Hi girls!
Ren - welcome back. i'm sorry that things have been tough, but there is always purpose to our lives even without the family we always thought we'd have.
Mommymel - I'm sorry (or maybe not) that af hasn't found you. I think it's one of two things... either you didn't ovulate (yet) or your pregnant. It's typical to have atypical symptoms when your'e pregnant. If you usually have sore boobs, they might not be sore when you're pregnant. BUT, if you usually get sore boobs right after ovulating, and you haven't felt that yet, then I would say there's a good chance you haven't yet. I know you don't like temping, but darn it, I wish you would for my sake.
CMP - good to hear from you! Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm a very religious person and my faith is what has gotten me through my years of infertility. During my breakdown the other night, DH and I decided that it's not a matter of "can we be happy with just one kid" or not, because we know that we can. It's a matter of "does the Lord have plans for us that do not allow us to have another child?" The whole 'my will vs. the Lord's will' thing. If I just knew what His will was for me, I could be content and move on.... but I'm just not sure. So in the last 24 hours, I've started out on a mission to see if I can find out. If the Lord is indifferent to us having another child, then I'm all in (until August of this year), if He says I'm done, then I'm okay with that. I just want to know. So anyway, that's where I'm at right now. I've been very emotional the last few days but I know I'll get through it...eventually.
As for YOU - I'm sure everything is fine with your little bean, but hey - an u/s sounds great!! Try to get pics so you can show us!
Rosmuira - welcome!

We'd love to hear more about your experience!
Nikkia & Scerena - I hope your ops both went very well today! (Update: Scerena - we were posting at the same time. I'm SO happy your op went so well and that all good news came from it! The next couple of months should be very exciting!! Congrats!)
AFM - SO. Bad news and good news.
Bad news: Nothing is going on. My lining is just under 4mm (but it IS trilameter - that was the only good news), and I have no measurable follies. Awesome. I spent 2 hours waiting on my doctor (good thing I love her) so I had lots of time to sit there and feel sorry for myself after my u/s. My doctor took my estrogen level to see if it's high and if it is, she wants me to start Lupron injections to bring it down. I'll have to do some research on that.... I've heard of it used in infertility, but don't really know how it's used. If I had to guess, I would say my estrogen is right on.... because that's how my body does it. It sucks.
Good news: I've discussed gonal-f injections with my dr. before and she said she doesn't do that - I'd have to go to a specialist. She even gave me the name of one. I decided to try my luck again and said "so, you won't do gonal-f, will you?". She said that she usually doesn't, but in my case.... she WILL! She said she's determined to get a "win" with me and she wants to see it all the way through. She's going out of town for a couple of weeks, but she said that my February cycle (hopefully my next cycle) I'm in for gonal-f!!! I'm so excited... but I had the thought on the way home that I might have to pay for it all out of pocket ($3000), which won't be good. Not sure if DH will go for that. But if you remember... a month or two back DH and I had a chat about gonal-f and he didn't want to go that far because that would mean switching doctors and going through all the hullabaloo. Well, that's out of the way, so as long as it doesn't cost us a fortune, I think we're good to go.
I set another appointment for an u/s next week. My doc wanted me to do OPK's and when I get a + to go back in for an u/s, but I'm just going to keep an eye on cm and when I start seeing some, I'll go in. The u/s tech told me today that if she didn't know my CD, she'd have guessed I was on CD6, so I figure I have at least another week.
I'm not planning on ovulating this cycle, but I won't give up on it either. If I haven't ovulated by CD25, give or take, I'll start NPC to bring on af.
So that's my update. I hope you're all having a great day!