... And hoping i still get that strong +....
I feel wonderfull today, dont know why.... maybe its just the fact that i have so many caring ladies to chat to, and can relate to me.

Tella, i see we are both in South Africa ........ "nice"

have a super day ladies !!!
Im back girls!!!!!

Oh Ive missed you all - thanks for thinking of me :hugs:

Well, where do I start?! We had a fab time! But we are both exhausted and feel like we need another holiday to just relax :haha: I was a busy trip - with lots of city visits, excursions, etc. But in 12 days we saw sooo much! I want to do it all over again :thumbup:

Unfortunately no BFP for me - CD5 today :nope: To be honest CD1 was tough - cruise was full of families with very young children so realising once again what a failure you are wasn't easy :cry:
So for a day I felt really, really down - cried all the time, just wanted to be back home, curled up in bed...But now PMS is over and Im a little more upbeat. Still not looking forward to IUI in September - it will mean telling people at work. Plus the long journeys to the clinic - but what can we do, hey?!

Snflwrgrl - can't believe you are also on a cruise :wacko: Where did you go???

Jennie - Im glad the op went well. I was sore in my shoulders for about 5 days - hope you are getting better :flower:

Sorry Ive missed a few of you, girls - but still need some time to get back into the swing of things :haha:
glad to have you back Maria, seems like you had a great time...

hey my shoulders seem better went doc today as the stitch in my belly button keeps weeping said its infected :( so got antiobiotics. i know what you mean i try to relax n think positive but then a little voice says what if :( how old are you all if im allowed to ask im 27 x
Hi girls!

Welcome back Maria! Sorry about the bfn!

Jennie - infection... doesn't sound good! As for the bleeding though, I had pinky/brown bleeding for about 5 days post op. My doc said it was normal and to not count it as af because it was just the fluid from the op leaking out. I'm 34 years old. Almost over the ttc hill. ;)

I'm very down today. Had some bad news at my 6 week (which was actually 8) post op follow-up this morning. My testosterone has doubled (WHAT?!), my ovaries are still enlarged and clearly pcos. My doc doesn't have a clue what to do for me. We did ultrasounds of everything to rule out tumors or any other growths - and that was the only "good" news of the day. We're upping my metformin to 2500mg, which is the highest she'll go and she's upping the femara. She wants me on spironolactone, but I hated how it made me feel when I took it last fall and another dr. took me off of it because he said that in the long run it actually raises testosterone. I've spent a lot of time over the weekend trying to get myself in gear to clean up my diet because I have a feeling that's the only thing that's really going to help. My diet isn't horrible, but honestly, I don't eat enough so my body never quite has what it needs to function. I have major food issues and diets have always done me wrong so I've just been trying to take little baby steps, but that hasn't been helping me lately, obviously. I'm thinking that the low GI diet is my answer, but I just worry about getting in enough. What is everyone else doing for their diet these days?

I'm just really sad today. I'm not sure the OD did anything for me (in fact, so far it's made things worse). I'm going to go have a cry and wallow for the rest of the day and then pick myself up in a day or two. :)
lol your no where near over the hill huni yeah bit annyoed about the infection but on tabs 4 times a day so hopefully itl soon be gone :) i havent had any bleeding just disharge day after op but think thats just cos they messed about up there :blush: should be on my clomid by sat :happydance: imgiane if it works first time just to ovulate id be :happydance: :happydance:
Cridge - all is not lost, believe it will happen, things might looks misty now, but you are still in for a good chance,,,,, ,, :winkwink:

At times it just feels as if i cant cope anymore either :jo: , like things gets too much for me to handle at once, but then i hand it over to the man upstairs....:God, you handle this because i cant !! :growlmad:

If you fel like crying and screaming, then do so,,,, its good for the soul and you have all the right to be angry at times, you are human !!...... take your time, and always know that us Ladies are here for you, :hug: ,, even if its just to let off some steam.... :friends:

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