Jennie - Yay!! Congrats! That's so exciting.
Mommymel - It looks to me like there's a line there, but it also looks like the dye hasn't completely finished washing through the test either...?? I would take another one for sure, but it looks hopeful!!

- thank you so much - your post almost made me cry! I tend to be very verbose, so I feel like most of my posts are just "blah, blah, blah". Believe me, it's taken YEARS for dh and I to bring out a positive perspective on our lives. But after what we've been through, I've learned the hard way that it's best to be positive no matter what. Everyone on this earth has trials - that's what we're here for - and honestly, I'd rather have my trial than some others!

Things are looking good for you, so I hope you still get that bfp this week!!
Angel & BabyBrain - you can learn everything you need to know about charting from Even if you're not ovulating, charting will tell you that. You can read subtleties in your charting that can tell you what your hormones are doing, but most importantly, if you DO ovulate, you'll know for sure and will know exactly when to take that test!
Pitty - congrats on your u/s!!
Maria - I'm still waiting out my cycle. I'm on CD 22. I'm going to wait until at least Wednesday to see what happens and then I'll start NPC to bring on a new cycle. I half want to take a break from the meds next cycle, but the way my insurance is, it's better if I'm getting u/s done before January, so I'll probably start the 10mg femara next cycle and start getting u/s on CD12.
Tella - I totally get it. I worry about having a super long cycle if I skip next cycle too. As I just mentioned to Maria though, I think I decided to go forward with another medicated cycle and THEN giving it a break for a month or so. GL with making that decision!
AFM - I'm still taking the inositol. I was taking it with choline, but I think the choline was making me retain water, so I stopped that. Something is definitely going on with my cf. I took a opt last night and it was super negative, which to me is a good thing....for now. If my cf improves and/or I get a + opt, then I'll hold off starting the NPC. So just waiting it out for now and enjoying watching what the inositol is doing.