anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

hi guys im new on here so let me tell u about my story! i was told that i had pcos when i was 16 which i wasnt really bothered about when i was that age but now im 29 got married 2010 and have been ttc for about 2 years now! anyway so i was put on provera to help bring my cycle on every month and then clomid but after trying 50 mg 100mg even 150mg i didnt ovulate! so the next step was ovarian drilling which i had done on the 3rd october 2011. so my question is what happens next? does anyone have any one have any success stories to tell after ovarian drilling? also i didnt bleed as much after the op only for 2 days lightly! but its nearly coming up to a month now and still no period but i have had some funny symptons going on like sore boobs can anybody help?
hi guys im new on here so let me tell u about my story! i was told that i had pcos when i was 16 which i wasnt really bothered about when i was that age but now im 29 got married 2010 and have been ttc for about 2 years now! anyway so i was put on provera to help bring my cycle on every month and then clomid but after trying 50 mg 100mg even 150mg i didnt ovulate! so the next step was ovarian drilling which i had done on the 3rd october 2011. so my question is what happens next? does anyone have any one have any success stories to tell after ovarian drilling? also i didnt bleed as much after the op only for 2 days lightly! but its nearly coming up to a month now and still no period but i have had some funny symptons going on like sore boobs can anybody help?

Welcome reenzjames :hi:

wow that is early to be diagnosed wiht PCOS. We have just had 2 BFP's on the thread after a drought of 8 months. We are stoked as it was the oldest member and the yougest member to have had OD that got theirs. My FS told me to take bleeding as CD1, so if you dont get your BFP then AF should be come around soon, depending on your cycles. Do you temp or use OPK's?
Maria - I am so happy for you! I hope you have a healthy and happy 9 months. I am just SO happy for you! you really deserve it!

AFM - I have been taking a small break. Well, just letting things ride on their own this month. I think I was stressing about it too much. I haven't been back to the FS since my IUI. I just can't afford to keep going. I didn't use any OPK's this month, but will get some for the next cycle. I am trying to get on a regular exercise routine and lose a little weight. Not sure why, but I have gained about 6 pounds in the past 2 months. (more than my sister and she is almost 4 months pregnant!). I hope the trend continues and we get more BFPs!! Congrats Ladies and best wishes. I pop in here every so often, so keep us updated!
Hi snflwrgrl - nice to see you again! That sounds like typical pcos weight gain. Ugh! Be careful about diets that are too strict because once you go off them, boom, the weight will come back in a hurry. That's good you're trying to lose weight though. I can't be bothered to even try these days.

Tella - thanks for the boiling tip!! I've thrown most of mine out already, but I'm definitely going to hang on to the rest of them so I can continue to use them later on!

Munzy - did you see Maria's response about preseed in the UK? It might be on her journal..??

Reenzjames - welcome! I wasn't officially diagnosed with pcos until I was about 20, but I believe I've had it since I started menstrating at 14. Will your doc prescribe Femara (Letrozole)? It's very similar to clomid and supposed to work really well for those that don't respond to clomid. If you've already gone a month since OD without af, I would bring one on with use of provera or NPC (natural progesterone cream), then get going on a femara cycle, if you can (you take it just like clomid). ALTHOUGH - you mentioned sore boobs... that can mean you've ovulated. Do you temp?

So Pitty - let's obsess over your cycle! Even better that you and Maria ovulated on the same day! We can totally compare! :) Tell us what you did girl!

afm - I'm on cd2. I had a very interesting conversation with my acupuncturist today! I've been questioning whether femara is right for me because I always ovulated on clomid and so far femara hasn't worked that well. I mentioned that it seems like maybe either one or the other will work depending on the person. She said I was spot on - it all depends on if you're "yin" or "yang", which I'm mostly yin, but kinda a little of both. She said that for yin people, clomid works better, and for yang, femara works better. She said both should work for me, but clomid would probably work better (which has been the case). Anyway - it was really interesting and something I want to talk to my doc about because I think she could use that kind of information! But until then, I'm to start 7.5mg of femara tomorrow. I have enough to do 10mg and I'm considering bumping myself up, but I'll have to think on that one. I don't want to waste another cycle though.
Hey Cridge - why did you change from Clomid to Femara? I used to go to an acupuncturist...but when that didn't help after about 4 months and me leaving a ton of money there I felt like I should stop... That was a year ago.
Maria - I've used clomid many, many times over the years and while I always ovulated (though sometimes very late and poorly), I never had a bfp. After OD my doc said I could try femara, and the research looked good so I decided to give it a shot. I hated the side effects from clomid, which you don't get with femara, also, clomid stays in your system even after a possible pregnancy, whereas femara is out of your system completely in about 40 hours after the last pill. So I liked those aspects as well.

I've also done acupuncture a few times over the years and while I never got a bfp while seeing one, it always helped my cycle in various ways. After my post OD blood work showed my testosterone had doubled (which turned out to be a freaky temporary thing), I decided what I was doing wasn't working and I needed to do something different. So I went back to the acupuncturist. I don't think the acupuncture alone is enough to do much (for me at least), but at this point I'm willing to do it if it will help at all. I plan to see her through the end of the year, if I can afford to that is. :) The acupuncturist I'm seeing works hand in hand with some big Reproductive Endocrinologists in the area (they actually refer their patients to her for co-care during IVF) so she knows a lot and works really well with modern medicine. She actually used to be an MD in China but was trained and then came to the US to be an acupuncturist.
Cridge hi sorry i didnt see Maria's response about the preseed. how do i read her journal? sorry im not much of a computer person.
Hi everyone I am out of the loop! Been having a break! Congrats Mariaf so happy for u! Hope it all goes well for u!

My update def ovulating this week had heaps of pains so guess have to wait and c etc! Heading away Friday to Monday interstate for a wedding so hoping to just relax
OK..... so I O'd on CD15....... I didint use anything like temping or opks....... we just had sex when we felt like it not when we were told too for once, lol. So we BD on CD9 & CD12 & CD15..... currently I'm 16DPO, I tested at 14DPO at night, and the 2nd line was not as dark as control line but its pretty dark.
Munzy - I'm not much of a computer person also so don't know how to attach a link to my journal to my signature :dohh: :haha:

But basically in the UK its called Conceive Plus and its sold in all larger Boots stores, next to pg tests and condoms ;) Its VERY liquid so you'll need practice applying it without making half your bed wet! Apparently it comes with an applicator in other countries but not here :shrug:
Hello ladies,

Hope you are all well!

Pitty - Big congrats to you, well chuffed for you, BFP so soon after OD! Well done girl! :thumbup:

Update on me - Well I went to the NHS FS yesterday, we got there waited for like 1 and half hours before we got seen. Pleasant enough doctor, started by taking my BMI and reading all the info from my OD and my private specialist. He said that I have got to a good enough BMI, just need to loose around 0.5 stone, around 7 pounds to be just right! :happydance:

My previous specialist was against metformin, as he said that the long term effects were not good, yet this new doctor wanted me to start that and he said to go on Clomid again for another 3 months! :shrug:

He said that I am not eligible to IUI or IVF on the NHS till I'm 30! I am 26 now and so that is almost 3 yrs and a couple of months away, as I turn 27 in Jan! He said I could go private but that is expensive - I did mention that we are now going in to our 4th year of trying to conceive and he just shrugged!!! :shrug:

He will test my hubby's swimmers and thought my husband looked pale! :shrug: I wanted to laugh - with all the attention he was giving my DH - he was giving him sex advice about how he needs to make me 'feel goooood' in bed!!! LoL!!!!

Anyways - so I am to wait for my period, my temps have fallen this morning so most likely a period by the weekend, then start on Clomid again Day 2-6 100mg. I asked him about using Clomid for more than 6 cycles being harmful and he said that was the belief many years ago, but now it is safe to use as many times as we like - my thoughts, there is not much he was willing to do for me on NHS and sort of pushing me to go private for other options.

So anyways - I have to stay positive, I will try clomid for 3 cycles and see where to go, and in the meantime try to lose 0.5 stone!

Ladies, would you advise that I go see my private specialist one more time to see what he says? If he says to try Clomid then atleast I will know that it is right, and if he suggests IUI or IVF privately, atleast I will be able to determine the costs? Let me know what you would think to do!

After yester day I am pretty worried, I have to say, that I do not have many options on the NHS :cry: well until I'm 30 anyway! I feel angry :growlmad: and upset :nope: just do not know what to do!

I read all the thing Maria, Cridge, Tella you guys do, like all the herbal things, and cycle monitoring etc, and people say they have scans which tell them when the follicles are growing etc, but I never know how to get these things, like I have heard about pre-seed but just never used it, I sometimes feel like Im not doing enough!

Sorry for the downer ladies, after loads of positives. I just needed a vent!

Take care ladies.
arza > :hugs: sometimes FS can be very insensitive as the deal with it on a daily basis but that is wrong. I would say if you can afford to go to a private FS for a consulation then do so, it will put your mind at ease and like you say, you can also get a estimation of costs for IUI/IVF. We believe you will not need these and will fall on clomid.

AFM >This is my first month of herbals, im scared of overdoing it again. But i suppose it all depends on the time of cycle. Now that my O is later than on Clomid, im wondering if i shouldnt have stayed on clomid rather. BUt oh well, whats done is done. Just praying to O soon.

I got the softcups yesterday and used it last night and OMW it is amazing! Absolutely loooooove them!!!!!!!!
Oh Arza :hugs: Doctors can be so discouraging :nope:

I was actually amazed we got approved for NHS treatment as I will only be 30 in 6 months....

And I totally understand what you mean by not doing enough - I used to really beat myself up about missing sex on the day of positive OPK, etc.

You can get herbs from Holland and Barratt. I used to take Sage leaf to help with ovulation and EPO+Starflower oil. This was before ovulation. After ovulation it was Vit E + baby aspirin. Why don't you maybe try that for a couple of months? You can combine it with Clomid too.
Why aren't you happy taking clomid, chick? How amny cycles have you had of it already?

Tella - any developments with OPKs? How do softcups work exactly??
Maria > :nope: no + OPK yet. But im gonna test at 6 only today as that is what time i got my + last month. I think SI delayed my O, trying to find out from the other ladies taking it if they had any delays.

Softcups is basically a little ring with a pocket at the bottom, i put preseed in it and slipped into myself after we BD'd. So then it nourishes the :spermy: and keep them in place, so they dont come out easily. Had no spillage at all, and kept it in for +- 12hrs. Fx'd it works for us!!!!
hi ya tella and cridge i dont temp and as for opk i was told by my gyno that they dont always work with people who have pcos? i am thinking of taking provera to bring my period on and then femera but i dont go and see my gyno for 6 months so can i get it of my GP? as for my boobs being sore im not sure whats going on there i dont think i have Ovulated i did get a little pain in my left ovary on night but as i have never O before i dont no what it feels like!

one more thing guys could you let me no what BFP means? and AF?
thanks x
Lingo & Abbreviations is very helpful as well as Smileys

AF - period > aka the witch :gun:
BFP - Big Fat Possitive :happydance:
BFN - Big Fat Negative :cry:

Im not sure about how to get Femara, but is suppose you can call your GP and find out if he is willing to assist.
thanks for that yeah i think i will have to contact my doctor if af does not come think i will wait a little longer as i had the OD done on the 3rd oct, just hate waiting! :growlmad:
My AF came 32 days after OD, so just be patient :)
arza im on metformin 3 times a day im 27 and im not sure if ovarian drilling is working for me im worried now there going say wait till your 30 :( x
Arza - I'm so sorry you're down right now! I would definitely take the clomid but if you can afford to see a private specialist, I think after 4 years, there's probably more that needs to be done. How many times have you tried clomid and how were the results? If you're not ovulating on your own, then definitely clomid is going to help you at least until you can figure something else out. As far as doing other things - I'm not convinced any of it really does the trick when it comes down to it, but sometimes it's worth a shot. I wouldn't beat yourself up over not doing anything extra, but if you can stomach to do one or two extra things, then it wouldn't hurt.

Jennie - I know how frustrating it is to not see any results from OD, but give it some time - you never know what the future will bring.

reenzjames - I would highly suggest you start temping. It will tell you a lot about what's going on in your cycle. has tutorials that will show you how to do it. As for OPK's - yes, when you have pcos you can have an excess of LH, which would cause the opks to always show a positive. BUT, if you use them frequently and they're negative, then you can use them to show a surge.....IF you end up surging. Years ago I couldn't use opks because my LH was too high and I always had a positive. But now that my LH is in the normal range, I can use them to show my surge. The problem is, with PCOS you don't always ovulate, so you need to be prepared to either never see a surge or be testing for a long, long time. If you're planning on using Femara, though, I would definitely suggest you use them starting on CD (cycle day) 10 because chances are you'll ovulate.

Tella - good luck on the +opt!

afm - CD 3 and just taking it easy. I totally forgot to take my femara this morning until I was reading through the posts and it hit me. I guess that's a good thing I'm not obsessing..??

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