anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hey Maria - My first scan will be January 11th. I am really anxious for that day. I am feeling alittle better today - but very tired. I decided to go back to work today - but I really think I should have stayed home to rest one more day.

you are so lucky that you haven't had MS. I have felt nauseous for the past 2 weeks! Smells and thinking about food or even seeing someone eat just makes me queasy! Blah!

MommyMel - good things happen during the TTC Breaks.
Hi Girls, Just a quick question af is due well yesterday but had:bfn:today. So can you have the OD done if on af?
nikkia - I'm certain you can, but you'll probably want to check with your dr. just to be sure. Sorry about the bfn!
Hey nikkia im in the same situation im cd53 no sign of af but just have a feeling she will turn up on the day or right near... On my letter it says they wont do it but at my pre op she said to phone up if af arrives and see what they say- not much help i know! Sorry about your bfn but good luck for tues ill be thinking of you as thats also my op day too x
Thanks guys. If she shows up i will call, just be my luck she will. Scerena I will be thinking of you too. How much time have you booked off work?
2 weeks as im having a laparoscopy, ovarian drilling and a hysteroscopy how much time have you booked off?
I know right i have a feeling my af i going to turn up any day after its stayed away for this long!

Are you nervous about the procedure?x
I know she's on the way too. Hope they still do it i will be gutted if they don't I'm going to call the ward tomoro to ask. I've booked a week off, see how I go. I'm not that nervous to be honest, I thinking reading all the stuff on here has really helped I stocked up on pain killers my hubby and twin sister are going to be around to help. I feel excited at what this may possibly bring.
Same im stocked up on painkillers and peppermint tea (as the nurse said that will help with the pain from the gas they pump into you) also soothers for my throat as it will prob be sore after that tube thingy...
I only done two weeks to be on the safe side and also for an excuse to have my oh to be my slave!

Id be so disappointed if they dont do the op as i was meant to have one on 13th december and they Phoned and cancelled the day before :cry: so im hoping things go smooth and af stays away for the next 5 days and they dont cancel again!

I hope after the op good things happen im just more nervous of them finding something alse wrong with me... But what will be will be...
I know on monday i am going to be scared as i haye pain!
I was on Cd3 when i had my OD done but it was extremely light. I think they will do it. All the best Best Nikkia and Scerena!!
I'm pretty sure (although not 100%) that when I asked if they'd still operate if af turned up the answer was Yes and they told me OD would go ahead on any day of the cycle!

I really hope this is IT for both of you, ladies :thumbup: A New Year and a new beginning!

Can't believe its NY's Eve tomorrow :wacko:

I keep going back to Xmas and New Year's over the last 2 years and both of them were pretty grim. Last year I was right in the middle of my failed IUI cycle... So this year is just so much more special! And I really hope that Xmas 2012 is equally special for each and every one of you!!!
Thanks Shareena and MariaF :) I hope they go ahead with it- they highlighted they would on my letter but the nurse said just phone up as its up to the consultant so she made me feel a bit better :)
Oh yes MariaF I hope we are lucky like you also this time next year- next year you will have your baby in your arms on new years eve I wish you all the happiness and joy :)
We have NO plans for new years this year so hopefully we will make some today x
Hi ladies!

Mommymel... you little rascal. You do this to us every cycle! ;) Did you :test:?!

Nikkia & scerena - I have my fx'd for you two!

I'm on cd8... finished up my femara yesterday. I love that stuff - I can't even tell I've taken it at all - so different from clomid. However, I've been kicked over by a nasty cold - I don't remember a time I've had a cold this bad. So I've been really lazy about getting on the boards, but I hope all of you are doing well!
Aw cridge i hope you get better soon :hugs:
I had a slight cold and that was bad enough!

Thanks for the good luck :)
Cridge - I am just getting over a horrible cold/sinus congestion. I hope you are feeling better soon!
Hope your feeling better Cridge.

I spoke to the ward and they will def still do the OD if on af. So thats it I'm off to get drunk for new year. Happy New year all,2012 will be our year. xxx
Well im spotting so af should be here full swing in a few hours- so guess my op may be cancelled i have been phoning up the ward and its shut until the day of my op :cry: i am so angry 1st one got cancelled i expect this one will now cause of af- i cant take waiting for another appointment if they cancel it i might not bother anymore. Sorry for the rant happy new year girls :dust: xx
Scerena I'm sure they will def still do it. Turn up on the day, I'm sure they wont turn you away. My trust said they def do, so I'm sure they will. And if they do postpne it don't give up look what its done for the others on here. xx
Hey nikkia im so annoyed! On my letter it says they will not perform it whilst im on my period but at my pre op she said if af turns up phone and they will ask the consultant. Either way i will turn up as i have to be there at 7.45 and the office doesnt open until 9 i will cry my heart out if they turn me away i have had enough as i dont want a second one cancelled... But what will be will be... I hope they do it i really do... typical af doesnt show all this time then decides too a few days before argh!
Good luck with ur op though hun :)
Happy New Year ladies!!

Hope you feel better soon , Cridge!!

Scerena- don't worry , there is a good chance they will go ahead with the procedure either way so don't ruin your new year worrying about this.

Enjoy your new year galz :)

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