anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Next year will be our year ladies, stay strong. I got my date for 03/01/12 for my OD. Bring it on! :thumbup: How long after OD can you:sex:?
Nikkia - we dtd 5 days after my OD. But I had a slightly different procedure where they go in vaginally... which would probably mean I should have waited longer, but it was fine. My doc just told me to wait until I stopped "oozing".
Nikita > We waited 7 days, basically once the stitches was out i was fine. GL for the OP, fx'd for a quick BFP thereafter!!!!
Hi girls!

I figure the next week is going to be pretty quiet with all the Christmas celebrations going on. :) My husband tells me I'm addicted to this site. It's true. :blush:

14dpo here. temp just a little lower than yesterday and nips a little sorer so I'm just waiting for the big drop in a couple more days. No more testing for me although I had a nice dream last night that I tested and it actually came up positive. Seriously - I was so expecting to see a + this cycle - I just felt it. Had all the twinges and cramping on the right days, cf cooperating and doing just what it should. I kept telling myself that it was just a reaction to the progesterone... on the right days, and I guess I'm glad I did.

I refilled my rx for Femara yesterday and ordered DH some Fertilaid and Count.aid (not sure what it's called, but it's supposed to help with sperm count). I just have a gut feeling that his little swimmers aren't in as great of shape as they used to be. He's getting old after all. :haha: If I can actually get him to take the stinkin' pills 3 times a day (I know he can handle once, but thrice?!) then I'll be thrilled.

Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying this week!
:hi: gals!
I've got to start being careful when I read this thread because I read it late lastnight in bed and I couldn't sleep for such a long time. I rolled over and my dh asked me what was wrong. All I could say without crying was "Man, why us over all those wonderful women who have been trying much, much longer?!?"
Arza-:hugs: You post made me cry. I think most of us have felt like you have at some point of our journey. In fact, I know I have but didnt have the courage to say it quite like you did. I am SO sorry lady that you are feeling this way. Please know there is hope. God truly has a plan for everyone and I know its easy for me to say that now but I promise I was saying that before. I dont understand why some of us have to struggle SO stinkin hard for something that comes SO naturally to others.:nope: I just dont get it. But what I do feel is that things do have a purpose for happening/not happening and that even though we might not understand it at all, things work out how they are supposed too. THey say "Timing is everything." I pray your time comes exactly when it's supposed to sweets and I pray for your courage and strength until that day comes.
*Sigh* Man, so many times I have wished this thread had the capability of real arms reaching out and giving hugs. Today more than ever....
Cridge-Lady :hugs: Big hugs to you as well. You amazing me with your strength and courage. Seriously. You have struggled so hard and yet you always seem to have such an amazing attitude. That speaks volumes for your character and Im sure your even more amazing in person. I dont know why your going through this but I do know that your child is so blessed to have a mother like you! :flower:
Nikka-We waited at least a week but thats because DH was nervous to hurt me. And congrats on the OD. Its done good things for I think everyone on this thread!
Tella-hows your heart doing lately? I know you have been enjoying the holidays season trying hard not to worry to much about ttc.
Mommymel-Rooting for you lady! Love that you are enjoying yourself lately. And yes-its not just you- I feel like pregnant women are everywhere! I had to try hard not to get bitter with every one that I saw. Keep us posted!
Maria-Please know you give hope. I love hearing how you are doing and how your pregnancy is progressing!
AFM-Hubby was overjoyed at the news. I have it all on recorded on my ohone. He came in and didnt really get it for a minute and then his face dropped and he said "No WAY! are you pregnant?!?" He just kept hugging me and asking me "really?! are you kidding me?!?" and all the the natural reaction stuff. Ha. So yes-his response was great. Since then, he's barely slept. I guess we both havent had much sleep. I think its more nerves than excitement. We are both so scared but I know that is natural. My doc got me in on Friday just to talk to me about hcg quant tests. He knows that my dh is not to keen on all the tests I have been having lately so he wanted to explain to me why he thought they were necessary. He basically burst my bubble. Ha. He just told me how one in three women m/c and so on and so forth. hes a realist and I get that. So I took the first of the two blood test yesterday. Lastnight, we were over there for game night and my doc said that my blood levels were so good he doesnt feel we need to do a second blood test but rather scheduled an US for Thursday to make sure its not epetopic (or however you say it). He's just big on ruling things out so we can continue to be excited but without so much nervousness. It also helps that hes a family friend because I think he wants to know just as much as we do. So US on Thursday!
Sorry this is so long. I hardly post but when I do its a guys sleeping yet?:sleep: But hugs to you all. I am so grateful for everyone and their courage to share their journey here. Thank you ladies. May our faith be bigger than our fear.
Awww - CMP - you made me cry! :hugs: I think it's perfectly normal to feel a little guilty when you finally reach your goal. I know I did and we had been trying for years at that point. My friend that adopted after 12 years felt guilty about that. So I think it's totally normal but you shouldn't let it get to you. You're so sweet though!

I'm so happy your hcg numbers were so great! And you get an u/s!! How I would love to have a friend/doctor/neighbor!!! I don't think they'd like me so much though - I'd be doing all the tests and u/s!! haha!

Don't leave us - you're one of our lucky charms. Keep us posted on your little bean. :)
Next year will be our year ladies, stay strong. I got my date for 03/01/12 for my OD. Bring it on! :thumbup: How long after OD can you:sex:?

That is the same day as mine :thumbup:

Cridge & cmpalmer you girls are so positive and help me through alot when reading this thread! Good luck with your scan cmpalmer and cridge please carry on being so positive as you help me feel positive also after these long 3 and a half years...

Good luck and :hi: to everyone else on the thread I just had a read of the last page x
Scerena and Nikkia - so exciting that your OD is on the same day! A New year and a New beginning :thumbup:

We BD'ed about 10 days after the op.

CMP - your DH's reaction is awesome! I'm so pleased your HCG levels are nice and high! And in just 2 days you'll get to see your bean for the first time :happydance:

Cridge - even if af arrives it sounds like you are having a perfect cycle! And the LP is great too! I know what you mean about it being hard not to get heartbroken...we start every cycle full of hopes and the days till ovulation simply drag and we are always uncertain whether its even going to happen....then the positive OPK is like a miracle!! And of course you think: well, this has to be IT! So when you see a temp dip and the witch arrives it's a complete shock and devastation :nope:

Hang in there sweetheart...I'm sending all the :dust: in the world! And to all the other wonderful ladies on here!

Shareena - yes, you are right. The heartache and the desperation seem to fade very quickly after the BFP. Its as if the 2 years of torcher didn't happen...
Yes very exciting to be having a lap on the same day as someone :)
Im also hoping a new year will bring us te new luck we will need.
How are you MariaF?
:dust: to everyone
CMP > :happydance: so glad your numbers are nice and high!!!! Im so glad DH was happy and excited when you told him :)

AFM > Im CD3, need to decide if im gonna take Soy again or just have a natural cycle. Still not doing anything else just taking the meds to help along the Ovaries. But at the moment i think im gonna have a all natural cycle, i know its gonna be a longer one but i think it is better as my FS might want to do Bloods on the 12th of Jan and it will be better that they are as normal as possible.
Tella - I agree... if you're seeing your FS, it's probably better if you're on a natural cycle. Maybe you'll have a great cycle all on your own though!! FX'd for you!

Scerena & Nikkia - I have an u/s scheduled for the 3rd. Not nearly as intense as OD, but we can all bond in having our legs up in the air on the same day. (OK - ewww. Sorry) :haha:

So I've had the strangest thing going on since late last night.... my urine smells like vomit. :wacko: What?! I seriously thought that someone had puked near my toilet until I realized it came out of ME! What the heck is that all about?! UTI? I've never experienced anything like it. I've been drinking water like crazy too because I've been so super thirsty, so it's not like it's overly concentrated. I just took my blood sugar and it is pretty high - higher than it's ever been (although I just ate a very sugary breakfast), so maybe it has something to do with that. I'll have to keep an eye on it.
Hi girls!!! I've been so lonely without you for the last 24 hours. haha! Nothing new to update, I just want to say hi.

Today is 16dpo and I'm expecting af tomorrow. My temp did a fabulous thing today and went up, which has never happened on 16dpo except when I was pregnant. I'm trying really hard not to let that get to me. I just keep telling myself that it will all come out in 24 hours and I won't have to keep torturing myself anymore.

I hope everyone is enjoying their week before Christmas. It's snowing like mad here (Colorado) today so we're going to have a white Christmas for sure! (Mine will be a red and white Christmas - how marvelous is that? :haha:)
Hi Cridge!! I couldnt wait to get on here this morning because I HAD to hear some news from you. Looks like I'll have to wait till tomorrow. But after your post yesterday, I have to say Im REALLLLLLLY feeling good about this cycle for you! One of my best friends told me that after she got pregnant, her pee started to smell different! I havent experienced that but when you said that I was was like BINGO!! :happydance: So I will just continue to [-o< for you!!
My dh would be SO jealous about you living in CO. He did his dental residency in Denver and says he wants to retired there! He loves it. He just told me two days ago "Im really missing CO today" and I said "Well lets go there for New Years." He then told me he doesnt want to fly me anywhere right now. He's been told over and over by the few people he has told that the first 3 months are so very critical. So he's basically walking around like I could break. Ha. Anyway-enjoy your WHITE Christmas. Here in sunny CA Im kinda wishing the rain would start. Its been mid 60s and it just doesnt feeel like Christmas when its that warm!
And Merry Christmas to all you other beautiful ladies!!! Are any of you FB friends?! I was thinking about it this morning. How some people add old aquaintences from HS that they didnt talk too much but then on here-we tell some of our most deepest thoughts and secrets too but arnt fb friends! Well I bet some of you are. Anyway-Id love to catch up with you guys on there since Im not on this everyday. So yea look for me if you'd like! :) Christina Madeson Palmer. Merry Christmas to you all! :hugs:
Hi Christina (ha! your real name!). I have a FB account, but I'm horrible at going on there - but I'll add you and we can be friends! :)

I don't know what the pee thing is all about. I read that B12 can do that - but usually when it's the shots. I'm taking an extra B complex, but only every other day, so I don't know that would do it. Seriously, if it weren't for all the BFN, then I would say I'm pregnant. I've just had some weird things going on that aren't normal PMS for me. Like the last few days our Christmas tree has REEKED! :sick: I told DH that it's dieing and smells disgusting and he said all he can smell is the nice pine scent. I haven't been able to smell the pine scent for the last couple of weeks and now it's permeating my house ... but it's nasty. I've had majorly weird pains down below that might just be cysts - but the pain is a little different. And my usual sore nipples is sore all around. I abhor symptom spotting but I've been keeping track of every little thing so in future cycles I know it's not anything to do with being pregnant. Besides that, when I was pregnant before, I didn't have any symptoms except for major cm. Some of these things are hard to not notice though.

SO - that being said, I couldn't help myself and I took an I/C test this morning. BFN. I know there are women that get really late positives, but I don't know why I would be one of them. With my temp up again this morning I told myself I could either be stoked all day long or just end my misery by taking a test. Every time I test I expect it to come up pos, but it never does. Same as it ever was. :dohh: No doubt I'll wake to a huge temp drop tomorrow and my 2.5ww will finally be over!

So thanks for keeping those fingers crossed for me! I'll update again tomorrow. :)

And if you ever come to CO we'll have to get together!! I LOVE that your dh is taking such good care of you! Awwwww.
OMG CRidge :wacko: whats happening with your temps? Why are they going up on 16DPO???:wacko: And why are those blooming tests still negative??

Oh that would be torcher for me! My LP was mever longer than 13-14 days and my temps always started to dip a day before af arrived so if this was happening to me at 16DPO i would be tearing my hair out :wacko:

But WOW for snow! I love the white stuff :haha: No chance of it here thoug...its in the mid 40's so no chance :nope:
oh and my tree smell divine :haha:

CMP - i seem to agree woth your Dh on the flying front of things. Im will be entering my second trimester tomorrow and still wont fly anywhere...i just heard some gorror stories of women losing their babies after a flight even when they were havng a perfect pregnancy :nope: so although my DH is desperate to go away, particularly to Florida or the Caribbean im afraid i wont agree to it :nope:
Hi Maria!

Funny thing - my son was following me and just as I was finishing my "that tree reeks" grimace, he said "mmm, what smells so good?" then he told me it was the tree he was smelling. So maybe the smell is more pungent now but for some reason it only smells nasty to me. Well, that's probably nothing new. Dh tells me I have a superhero sense of smell.

With 14 years of charts hanging around, I only have a handful that are ovulatory. And out of those, a smaller handful that had "normal ovulation" - with my 16 day LP. So 16 days is definitely expected, and a very good sign that this was a great cycle for me (although I knew that from the first u/s on CD13). BUT, the only chart that my temp goes up on 16dpo is the one when I was pregnant. All other charts, with the exception of 1 have a small temp dip on 16dpo with a plummet the following day (sometimes a plummet on 16dpo). The one exception is when my temps were low the entire LP and my 16dpo temp stayed the same as the previous day. So, yes, I was very excited this morning. And yes, it's killing me that I still have a neg, but yes, I'm fully expecting that plummet tomorrow. ;) I don't ever get cramps or any other kind of pms (except sore nipples) before CD1, so AF still feels a million miles away - which is nothing new.

I'm trying not to go crazy, but you know how it is in this ttc rollercoaster. I'm fully gearing up for a huge let down tomorrow, but somewhere in there, I'm still holding out hope. Ugh. :dohh: Here's my chart if you wanna take a looksee: My Ovulation Chart

DH and I are half planning a trip to England in June. I keep hoping I'm pregnant before we go through with the plans, but I was fully planning on flying if I'm 6 months or less pregnant. You ladies are making me rethink though. That is a terribly long flight. Well, as our luck has run over the last 10 years, chances are good we'll be making the trip without having to worry about a pregnancy. ;) I'll come visit you Maria!
Cridge - I already went a few pages back to see your chart and it looks beautiful! With a classic implantation dip on 14DPO and then 2 consecutive rises again... The only hope I would be clinging onto is that ic may not have been sensitive enough to pick up HCG if the egg only implanted 2 days ago. Oh I can't wait for tomorrow's news!

Yeah, I was all for flying but now I just don't feel certain anymore. And you know what they say - if you aren't 100% sure better leave it. I'd love to go on one last holiday with just my DH before bean arives but I just know I won't be able to live if anything were to go wrong.... But - plenty of women fly during pregnancy and all is well :thumbup:
Cridge > OMW, wake up!!!! We want a high temp!!! This waiting is killing me!

CMP > Ah DH is so cute, but rather safe than sorry. I wont fly, there is no way, we can drive if we need to go anywhere.

AFM > CD5, had a very light AF only 2 days of AF and then 3 days spotting! Im not moaning, it makes life at least a little bit easier.

I also just want to wish you amazing girls a wonderful Christmas and a splendid New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ladies,

Cridge,,,, i pray this is your christmas gift...... :hugs:

CMP and Cridge.... i have added you on fb,,,, my full name is Melenita America Smith.... :hi:
this way we can still keep in touch while on the go ! :happydance:

Tella - how are you doing , i hope you are enjoying your holiday..... because i am working straight through,,,, but still having a great time! :dance::juggle:

I have not been temping again,,, i actually forgot to be honest, but i will start anew in Feb,,,, Jan is still quite hectic while hubby is on leave... lol :wine:

if dont get a chance again, i want to wish all you beautiful ladies a blessed Christmas and a Happy new Year, may the next year be the year of babies for all of us, May you all be safe and may God protect all of you, wherever you and your families go, and always know that you are in my prayers !!! love always : Melenita America Smith:xmas16::flow:
I wanted to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2012! I hope this year is filled with BFP and little ones on the way!

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