anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Oh Pitty.,.,.,.,.,. congrats sweetie.... congrats !!!
the spell has been broken ,,,,,,,,,
Pitty - huge congratulations :happydance: How many months is it since your OD?

MommyMel - you are so right! Almost 9 months without a BFP - and now look at this thread!! Im praying you girls are all next :thumbup:
You too MariaF.... you also on the BFP waggon...... :haha: :thumbup:
this is awesome,,,,, Good things happens in three's,,, Tella you will be the 3rd BFP this month.... :happydance:

i am so excited now,,, seems some baby dust is spreading around now.....:kiss:

How long since your OD Pitty ?

It has only been 4 months since my Lap and OD.... i guess i should'nt be so impatient after all......but i just cant help it..... :winkwink:

love to you all....:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: :shrug:
Pitty congrats!!!! u did it! well done! thats wonderful news. how long after od did you get your bfp?

Maria did your cycles continue to stay regular after the od? im on clomid but i wont be monitored at the hospital for anything, i wish they would though so i know when my has matured. I'll just have to stick with the opk's. When you see a positive on these does that mean the egg is mature and ready to meet the sperm :-) or will be ready after (24 48?) hours??
Munzy - my cycles never got to very regular after the OD. And I took 3 more clomid cycles after the OD too.
The cycle we got the BFP I didn't take Clomid and didn't ovulate till CD25 :wacko: So as you can see they were still all over the place. But I suppose better than before when I could go on without af for several months.

As soon as you get positive OPK, start BD'ing :thumbup: If your DH's swimmers are OK I would BD every day for the next 3-4 days - just to make sure you are covered :winkwink:

Tella - any luck with OPKs yet?

MommyMel - where are you in your cycle?

Cridge - any news your way?
hi Ladies,

MariaF- AF started on the 18th Oct till 22 Oct, I am currently on CD7....... i am taking things very easy and gonna relax
i bought some OPK on saturday,,,, when should i start using them considering my cycles are all over the place (relatively quite late) i get so lost at times.... lol
Pitty! Yay!! congrats on the BFP! This is so wonderful for our thread! 2 BFP in one week!!

Mommymel - I would start using your OPK on day 10 - earlier if you suspect you typically ovulate early.

Maria - so tell us about your preseed usage. I never know how much of that stuff to use and it seems to seep out so quickly that I'm never sure it's doing any good. How close to the big O did you bd? We need to relive your cycle so we know what worked! ;)

afm - Today is CD1. It only took 5 days of NPC so I'm thinking "Yay!". I'm to start 7.5mg of Femara on CD3. I've read that 7.5 is the best dosage, so I've been anxious for this cycle since my OD. I'm hoping to ovulate by day 20, at least (ugh). If I don't, then I'm starting NPC then.... I'm not going to wait around forever like this last cycle. My cycles are so long it's killing me. BUT, I'm glad to be starting anew.
mommymel - I should have clarified... if your cervical fluid is showing signs of ovulating earlier, then I would start the OPK earlier. Are you temping this cycle as well?
MommyMel - I would start CD10 but don't get disheartened if you don't see a positive till CD20 or so. Remember not to drink/wee for at least 3 hours and do it after noon.

Cridge - I had lots of practice with Preseed until it stopped making half of our bed wet :dohh: inow this is way TMI but bear with me :blush:

I applied it just before DH entered... And tried to "stuff" as much in as possible. This cycle we BD'ed on both days I had a positive opk. Usually we'd do it every 48 hours to let swimmers regenerate. This time it was every day. Plus I put legs up in the air for at least 10 minutes.

Oh, also, about 5-6 days before ovulation I "washed" my cervix with baking soda solution.... It neutralises the flora in there. You dilute 1 table spoon of baking soda in 1 litre of warm boiled water and using something like turkey baster inject it inside you!!! Let me know if you need any more info!!
I don't think you can ever have TMI on here! :haha: Right ladies?! I've considered applying Preseed in bed, but I haven't been able to bring myself to do that yet (more ttc than I want to deal with at this point in the game). But, I might have to give it a go because I seem to lose much of it in the 10 steps from the bathroom to the bed. :dohh:

Do you use the applicators it comes with? If yes, do you fill the applicator? I've only been using 2-3ml because it just seems like such a mess.

Ok - last question (or clarification..cause I need to obsess over your bfp!)... so you bd'd 2 days in a row, on the days you had a pos opt... when exactly did you ovulate after that point? And you didn't bd after that? Just those 2 days?

Interesting about the baking soda wash! Might have to try that one.

Thanks for letting me obsess! :)

By the way - I love your new ticker!! Yay!! :happydance:
In the UK it doesnt come with an applicator :nope: so it was just using my fingers and trying to push more or less water inside me :blush:

I wish it came with an applicator!

I got positive opk on sunday and monday and we BDed both nights (even though hubbys SA was really poor just a month before that). I had really bad sharp pains on monday late morning. So i think this is when i ovulated. And we were covered both before and afterr. I dont think we had sex until following saturday but im not sure. Definitely not for the next few days.
Maria my cycles are usually all over the place too. i've had around 4 or 5 cycles this year. im hoping the od works for me. my sister and 2sister in laws are all pregnant, i feel like joining them too so we could all be pregnant together.
im on cd3 today, started clomid yesterday cant wait to start testing for ovulation and i'll take your advice and do the deed every night when i see the +
hey where can i gat the preseed from? i dont even know what it is,lol how does that help??
munzy - where are you located? In the US you can get Preseed at your local drug store (like walgreens, target and walmart maybe). It's over by the opk's and pregnancy tests. It's a gel/lubricant that's okay to use while ttc. Good to use, actually - it helps nourish the little :spermy: and gives you more "cf" than you would otherwise have.

Bummer they don't have the applicators in the UK. I've been wondering what to do once I run out of them. Doesn't sound fun. Good news though! I'm sure I'm getting more in with the use of an applicator than if I didn't have one, so hopefully what I've been doing is enough.

K Maria - here's another question... do you typically do more than one opt a day? I hear of people doing 2-3 a day and it kills me to just do 1, but I don't want to miss that surge, if I ever have one!
MariaF - i simply love your ticker....
take good care of yourself.....
p/s : you can change the TTC to pregnant .... lol

how are you feeling today MariaF ?
Cridge - I seem to have strong/long LH surges. For example last cycle I had a strong positive OPK by sunday noon and it was still strong on Monday night. So even if I did them once a day I still would have caught both days of the surge.

MommyMel - I was super sick yesterday but it stopped in the evening. This morning I felt slightly dizzy and a tad sick but breakfast helped. So no horrible symptoms yet.

Munzy - with Clomid you need to leave at least 3 days between taking your last pill and the first OPK otherwise chances are you'll get a false positive. I did!
Hey girls....

Well I only had OD on the 15th Sept 2011, started a period on the 26th sept, I O'd on the 10th Oct and got a BFP yesterday and another one at doctors today, no drugs at all to assist with anything as I was told by Doctors to wait 4 months for the OD to work, proved them wrong hey, doctors drew blood today for a HCG, get results tomorrow, so excited....... wishing you all luck
These are such exciting times :happydance: 2 :bfp:'s

Pitty > Huge Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so glad OD worked so quickly for you, it just proves that it is very possible and will give future OD canditates hope! Good luck with the waiting for the results but they gonna be great!!!!!!

Mumzy > Yeah on a short cycle, hope this is your last one for 9 months now and that you get your BFP soon.

Fee > Good luck with the cycle it is hard to not think about it.

Jenny > Just keep faith girl, Maria is a perfect example of how it could happen. Hope you get a AF soon and can start a new cycle to get a BFP!! Fx'd

MommyMel > I really hope I also get my BFP this cycle but its gonna happen in more than 3's, more like 10's :winkwink:

We both 4 months since OD, but Maria is proof that there is hope!!!

Maria > Sorry about the MS but I would also rather have it till I can see the bump before it goes away. Kinda like insurance :haha: Reading of what you did helps alot, so that we know what we are doing wrong. Have you considered getting a doppler at 10 weeks?

I've also decided to take a positive approach and SS and imagine being preg instead of AF arriving.

Cridge > Im just sterilizing my applicators by boiling them. I also only use 1-2mg of preseed as it is so messy but i only "put it in" after BD as DH hates the feeling of it.

AFM > CD16, Im still getting neg OPK's so i think im gonna O later this month than on Clomid. But im glad in the one hand as the softcups will get here today and then i can add some preseed in them to help the :spermy: survive.

Otherwise only 2 more months left of "natural" TTC before i can go back to the FS for the next steps which will most probably be IUI for which we have started to save already, but i would rather want to spend the money on baby stuff.
Pitty - I also OD'ed on the 10th of october :wacko::thumbup: How dark is your test?

Tella - this was out 8th month after the OD and I thought there's no way it will happen because it should have happened sooner :shrug:
Cridge im based in the uk. im not sure we can get the preseed from our local stores, i've never heard of it. i'll have a good luck next time i go. thanx

Maria thanx i'll start opk on monday (cd10)

Pitty did you use opk's after the od? and what days did you do the deed if you dont mind me asking? i mean what cd? bcoz Maria said when she got a + opk she did it 2-3days consequtively and got a bfp.

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