anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

:happydance::happydance::happydance: so so happy for you, im kinda chasing you round bnb congratulating you, lol, you know how truely over the moon i am for you, your gonna be a mummy soon, well done helen, you really deserve this, you have waited so long for it, massive congratulations :hugs: xxx

congratulations to you too sonialouise, this thread looks like its going to turn very positive xx

keepsmiling, i would definatly ask about OD, i think its so worth it, although im not pregnant yet its the best chance iv ever had

try not to worry yet firefox, im sure you will ov, babydust went a whole cycle with no positive opk but blood tests revealed she did actually ov, just keep dtd just incase you miss your surge hun, i know how annoying it is though, im cd 20 something and no positive yet too, hate this waiting game :dohh:

oh and thankyou kstan, sending loads of luck to you this cycle :hugs:
thankyou hun its a big shock as you may know lol but its very exciting aswell as been nervous. ive waited a long time for this and it all seems unreal but i'll get there! :)
hi babydust1


i'm new to this forum (just joined) as was doing some research on ovarian drilling.

my history so far:

6 cycles of clomid, ovulated on 4.. got pg on 2nd which ended as a chemical pregnancy in june 2010.

i am currently waiting for consultant appointment on 19th jan to discuss the next step..

i was just wondering whether or not u ovulated at all before having ovarian drilling? as my problem is not so much the ovulation but actually getting pregnant!

i also have pcos and an underactive thyroid.. do u think ovarian drilling will help me?

the other option is IUI..

thanks x
i never ovulated in the 4 years i was trying till i had Ovarian Drilling, then i managed to ovulate on my own after OD, then i was giving clomid too boost it :)

then i managed to fall pregnant for the 1st time on my 3rd round of clomid :)
oh ok.. so it might be more beneficial for me to take the IUI route as the problem is not so much ovulation (as I have already ovulated 4 times with clomid)..

my only concern is that IUI only increase chances of pregnancy by 7-10%, therefore, i am wondering whether the clinic would be able to offer ovarian drilling followed by IUI to maximise chances..

anybody had this situation before?

cant wait for my appointment next wk now! :(
Sorry can't b much help. I had drilling as I too wasn't ovulating. (prob o about 3 times in my life until drilling)
good luck with ur appt xxxx
Hey sorry I cant be of much help as I dont ovulate either which is why I was given the drilling, hope your appointment goes well, let us know how you get on!

IUI success rates are a bit hit and miss arent they, would you have to pay for your treatment privately or can you get it on the nhs?
sorry im no use with iui either as my problem was ov :nope: i hope you get some answers when you go back :flower:

any sign of ov yet firefox? im still waiting, im quite patient for the first few weeks now it seems to be dragging again, i think its this that makes me obsess too much :blush:

what cd are you on kstan? will it be long until you ov? :thumbup:
sending loads of luck to all the OD girls, keep a seat warm for us babydust xx
Yeah please baby dust save us all that seat :)

Im CD15 at the mo, still no 'smiley' Ive used the cheapy strip opks randomly and still just got a blank result (just the control line grrr). Its either I dont ovulate properly and dont get the surge, I miss the surge due to my random testing, or I drink too much so that my urine is too diluted! Who knos!

At least with the digital smiley CB opks there is no misinterpretation of the result its either a yes or my case NO! I thought they'd be a good idea as they suggest doing them first thing in the morning therefore my timing is always right. Theorectically I shouldnt miss the surge if there is one (I've been doing them since CD10) and also I cant drink when im sleeping so my urine should be fine! Please :) for me tomorrow morning!! Sorry if tmi, ive had lots of ewcm the last couple of days and feel a bit crampy now, fingers crossed something is happening!

What CD are you bumski? I know what you mean about waiting it totally makes me obsess more too..we all are always waiting for something! I cant wait for the day that we dont have to wait anymore :flower:
i am cd 23 now :cry: feels like im going nowhere fast, iv had ewcm too for a few days now and yesterday and today iv had quite strong pains on my right side which i never felt before OD, i was really expecting a pos opk today but its really faint.
i get fairly strong positive on opks when i ov but only if i do them after about 12, and i really have to hold my pee and drink nothing, i tried this last time

12 o clock positive opk - 3 0 clock after a brew an hour before it was neg - later that night when i didnt drink anything it was a strong pos again, so i do think its easy to miss, are you temping?
ok, bit random and nothing to do with ttc but had to tell you anyway :blush:
when i logged on i noticed i had made 1111 posts, after i typed that message to you i noticed it was post 111, just though it was wierd because its 11/1/11
:wacko: lol

oh now this is getting wierd..... look at my DDs age down below........ freaky!!!
your seats will be warm ladies!! youll be here soon enough!! :)

dont worry about not getting a positive it dont mean shit to me now ( sry for the swear word lol) i never got a positive all month i was checking from the day i came off my period every day so i didnt miss it and i never got a positive at all, i used all types of different OPKs and it shows in the blood test i did ovulate and the number was high,

them things can stress you out this month i never did any checking at all, i went in the shower and washed every time we dtd and really couldnt be bothered anymore i'd truly give up i was drunk xmas and new year oppsie but i got my bfp the moment i forgot and give up
i like that, what a god excuse have a drink :winkwink:
haha yeah!! :)

i dont ever really have a drink well get plastered since ttc it came like it ruled my life i was too scared too incase it happend and this year i let my hair down and really went for it!! JAGERMEISTER!! haha

& then to my shock i got my bfp and yes shock it still is i have my 1st GP appt on tuesday i'll txt u carley and let u know how i get on if i cant get on the net! :)
Congratulations babydust!! Wonderful news :)
I've spoken to you previously as we had OD on the same day! I'm so pleased to hear you got your bfp!

Hope you ladies don't mind me joining in? I had OD in August and got my bfp in November but it unfortunately it ended in miscarriage :cry:

I have an appointment with my fs on 28th Feb when I'm hoping to be given Clomid.

Bumski, your post count, daughters age and todays date all being the same is so weird! It's a sign :thumbup:
hi all,

it might sound like a silly question.. but do u still have to take clomid after ovarian drilling?

i think we will be going for IUI to start with.. as clomid does usually make me ovulate..

just hope the waiting list is not too long (yes, it will be funded by the nhs)

really hoping we get some good news before our 6th wedding anniversary in april!
it seems to be the norm for drs to prescribe clomid after OD but my drs a bit of a prat and is making everything difficult for us so we are going au naturel :nope:
if they offer it to you i would still take it, i know a few women who ov normaly and have still had clomid.
i waited 5 months for my OD which wasnt too bad, it is probably different in each area but they will let you know. GL :thumbup:
sorry your having to join us again roxy, i mean that as nice as possible xx
sorry for your loss hun, how are your cycles now? :hugs:

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