I've got to start being careful when I read this thread because I read it late lastnight in bed and I couldn't sleep for such a long time. I rolled over and my dh asked me what was wrong. All I could say without crying was "Man, why us over all those wonderful women who have been trying much, much longer?!?"

You post made me cry. I think most of us have felt like you have at some point of our journey. In fact, I know I have but didnt have the courage to say it quite like you did. I am SO sorry lady that you are feeling this way. Please know there is hope. God truly has a plan for everyone and I know its easy for me to say that now but I promise I was saying that before. I dont understand why some of us have to struggle SO stinkin hard for something that comes SO naturally to others.

I just dont get it. But what I do feel is that things do have a purpose for happening/not happening and that even though we might not understand it at all, things work out how they are supposed too. THey say "Timing is everything." I pray your time comes exactly when it's supposed to sweets and I pray for your courage and strength until that day comes.
*Sigh* Man, so many times I have wished this thread had the capability of real arms reaching out and giving hugs. Today more than ever....

Big hugs to you as well. You amazing me with your strength and courage. Seriously. You have struggled so hard and yet you always seem to have such an amazing attitude. That speaks volumes for your character and Im sure your even more amazing in person. I dont know why your going through this but I do know that your child is so blessed to have a mother like you!

Nikka-We waited at least a week but thats because DH was nervous to hurt me. And congrats on the OD. Its done good things for I think everyone on this thread!
Tella-hows your heart doing lately? I know you have been enjoying the holidays season trying hard not to worry to much about ttc.
Mommymel-Rooting for you lady! Love that you are enjoying yourself lately. And yes-its not just you- I feel like pregnant women are everywhere! I had to try hard not to get bitter with every one that I saw. Keep us posted!
Maria-Please know you give hope. I love hearing how you are doing and how your pregnancy is progressing!
AFM-Hubby was overjoyed at the news. I have it all on recorded on my ohone. He came in and didnt really get it for a minute and then his face dropped and he said "No WAY! are you pregnant?!?" He just kept hugging me and asking me "really?! are you kidding me?!?" and all the the natural reaction stuff. Ha. So yes-his response was great. Since then, he's barely slept. I guess we both havent had much sleep. I think its more nerves than excitement. We are both so scared but I know that is natural. My doc got me in on Friday just to talk to me about hcg quant tests. He knows that my dh is not to keen on all the tests I have been having lately so he wanted to explain to me why he thought they were necessary. He basically burst my bubble. Ha. He just told me how one in three women m/c and so on and so forth. hes a realist and I get that. So I took the first of the two blood test yesterday. Lastnight, we were over there for game night and my doc said that my blood levels were so good he doesnt feel we need to do a second blood test but rather scheduled an US for Thursday to make sure its not epetopic (or however you say it). He's just big on ruling things out so we can continue to be excited but without so much nervousness. It also helps that hes a family friend because I think he wants to know just as much as we do. So US on Thursday!
Sorry this is so long. I hardly post but when I do its a novel...you guys sleeping yet?

But hugs to you all. I am so grateful for everyone and their courage to share their journey here. Thank you ladies. May our faith be bigger than our fear.