anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

dont forget to post a pic of it on here, i cant believe your will power at holding off doing one, i swear it will cost me a fortune when i get BFP, it did last time, i spent over £100 in 5 days!! ssshhhhhh, dont tell DH lol. i will not be doing that again,
wow haha!!

its all my nerves i dont wanna do it incase it says not pregnant!! haha its pretty scary but dont worry im gonna be doing one!! && i'll post pics for you to see!! :)
Hey bumski, hope you ov soon..sounds good with the positive opk, fingers crossed for you! None for me so far :( CD18 grrrr! I know they arent 100% reliable as the one cycle that I did get a peak on a cbfm my blood test showed I didnt ov! & You are proof babydust that you dont need a pos opk to get a bfp :) so I still have hope but it would be nice to get that reassurance tho!!

what does smep mean? soz for being dumb!

I def need to dtd tonight, really hope dh can! Im in the we only do it when we need to sucks!!!!

Babydust I totally admire your patience!
thanksa hun :)

SMEP = sperm meets egg plan :)

hope you ovulate soon hun its soo frustrating :)
Thanks! SMEP brill :) I hope I have an egg for the sperm to meet.

On your other clomid cycles did you get positive opks/ do temping etc?
Helen, cant believe youve held out on digi!! Youre so bloody patient!! Id have done about 10 by now! Wowzers!!!! Definately post pic on here when u do it!
Carly - fab news that yr opk nearly there!!! YayyyyyyY!!!
FF - Hoping youve caught that egg hun! xxxx
i did a digi today it was 3+ ill post pic as soon as i can because im at my parents at the moment :)

firefox - i didnt ever temp, i only ever did opks after ovarian drilling and i think i only got 1 positive & one time it said i never ovulated when bloods showed i did and i had a good level so i never believe opk's anymore :)

hope you ovulate soon hun & catch that egg!! :)
Yay for 3+ Helen!!!! Woo hoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Youre gonna have a baby!!!!! Hope its sunk in a bit more now!!! xxxxxxx
yes it has & im very very excited hhaha ! seems unreal but im believing it!! :)
Hi Ladies - Im really glad I found this thread (thanks Firefox :winkwink:)

Here's a little bit about me:
Im 28 and DH is 35. We've been ttc since Oct 2009 and I was diagnosed with PCOS in May. Had a lap but only to confirm PCOS - no OD.

The started the Metformin in June and had 4 rounds of Clomid since August. "Ovulated" on 3 of them but no pg. Reason I put ovulated in brackets is because I don't think I ovulate properly - as in I have mature follies that burst and corpus luteum starts producing progesterone and I get af 13-14 days later - but I think it all happens within my ovary because the thick capsule doesn't let the egg out into the tubes.

I then had an IUI cycle with Menopur and HCG Trigger shot, but again because I don't think I ovulate outside the ovary it was all pointless.

My FS did suggest OD as an option and I think that's what Im going to do next :thumbup:

I need to call the hospital tomorrow to tell them IUI failed (BFN at 13DPO today) and then hopefully make another appointment with the FS to discuss OD.
I was devastated Monday and yesterday. Really thought about throwing in the towel :cry: But you know what it's like - you pick yourself up and start fighting again! So Im having huge hopes for OD :shrug:

We are going to Spain for a week on Feb 12th so Id like to have the op as soon as we are back.
We are having private treatment so Im hoping there won't be a waiting list for the OD.

I just had one quick question - can they do OD at any time during the cycle or only at the beginning?

Im due to start af tomorrow and will just take the Clomid not to "waste" a cycle if you know what I mean.

Oh, and Huge Congrats to all the BFP girls :flower:
Welcome to the thread! I was due af day if my op and so I called fs to tell him I was worried af would be here day of op. He said it didn't matter either way!
What dya mean about ovulating but egg not popping out? I thought ovulation was when egg popped outta follicle?? It's all so confusing isn't it and so much to learn and take in about evil pcos xx
hi maria and welcome :flower:

i had OD done right in the middle of a very long cycle, i had positive hpt 4 weeks after the op but lost it a week later, i have a niggling feeling that it had something to do with the fact i didnt have af for months before, perhaps it didnt implant properly :shrug:
so if you can have OD at the beggining of your cycle or as near to i think it may help.

you lucky thing off to spain, and for valentine day :kiss:

so sorry iui didnt work for you, hopefully you will get lucky with OD, we are all very determined :thumbup:
Hi Maria & welcome :hugs:

im sorry IUI failed hun, & i hope you can have OD asap, you can have OD anytime in your cycle,

i was TTC for 4 years nearly 5 & i had been on metformin which did nothing i then had OD in august 2010, and started Clomid in october 2010, my doctor wouldnt give me Clomid without having OD because it works much better after youve had that, i then just got my bfp last week, i wish you the best of luck hun & never give up :hugs:
Kstan - I do actually believe I know more than most doctors :haha:

Here's how it goes: our ovaries (if healthy) are covered with a thin membrane - like a lining. I guess to keep the eggs and the follicles together. Then a follicle in itself is like a balloon around the egg.
Follies grow inside the ovary, so INSIDE that wretched membrane :growlmad: Because so often in PCOS ladies this membrane/capsule is very thick, although the follie bursts, it doesn't actually burst through the ovarian capsule. So everything remains within my ovary and doesn't come out into the fallopian tubes :nope:

This is why they drill the holes in the ovaries - so the egg can come out through one of the holes!

Ive researched hundreds of articles on this ovarian capsule and the condition is actually called not Policystic Ovaries but Sclerocystic!!! :wacko:

When I mentioned it to my current FS he almost fell off his chair! He couldn't believe I knew such terms and actually understood what they meant! The power of Google, hey :haha:

Bumski - I actually remember your BFP posting. I remember thinking: WOW! This OD is an amazing thing!
Im really sorry it was a m/c :hugs: But you know you definitely ovulate and CAN get pregnant!!!! This is soooo important! Are you on any medication now?

Im married to a spaniard and it's MIL's 70th so should be lovely! I think DH already booked some very fancy resturant in Marbella for the 14th :happydance:
wow you really know your stuff, i would be scared to be your dr lol

drs wont give me any more clomid as was resistant early 2009 :shrug:

it seems my cycles are getting shorter each month, im just hoping ov is still as strong as the first one, i was absolutely devastated when we lost it in aug, when i kept getting pos hpts i literally felt like we had won the lottery, better even, i keep telling myself it will happen again, its just taking time now :dohh:

oh i hope you have a lovely time when you go away, let your hair down a bit. xx
Hey Maria, glad you found the thread!

Hope you get your appointment through soon, I had the drilling part way through a really long cycle too (90days ha ha!).

I reckon you might as well take the clomid, you never know, being on holiday etc might make you relax a bit more:flower:
Oh wow. I'm impressed! So how does egg know to go thru one of the drilled wholes or is it just pot luck that one would pop thru there? Xx
kstan - the follicle will burst through the area of least resistance - i.e the one of the holes. The capsule generally becomes a lot weaker because of te amount of holes in it.
Also, it address the problem of excessive male hormones which I have :cry: It gives me bad acne - especially on my back so Im praying that after the op these symptoms will disappear too.

My follow with appnt with FS is on Feb 3d and my op hopefully on March 5th as he has a private clinic every 1st saturday of the month :happydance:
OD can help with male hormones :) i hope you get OD soon :)
oh i wish it had helped with mine! i was looking forward to that part, i have light hairs on my top lip and really annoying bristle type ones on my chin :blush: also get spots like a teenager :blush:
i will take all those though if i get BFP, :thumbup:

not too long until the op then maria, that would be great, i waited nearly 6 months, it was a nightmare, we gave up ttc though at that point and i felt ready to start again once we had OD done

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