Hi Ladies - Im really glad I found this thread (thanks Firefox
Here's a little bit about me:
Im 28 and DH is 35. We've been ttc since Oct 2009 and I was diagnosed with PCOS in May. Had a lap but only to confirm PCOS - no OD.
The started the Metformin in June and had 4 rounds of Clomid since August. "Ovulated" on 3 of them but no pg. Reason I put ovulated in brackets is because I don't think I ovulate properly - as in I have mature follies that burst and corpus luteum starts producing progesterone and I get af 13-14 days later - but I think it all happens within my ovary because the thick capsule doesn't let the egg out into the tubes.
I then had an IUI cycle with Menopur and HCG Trigger shot, but again because I don't think I ovulate outside the ovary it was all pointless.
My FS did suggest OD as an option and I think that's what Im going to do next
I need to call the hospital tomorrow to tell them IUI failed (BFN at 13DPO today) and then hopefully make another appointment with the FS to discuss OD.
I was devastated Monday and yesterday. Really thought about throwing in the towel
But you know what it's like - you pick yourself up and start fighting again! So Im having huge hopes for OD
We are going to Spain for a week on Feb 12th so Id like to have the op as soon as we are back.
We are having private treatment so Im hoping there won't be a waiting list for the OD.
I just had one quick question - can they do OD at any time during the cycle or only at the beginning?
Im due to start af tomorrow and will just take the Clomid not to "waste" a cycle if you know what I mean.
Oh, and Huge Congrats to all the BFP girls