These are such exciting times


Pitty > Huge Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so glad OD worked so quickly for you, it just proves that it is very possible and will give future OD canditates hope! Good luck with the waiting for the results but they gonna be great!!!!!!
Mumzy > Yeah on a short cycle, hope this is your last one for 9 months now and that you get your BFP soon.
Fee > Good luck with the cycle it is hard to not think about it.
Jenny > Just keep faith girl, Maria is a perfect example of how it could happen. Hope you get a AF soon and can start a new cycle to get a BFP!! Fx'd
MommyMel > I really hope I also get my BFP this cycle but its gonna happen in more than 3's, more like 10's
We both 4 months since OD, but Maria is proof that there is hope!!!
Maria > Sorry about the MS but I would also rather have it till I can see the bump before it goes away. Kinda like insurance

Reading of what you did helps alot, so that we know what we are doing wrong. Have you considered getting a doppler at 10 weeks?
I've also decided to take a positive approach and SS and imagine being preg instead of AF arriving.
Cridge > Im just sterilizing my applicators by boiling them. I also only use 1-2mg of preseed as it is so messy but i only "put it in" after BD as DH hates the feeling of it.
AFM > CD16, Im still getting neg OPK's so i think im gonna O later this month than on Clomid. But im glad in the one hand as the softcups will get here today and then i can add some preseed in them to help the

Otherwise only 2 more months left of "natural" TTC before i can go back to the FS for the next steps which will most probably be IUI for which we have started to save already, but i would rather want to spend the money on baby stuff.