anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Ladies - so sorry I can't reply to you all (especially Cridge - that's such an emotionsl post :hugs:) - please don't think of me as a selfish cow...

But I am totally freaking out now. Looks like af is here, at 8DPO and about 6 days earlye :wacko:
I always knew this cycle would be screwed up because of the stress and flying to Moscow.

But this also means that I have to go to London as early as tomorrow/Thursday for my baseline scan and to collect the drugs.

I wasn't expecting this till this time next week so my heart is about to jump out :wacko: Im really, really nervous.

I know I should be excited and happy to start FREE IUI! But all I can think about is why is af here so early and I AM NOT ready yet!!!!!

Ufff....Im seriously shaking - what a wuss :nope:
Its ok, your not a cow, not even by a long shot!!!!!!!

Are you sure you only O'd 8 days ago? maybe you did O when you where at your gran. I would maybe mention it to the FS so that if it is necesary you can get a progestrone cream to ensure your LP is strong enought to sustain a preganancy!!!!

I would suggest going in for your baseline test and getting the meds and to try and calm down all it means is you can start a week earlier than originally thought. There was so much that happened in the last 4 weeks for you that it is very possible that it screwed your cycle up, and AF means a start of a new one that will be succesfull!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I would never of thought that baby making would be so stressfull..... wow
anyone heard of Inofolic sachets ?
doc wants me to take it twice a day.... ???
Funny enough i just saw this on a website :

Inofolic contains Myo-Inositol and Folic acid for the effective treatment of PCOS and ovulation induction with no side effects!

It also helps in balancing hormonal levels that are required for healthy ovulation in all woman. Inofolic assists in hormonal function at cell level.
sounds good.....
it is expensive,,,, 30 sachets R290.00, I need 60 for 1 month..... gosh... cash price will be R510.00 at my local pharmacy (not doing it on medical aid).... my hubby will have to pay for this one....

i wonder how success is it ?
Oh gosh Maria - I had almost forgotten I had even posted that long message until you mentioned it again - it's not emotional for me. :hug: to you. I'm sure you have so many emotions going on right now! I say forget about this crazy cycle and totally move on from it. Take this new cycle a day at a time. I think once you have your meds and baseline done you'll feel much more at ease. It's going to be great!

Mommymel - :hugs: I'm so sorry the :witch: found you! I agree 100% with Tella - I think you should start temping. It really takes much of the guesswork out of your cycle and then it won't be such a surprise when af does or doesn't show up. :hug:

I've never heard of those sachets, but they sound promising! Keep us posted on them.

Arza - so frustrating, right?! The good thing about your temp going down is that it's telling you you're having an estrogen surge. It's very possible to get a + opt and then not ovulate, but it sounds like your body might be trying again. Keep checking and hopefully it will go up in a couple of days!

AFM - my temp took a very little jump this morning. It could mean absolutely nothing, so my current plan of action is to wait out a couple more days to see what my temp does (sometimes I have a very slow rise), and if it shows that I still haven't ovulated, then I'm starting the NPC. Can't wait until this cycle is over.
sounds good.....
it is expensive,,,, 30 sachets R290.00, I need 60 for 1 month..... gosh... cash price will be R510.00 at my local pharmacy (not doing it on medical aid).... my hubby will have to pay for this one....

i wonder how success is it ?

It seems like alot of girls swears by it, if i get a BFN this cycle im gonna try it the next one as well. but i will stick to one sachet a day.
Hi again ladies....hope your all well and keeping positive....sorry i seldom come on here but no update my end...been on a work trip to tahiti and now have a high fever so just need to BFP NO BFN No clomid no metaformin no cycles since OD back in march....soooo i think as negative as this sounds, i agree with maria, maybe its just not meant to be...i have been onto my gp who has advised me she doesnt even have the report from the hospital where i had surgery so now i have to start from scratch and be referred again to my local gynae to start again......just really bmi is 45 so yeh its high but it doesnt explain why i have no af...all this stress is now affecting one of my brain cells and i need to let go...this is just a friendly advse to you all...if it happens great if it doesnt, just be positive that your healthy and alive...the last thing u need in the desperation of child is to get ill with something else.....all my luv n respect to you all hopin for healthy BFP's for u all xxxx lots of baby dust ur ways xx
Ren > :hugs: im so sorry they have lost your reports and that you have to go through it all again, but you are absolutely right, we have loads to be thankful for and sometimes we must be reminded to stop and look at what we already have...Thanks

Hope you still get your BFP in the near future.

Jennie > Dont loose hope girl, they say OD is effective for upto a year but the most effective for 6 months. You still have a while to go in your very effective window. We are all hoping for a BFP for you and each and every other girl on this thread!

Good luck girls!!!! loads of :dust: to all of you!!!
hey girls,

I got my blood results last night, I O'd on my own on the 10th, 1st time ever, 1st cycle after ovarian drilling (only had it done on the 15th sept) We BD on the 5th, 7th & 10th, so fingers crossed.....
hi ladies....

i have read up on the inofolic sachets,,,, some excellent results and the method makes sense.... its actually doing 2 jobs instead of 1.... regulating your cycles and making your ovulation stronger from within......

Pitty.... fx'd for you dear.... i pray this is it.... a BFP coming your way !!!

Tella, i am not sure when to start taking the Inofolic....
Tella I was told by my RE (he did my OD) that there is no time limitation on OD, & that it effects last for years! I was so happy to hear because i did my OD so long ago. Today i am 6dpo, but hoping to start IUI in December.
pitty - that's great news - congrats!

sounds like I need to read up on the inofolic sachets! I'm interested to see how they work for anyone that is planning on trying them.

keisha - I was also told that positive effects from OD could last for years, but that the best results would be within the first year and a half. I've read so many conflicting reports though that I've just decided that it's totally individual. Although it hasn't helped me with ovulating yet, it did drop my testosterone, so I'm hopeful that I can keep that low for ever! It's nice to see someone that had OD done so long ago still ovulating! Did you ovulate at all before the OD?

Hoping Maria can keep her nerves about her today for her baseline testing!

afm - I went ahead and started the NPC yesterday. After last cycle, I don't know what to expect, but I'm hoping to see af in the next week or so.
thanx its just i dont think iv ovulated and i had a dream about ttc and in it i was saying i know im going need ivf :/ but i got a bfp in dream :O :) x
Hi ladies,

I really want to give you an update on me although nothing's for sure yet.

But on wednesday after I started spotting and called the clinic to book baseline scan for IUI I actually got a faint BFP at lunchtime :wacko:
I was spotting bright red so my first emotion was being reallt really scared.

I also didn't know what to do and where to go. The next day was a blur. I went to see a GP (not mine) and she was totally usless. I then went up to London to the clinic and they gave me a blood test which came back as positive but very low. I was only 10DPO though. I had to pay £100 for the blood test as I couldn't get it on the NHS :growlmad:
Since wednesday I must have done 20 tests and they all vary in colour. Some are darker than others but I am by no means having a viable pregnancy yet. It could still turn into chemical or a very early m/c :cry:

I have a repeat blood test on Monday. I feel scared, worried and frustrated by the unknown. On the other hand I now know I can get pg on my own :thumbup:

Sorry I didn't share with you right away but it's too much to take in...
OMW, I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for a viable preg and that ur results on Monday will be were its should be to confirm your preg!!!

Praying for a sticky bean!!! :dust:

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