Hi girls!
I've been running around like mad the last couple of days and didn't have time to post an update yesterday. I only have about 2 minutes now before running out the door, so I'll say a quick HI

to everyone and be selfish with my remaining post.
So I ended up having 2 ultrasounds yesterday. One on my ovaries and the other on my NECK. haha! I have my doctor completely stumped. I had no follies (with the exception of all my little pcos buddies). Well, actually, the tech said I had "none - nothing going on at all", but then she found one on my left ovary that she said looked like it had started growing...??? She said my lining was about 7.5mm, and needs to be at at least 8. So basically, NADA on cd 17. My doc was totally bafoozled (I wasn't). Long story short (too late), she wants me to try 10mg of Femara next cycle and if that doesn't do anything, we'll go back to clomid. I'm going to be monitored by US next cycle - as many times as I want. She wasn't keen on going right to clomid because I never got pregnant on it.
I asked her about myo-inositol, and to my surprise, she didn't really know anything about it, but she said she'd do some research and get back to me.
Oh - the neck ultrasound... she thinks that there's obviously something else going on with me that we can't figure out, so she did bloods to check thyroid and sent me to get a thyroid US (which that tech said everything there was fine - which is good news).
I went ahead and started inositol and choline yesterday and today I have LOTS of cf. Whoa!! It's not ewcm (which is good because then I'd really start to wonder, after yesterday's US), but my hope is that the one follie she found will grow and grow. I'm giving it a week and then I'm going to start NPC to bring on AF and go ahead with the 10mg.
I have to run. I'll come back later to comment on ya'll!