anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi girls!

Welcome Nikkia! :hi: Scerena was right on - go to and it will walk you through how to temp. I highly suggest it because it tells you so much about what's going on and there's no guess work. Well, I should say very little guess work compared to non-temping! :)

Shareena - tomorrow's the big day! I can't wait to hear your news. :)

Mommymel - did you temp again? fx'd for you!

Tella - how about you? More good temps?

So I was a dummy and tested today....bfn - not even a hint of a line. I'm not too worried about it as I'm only 9 dpo. I can't believe I tested so early!! That's so not like me. haha! I think it took care of my craving to test though. We'll see how I feel tomorrow morning, but I may not test again for a couple more days. After Maria's experience with ic's, I might have to cave and go get a decent test. We'll see.

I'm trying really hard not to symptom spot, but yesterday was a bit of a weird day and I'm feeling really hopeful. Part of me just thinks it's all in my head though...which is probably the case.

I hope everyone has a great day today!!
To ALL my dear ladies on the 2WW ALL THE BEST!!

I am also on my 2WW got a smiley on my OPK day15 of my cycle...we shall see what happens, just hoping for the best.

Mommymel - Hope ur dream comes true hun!!! We all deserve it, been through so much its unfair....A nice Xmas present on it's way to U from up above? Maybe just maybe!

MariaF - You don't know how much we all appreciate you still checking in to this forum. I just love ur little lime bean!!! :)

Have a good weekend everyone!

HIII ladies!!
Sorry I have been so absent lately. I have literally been SO busy and juggling about 10 different things! :juggle: Between holidays, school, work and my own business is taking off right now! (I make hats, purses, hair accessories, etc.) So I am so sorry for not being on here often. I have been checking in here and there but not having the time to write. Is been so long I actually had to take some notes while catch up so I could address the proper person! Ha!
So snflwrgrl-Congrats again lady!!! How are you feeling?!
Maria-I love watching you little one grow! You are such a blessing to this thread. Ive heard a few people say your the good luck charm. Im going to vouch for that one!
Cridge-So sorry to hear you had a death in the family! :( :hugs: I hope your able to find peace with the situation. :flower: I am REALLY excited for you to test in a few days but also nervous about you if you do get a negative. But your test was early this morning so yea-I think waiting a few days is a good plan! :thumbup:
Scerena-so sorry to hear about your OD being put off. BUt I REALLY like the idea of you just enjoying the next few weeks and trying not to think about it. OD went really well for me. I had it a few months back and ovulated on my own the last two cycles. Overall success!!!
Tella-LOVE that your just cruising thru the holiday season lady! I did that this last month and it has worked for me!!
Mommymel-Hope your dream comes true lady!! :flower:
Nikkia-Welcome!!! This is an amazing thread!!

To the ones I missed-:hugs: and I blame it on my poor note taking and my absence!!
HIII ladies!!
Sorry I have been so absent lately. I have literally been SO busy and juggling about 10 different things! :juggle: Between holidays, school, work and my own business is taking off right now! (I make hats, purses, hair accessories, etc.) So I am so sorry for not being on here often. I have been checking in here and there but not having the time to write. Is been so long I actually had to take some notes while catch up so I could address the proper person! Ha!
So snflwrgrl-Congrats again lady!!! How are you feeling?!
Maria-I love watching you little one grow! You are such a blessing to this thread. Ive heard a few people say your the good luck charm. Im going to vouch for that one!
Cridge-So sorry to hear you had a death in the family! :( :hugs: I hope your able to find peace with the situation. :flower: I am REALLY excited for you to test in a few days but also nervous about you if you do get a negative. But your test was early this morning so yea-I think waiting a few days is a good plan! :thumbup:
Scerena-so sorry to hear about your OD being put off. BUt I REALLY like the idea of you just enjoying the next few weeks and trying not to think about it. OD went really well for me. I had it a few months back and ovulated on my own the last two cycles. Overall success!!!
Tella-LOVE that your just cruising thru the holiday season lady! I did that this last month and it has worked for me!!
Mommymel-Hope your dream comes true lady!! :flower:
Nikkia-Welcome!!! This is an amazing thread!!

To the ones I missed-:hugs: and I blame it on my poor note taking and my absence!!
Hi CMP!! :hi: I've been wondering what you've been up to! I wish I was super busy right now to keep my mind off things. Do you have a website for your business? I'd love to see what you make! Sounds cute!
:hi: CMPalmer82- Wow! OD has had succes for you :) I hope it has the same success for me! Good luck with your ovulating and catching that eggy :) x
Ok so now as for Me!!
This last month I O'd right on que-CD14. (Last month it was CD18) So I was pretty stoked about that. :thumbup: I told my husband that I wasnt going to test until I knew for sure I was late. Just wanted to kind of relax this month about this considering the rest of my life has been crazy sauce busy (but good crazy sauce).
Well since I o'd on day 14 my calendar shows that I should have got the :witch: yesterday. I didnt trust that because to think of me having a normal cycle was kinda laughable. I wasnt going to test today either but when I got up out of bed this morning-I had to sit back down. I felt really dizzy. So I thought "Maybe Ill just use the cheap test." It was my way of reasoning with myself after knowing I said I wasnt going to test until I KNEW I was late. Ha. The things we tell ourselves. So the cheapy test I have is one where you pee in this little dish and then you put the strip in the dish. I did. I saw a FAINT second line and chalked it up to the test being too saturated or something.
SO I took another... And this test was one you add a dropper and you added a few drops to the test. And guess what?!? :bfp: !!!!!!!
SO I took another one!! Just to be sure and I actually used the expensive first responce one. :bfp:
LADIES!!! I stood in shock at first. I called my best friend to come make sure my eyes werent playing tricks on me. I went down stairs and took prenantles and took one bite of bannanna before it really hit. I hit the ground and sobbed!!!! Just kept thanking God over and over and just felt sooo thankful!!
So about two hours have passed since and now Im trying to figure out how to tell my dh. I wanted to wait until Hannakah (hes a Jew) but cant wait till Dec 20th. He probably wont be able to :plane: home tonight be he will be here tomorrow night. SO I was thinking about wrapping the tests and some daddy books up but I know he'll be suspicious if he has to open any ideas?
Sorry if this post ididnt make a bit of sense. Im on :cloud9: I just had OD two months ago ladies so for those of you who had it or is about to have it-there is HOPE!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:
CMP!!!!! :dance: YAY!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I can't believe it! :hugs: Things are going so well on our thread lately!!

So when I got pregnant with #1 I wrapped up a daddy book and the test and gave it to dh. It was close to his bday though, so I had a good excuse to wrap a gift for him. He opened it, took one look at the book and asked if it was a cruel joke. He was NOT happy. After seeing the test he eased up a little, but he wasn't about to believe I was pregnant until I had a blood test done. So I had to laugh when you said you were thinking of doing the same thing for your dh! I'm sure you'd have better luck with your dh though. haha!!

I also called my best friend right away and she and I went to babies R us and I parked in the "reserved for PREGNANT women" spot. I could have died. She was 3 months along though, so we had reason enough.

Anyway - your little story totally reminded me of when I got pregnant the first time and it made me smile! :) Maybe you can tell dh that you got him the perfect Hanukkah gift but it's something he needs to open now (like when you give someone a Christmasy gift that they either open early or wait until next year to actually use...).

K - so any symptoms besides the dizziness this morning? :)

I'm so happy for you!! Congrats!!
CMPalmer82 - CONGRATS!! It sounds exactly like my story. I couldn't believe my eyes, so I took another, then I went to buy a more expensive test, just to be sure!! I think I am still in shock and just waiting to hear the heartbeat - then I might believe. I wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months!! YAY!!! :happydance:

I am so happy to see this thread booming like it is. Cridge are you testing tomorrow? Fingers crossed, prayers and baby dust coming your way! :dust:
CMP that is amazing news, gives me great hope.Keep us posted on how you tell dh. I can't wait for the day a can give that news to my hubby.

I have checked out the temping on ff and makes sense now, have also ordered my thermometer from amazon. Thanks for help guys.
Congratz Cmpalmer

Wish you a Happy and Healthy nine months.

Well, I am going in for my Beta tomo and am so scared. I hope its good news. Cridge, don't worry, you tested too early girl. This is the reason i hate doing UPT if i didnt have the blood i wouldn't test till i am like six weeks or something. Yes, I am a coward when it comes to this. Please pray for me ladies!!

I am praying for all the ladies on the dreading TWW and for the ones waiting to ovulate!! Good luck!
Thanks so much ladies! Its still very much unreal. Its 11:22 at night right now and Im pretty wired still. Its been TORTUROUS not being able to tell dh! He wasnt able to fly home but tomorrow he is for sure so I will be breaking the news to him then. Cridge-thats pretty funny how our stories are so much alike. Your dh response makes me sad tho-it just goes to show what a tough time you guys had. But what a great thing to have one! And now maybe a possible second!!! :)
I decided against wrapping the books/tests as a present because he is so stubborn he probably wouldnt open it. And of course Id want him to open it as soon as he came in the door which would be even more weird for him. So instead-Im going to have a bunch of pink and blue balloons on our kitchen Island tied down the the daddy to be books that I bought him today. I also painted "Daddy" on Christmas stocking. {Side note-last year when I was sewing our stockings I asked him if I should put "Mr & "Mrs." He said "Great idea babe but make sure its removable so we can change it to 'mom' and 'dad' one day." } So I'm thinking the stocking part might put him over the edge. :)
I text my doc (who is also my neighbor) and he's getting me in tomorrow. I cant tell you how blessed I feel to have our doc as our neighbor/good friend. I feel like he is constantly going out of his way to do anything for us. I might have to hug him a billion times tomorrow to show my gratitude. He text something back about taking a blood test every other day? Does that sound right? I think Im going to tell him tomorrow thats a bit much for me. Between all the tests Ive had lately and medical bills we just got paid off-I want to do what is only neccesary. But then again, I wasnt the one that went to medical school so I guess I'll let him order me around. :thumbup:
Cridge-as for symptoms-Other than dizzy this morning...not too much. I felt a little nauseous this morning but blamed it one the prenatel that I took only with a half a bananna I managed to choke down in between grateful sobs on my kitchen floor. I have been tired lately but that could just be because its finals week. But one thing I have noticed is that Ive been totally SPACEY. I have been forgetting numerous things lately. That also could have something to do with finals and all the to-do's that the holidays bring. So yeah! Oh MAN ladies. I cant wait for each of you to be up writing this story about yourselves. It WILL happen!!
:hugs: to you all!
CMPalmer - that's fantastic news! Congratulations and H&H 9 months!!!

Snflwrgrl - how are you feeling? Do you have any scans coming up?

Jennie - haven't heard from you, hope all's OK!

Shareena - everyrhing's. Crossed for you, girl! Can't wait to hear your news.

Cridge - 9DPO for an i/c is unheard of!!! I was one of those who got a super early BFP. Otherwise eve FRER doesn't usually show till 11/12DPO. So if you buy one, it best to wait 2 more days. Are you temping this cycle?

Tella - are you still temping? And same to MommyMel?

Nikkia - good luck with temping! It can tell you SO much about your body!
Congratulations CMPalmer82 - Wow such great news! I am so excited to hear how you tell your husband! Brilliant news hun!!!! Keep us posted!

Shareena - Good luck with your BETA test tomorrow. Do u get the results straight away?

Cridge - How are you doing lady? Wishing you all the best as well.

Tella - Hope you are enjoying your time off!
CMpalmer82- congratulations! You have given me so much hope for the OD! I am so happy for you :yay: please keep us updated on how you tell oh and how he takes the news :) xx
WOW this is GREAT 5 BFPS in 2 months!!! CONGRATS to all the BFPs!!!!!!!!!!!!! so happy for you guys.

AFM i am scheduled to have my first IUI in January, so i am just praying that this will result in my BFP. I am still Oing on my own so it might just happen for December.

CONGRATS again ladies!!!
CMP - I LOVE your new plan on how to break the news! So cute! I think he'll be so excited!

Cridge - 9DPO for an i/c is unheard of!!! I was one of those who got a super early BFP. Otherwise eve FRER doesn't usually show till 11/12DPO. So if you buy one, it best to wait 2 more days. Are you temping this cycle?

Wish I had seen this yesterday! ;) The i/c I have are supposed to be more sensitive than the FRERs though...?? I did cave and bought some FRERs yesterday - BFN this morning. Sometimes I convince myself I see a line, but who am I kidding?! I had NO confidence this morning before testing, so I'm not sure why I did. You POAS-a-holics have gotten to me! :haha: I'm not giving up on this cycle til I see a neg on 12-13dpo....I feel like by then I should see something for sure.

Maria - yes, I do temp!! I'm crazy about it. Almost eerily, my chart looks almost identical this cycle to the cycle I got pregnant on 10 years ago. I know that doesn't mean anything, but it's been fun for me to line them up each morning. Here's my chart if you want to have a look:

My Ovulation Chart

:hi: A big shout-out to everyone else!! I hope you're having a great day! DH and DS are both home today so it feels like Saturday. Long weekend - yay!
I got my results and it's a BFN!!

Nooo!!! :cry: I'm so sorry Shareena! How are you taking it? When is af due exactly and do you have a plan for next cycle? :hugs: Were you having any symptoms or anything to make you think you hit it this month? I'm driving myself mad because I really feel like I should be seeing a bfp soon, but I'm so worried these crazy things I've been feeling the last couple of days are all in my head. I'm so ready to know one way or the other and move on.

I hope you're doing okay! :(
Hi Cridge,

Well, my clinic is closing from now till Jan3 so I will be on unmonitored cycle with just metformin and pregvit. I was dizzy and was nauseous most of the time but I guess it must be my body adjusting to the hormones. Actually I was also on progesterone suppository so it can be that too. I felt so depressed when i got the results cuz i know its my fault. My husband's result is perfect so I am the only one blame :( I really don't know my LP but I guess I will keep tracking it from now on. I got my Af-Nov.18 and got IUI on Dec-2 which was cd15 and today is cd28. If i have a normal cycle then i should get my AF soon but lets see.

Cridge, I really have my hopes up for you because they did already find a sac for you. Your chart looks great too. I am going to keep praying for you.

Thank you for the understanding. I don't think people who are not in our circumstance can understand. Its really frustrating and at times I just feel like telling my husband to marry somebody else and have a family. This is my ninth year being married already,its not fair!!

Sorry for the long post...but it feels better to get everything out.

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