Hi Girls!!! Whoa - the boards seem to go nuts when I take a few days off. SO glad to see so many newbies on our awesome thread! Welcome Shareena!
Mommymel - my ewcm is here one day and gone the next too.

It's so frustrating! I'm like Maria though - I tend to see it for a couple days once AF finds her way out the door and then I'm totally dry for a spell, and then it's like anything goes.
CMP and Tella - Yay!! Get busy girls!

I'm so nervous that I won't be seeing that dark line again this month.

By the way CMP - cute pic!
Fee - all I have to say is

Shareena - sometimes I tell myself that it's harder for us to have our children because we're "stronger" than those that get pregnant right away. Someone needs to understand and help carry others through their pain, and only by the experiences we go through can we understand what it is like. So you can use your pain and experiences to help others around you. You're not being punished, you're just having a different experience. We've been married almost 15 years and have watched our friends get married, have their babies and be done with it. Some of our friends and family now have 4 or 5 kids all in the time since we started trying for our first. It was really hard when all of their babies were babies (they're all getting "older" now), but it does get easier as long as I keep a good attitude. Hopefully you'll have your baby very soon though!
You mentioned you're taking letrozole this month, right? What dosage are you on? I'm on 7.5mg this cycle.
AFM - I'm on cd9 so not much going on. My acupuncturist wants me to get monitored this cycle to see if I'm responding to the Femara, so I contacted my dr. office to see if that's possible (I'm sure it is... question is, do I want to pay for it). Like I mentioned, I'm so nervous about not ovulating again this month, but I'm trying to stay positive.
I hope everyone is having a good day!