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- Oct 27, 2011
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Thank you ALL for the warm welcome!! You gals are great! Please bare with me as I dont know half of the abbreviations you ladies use-its like a new language!
But I'll catch on...
Tella-I think it was you that is recently pregnant-a HUGE congrats!! When you said CD25-does that mean calendar day 25 after period? and is LP=Lull period?! Haha those are my best guesses.
Cridge-Thanks for all the info! ABout your polyps-what did your doc say about yours? Mine told me they were nothing to worry about as they were benign. Other than that he didnt say much. What does DH stand for? I know its your partner but what does it actually stand for? (I promise I will get this down ladies...) As for the diet-the book you describe sounds a lot like The China Study-is that the one he suggested? I havent eaten beef for years and hardly ever eat pork. It has been a great change for me-just feel better. My DH (haha Im going with it-even tho I have no idea what it means...) and I are flirting with becoming vegetarians. But I was told to stay away from soy products and since so many vegetarian/vegan products are soy based-we are holding off. Which maybe I need to do more research on that because a few have you have mentioned soy Iso and soy in general. Think I have my work cut out for me in the research department. Ha.
I am blessed to have my doc as a neighbor and friend that we often have Sunday brunch with. So the line of communication is very open and accessable. Today I text him and told him today was day 15 and no happy face on my OV kit. He immediately scheduled me in today for a pelvic ultrasound (UGH!!! I hate these things-UNLESS it shows a baby someday!). He said something about seeing if a follicle was developing? I think hes jumping the gun a little (probably feels pressure and has enough concern to want to do everything and anything poss for us and in a timely fashion) but Id rather have that then him dragging his feet. They dont tell me at the us place anything because only the doc can tell me so I prob wont know anything today but I'll keep you all updated. Thank you ladies again for this sacred place. Its already close to my heart because the sympathy we all feel for eachother. ALso-very few people in our lives know about this. Ive told my family and some friends so they can pray for us but even his family doesnt know yet. So being able to share on here makes this place even more valuable.
Hugs! (I dont know how to do those fancy icons you guys make so Im keeping it old school with words. Ha.)

Tella-I think it was you that is recently pregnant-a HUGE congrats!! When you said CD25-does that mean calendar day 25 after period? and is LP=Lull period?! Haha those are my best guesses.
Cridge-Thanks for all the info! ABout your polyps-what did your doc say about yours? Mine told me they were nothing to worry about as they were benign. Other than that he didnt say much. What does DH stand for? I know its your partner but what does it actually stand for? (I promise I will get this down ladies...) As for the diet-the book you describe sounds a lot like The China Study-is that the one he suggested? I havent eaten beef for years and hardly ever eat pork. It has been a great change for me-just feel better. My DH (haha Im going with it-even tho I have no idea what it means...) and I are flirting with becoming vegetarians. But I was told to stay away from soy products and since so many vegetarian/vegan products are soy based-we are holding off. Which maybe I need to do more research on that because a few have you have mentioned soy Iso and soy in general. Think I have my work cut out for me in the research department. Ha.
I am blessed to have my doc as a neighbor and friend that we often have Sunday brunch with. So the line of communication is very open and accessable. Today I text him and told him today was day 15 and no happy face on my OV kit. He immediately scheduled me in today for a pelvic ultrasound (UGH!!! I hate these things-UNLESS it shows a baby someday!). He said something about seeing if a follicle was developing? I think hes jumping the gun a little (probably feels pressure and has enough concern to want to do everything and anything poss for us and in a timely fashion) but Id rather have that then him dragging his feet. They dont tell me at the us place anything because only the doc can tell me so I prob wont know anything today but I'll keep you all updated. Thank you ladies again for this sacred place. Its already close to my heart because the sympathy we all feel for eachother. ALso-very few people in our lives know about this. Ive told my family and some friends so they can pray for us but even his family doesnt know yet. So being able to share on here makes this place even more valuable.

Hugs! (I dont know how to do those fancy icons you guys make so Im keeping it old school with words. Ha.)