anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Bumski - we are going private. We have enough money either to do OD or one cycle of IVF (although I know IVF is dearer). We won't be able to afford both within the same 6-9 months.

So Im hoping OD will work within this time but if not, we should be able to have saved enough for IVF.

I hate having to go private because of all the NI and Tax both hubby and I are paying but I know I couldn't bare to wait for months and months on the NHS.
Ive googled OD and looked at images - scary :wacko: Not for the faint hearted but the images of the drilled ovaries look pretty impressive!
oh i did that too, they look really scary!!! i was really impressed with the recovery, iv never had an op before this either.

thats great you can go private, it will save all that waiting around, ya know, if i had the choice between ivf and OD in the future i would opt for OD again, simply because it gives you more chances of conception, whereas ivf is one go only and your putting all your hopes and dreams into one cycle.

i have just ov for the fourth time since OD and concieved once, although it didnt stick :cry: and all unmedicated.

i still feel we are in with a chance, its just pot luck whether we catch the egg, surely we have to get it again though :shrug:

i checked for ov for 3 years before the drilling and never once ovd so i cant praise it enough.

i hope it really works well for you hun, im pretty confident it will, :winkwink:
Thanks Maria - u explained OD way better than the hosp did. I didnt really know much about it other than it had worked for others in my situ and I had nothing to lose!

Yay for holes on our ovaries!! xxxxx
Thanks Maria - u explained OD way better than the hosp did. I didnt really know much about it other than it had worked for others in my situ and I had nothing to lose!

Yay for holes on our ovaries!! xxxxx


I think I shall have a drink to that tonight :rofl:
Bumski - they do say there's only a 15% chance of conception each month, don't they?!
Which is ridiculous really...less than one in five chances....You'd think it would be higher if nothing is wrong!

If you ovulate, DH's swimmers live for a couple of days, you BD at the right time - why wouldn't it happen!

I work with horses and I know in animals conception rates are close to 100%, firt attempt! Wish I was a monkey or something....:rofl:

So 4th ovulation since the OD is great and I really hope this is your month :thumbup:
good luck for OD maria :)

i really say its worth it i dont think i'd have my bfp today if it wasnt for OD & Clomid,.

yes looking at the pictures on the internet is really scary but well worth it & it is really fast recovery, i never had an operation before OD & was really scared when i came round i felt like i hadnt had it done i was in no pain what so ever even asked why they hadnt done it lol... it is a fast recovery & can be worth it hun, i wish you the best of luck,

i never ovulated for 4 years before having OD since having it i ovulated every month with the help of Clomid, just 5 months after the op and 3 months of clomid im now 6 weeks pregnant xx
My Name is Tiffany, I'm SO glad that I found this post. I was diagnosed with PCOS in August have tried 4 rounds of Clomid with no +ovulation. My Dr has now reccommended OD.
I am not a patient person and NEVER thought I would have any promlems concieving. This has been the hardest and most emotional thing I have ever had to go, especially because it feels like every one around me gets pregnant by just drinking water. I am constantly an emotional wreck!
Did any of your dr say how long it might take after your op before it can work? Also, how long were you guys taken off work for after the op? Do any of you guys get very moody while on the clomid?
I am hoping and praying this works for us and that we get pregnant. I am very confident that we have an amazing dr who knows exactly what he is doing.
LMAO at your monkey comment maria :haha:

any chance is a chance in my eyes, im just happy to have them now. iv got afeeling this thread will be full of baby pics one day :happydance:

you and sonia first helen :thumbup:

Hi tiffany, welcome to bnb. i was the same as you hun, i tried clomid and it didnt work, was on 150mg too :cry: i was gutted!!
i waited about 6 months for the OD op, but the waiting time is different in each area, i oved 2 weeks after, couldnt believe my eyes when my opk was a real positive!!

the healing time is real quick, iv posted pics of the scars somewhere in ltttc, not sure how to find them though, i will see if i still have them on my computer in a min.
mmmm, bit embarassing but hey, who cares, lol :blush:

these were taken the day after the op, it took a few weeks for the bloating to go down


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Hi Tiffany, welcome to the thread!

I was off work for nearly two weeks after the op, it took a while for the soreness and bloated feeling to go. Glad I took that much time off now, I was pretty much 100% better when I went back to work...def worth taking as much time as you can. Think the stitches took a good month to dissolve properly.

I thought I looked crazily bloated after the op, not many other people did tho:wacko: Wish I'd have taken pics too bumski, its a good idea! We are going to be sooo thankful for drilling sometime soon!

Have you girls still got your scars? think my worst one is just above my hip, they're totally fine now but still a bit pinky!

As for the symtom spotting, my af signals are haunting me still! No sign yet tho so thats something :) How are you all doing?
Wow bumski. Your 2 smaller scars are way lower than mine. Mine are about an inch below my belly button. I remember lookin at my swollen tummy after op and thinkin this is what I'll look like in few mths but with baby inside. Sad hey!
Right now we are comparing the options we were given. Our Dr reccommended OD or the hormone shots. I am really weary of the hormone shots because I did a lot of research on them and read that they have a higher miscarriage rate.
After reading all of your posts I am leaning towards the OD. At this point I would just be happy to see that I am ovulating! Any step towards our ultimate goal of getting pregnant would make me happy!
Did anybody have a problem getting their insurance to cover this proceedure? I'm going back to the dr in a couple weeks when we will make the decision, I am hoping he can schedule it right away.
Thanks for the pictures! What a great idea to take pictures that way when you have a baby you can show them all you went through to get them! Are your scars still really visible or do they tend to go away after a while?
Hi girls! I haven't been on lately. It's actually been kinda nice to take a break from thinking of it all. My doctor has me on 3 months of birth control after the OD to take care of endometriosis (which I would have never imagined I had), so it hasn't really been an option.

So happy to see a few people are preggers after the OD! Yay!

I'm halfway through my pills. The doc said our best chance will be that first month off of them, and I'm getting a little scared! If I don't ovulate or get a BFP that first month, I'm afraid that I'll be really frustrated.

We've already decided that if nothing happens by the end of 2011, we'll start looking into adoption! Did you know that the Chinese government doesn't even let you apply to adopt a Chinese baby until both parents are over 30? Made me feel better about being at least 32 by the time I have my first baby! There's something to be said about "older and wiser"!

Good luck to all. I'll try to check in a little more often. :)
i have the same scars as you but i only have one because i only had my left ovary drilled they had a problem getting to my right one, my belly button one is really tiny & not noticeable, :)
i have my first scan on friday :yipee:im scared/excited ive been a blubbering wreck today wow emotions are all over ive spent the day crying, im stressed i dont know why just trying to calm my self down now :)
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wow! U must be urging friday to get here asap! Update us wont u with scan pic?

Katy - nice to see you back! Ive heard too that often fs will put u on pill as when u stop taking them yr supposed to be really fertile! GL - Keep us posted! xxx
yeah i will do asap :)

im so stressed today and i stressed myself out now worrying because ive got bad backache =/ so wish friday would hurry now
this weekend will fly by and before you know it it will be next fri yippee :)

hope you can chill out tonight! :flower:

Hi Tiffany and Katyberry. I had the op on the nhs so had to wait awhile but at no cost...apart from my mental health!! My scars arent very visable just look like scratches, my acupunture lady noticed them today tho!

Good luck to you both, def keep us updated on how you are getting on!
yes i hope so hun ty i'll be 7 weeks by then seems to be going so quick :)
dont worry about bachache and pain hun, its all normal i promise, to be honest id be more worried if i felt nothing, i remember when i was 7 weeks and kept getting resally bad af pains, my mate was also pg but further along, i asked her if its normal because i was so worried and she reassured me it was, my back ached like mad for months, i think its the baby growing and your body preparing you. your scan will soon be here.
hey, it will be the first official pic of an OD baby on this thread!!! :happydance:

hi katy, not long now until you can start ttc again, you acn be all prepared too, dont stress yourself out if you dont catch first time, you will work again im sure, are they giving you any meds too?

hi tiffany, im in the uk too so like firefox it was on the nhs, we waited about 6 months but well worth it :winkwink:

my scars have healed loads now, the bottom two are hardly there anymore, i can see the one in my bellybutton but its white now.

GL OD girls!!!!

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