anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Thanks shareena :) i hope they will im trying not to worry- i just want to move forward and not be stuck with no plan, and happy new year to you too :) xx
Hi girls! Thanks so much for thinking of me lately. :hugs: I've been hating it with this cold and thought I was getting better yesterday but this morning is more of the same. I actually took a 3 hour nap yesterday, got up for a couple of hours, went to bed and totally slept in this morning. I think I'm finally getting the rest I've so badly needed over the last week.

Anyway. I had a serious ttc break down last night. I've just been feeling really down the last couple of days and on top of that I feel that although I have dh's "support", we're not on the same page. He assured me last night that he's on the same page, just not the same paragraph. ;) He's had to totally step away from ttc emotionally and I just wish that I could do that. I'm fully prepared to put ttc behind me as soon as I turn 35 (August of this year), but until then.... Actually, my break down really wasn't about dh - I think the failure of last cycle and what seems like a failing cycle currently is just really getting to me. I'm on CD11 and I have zero cm. I know last cycle it came on very suddenly where I had very little and then all of a sudden it was ewcm, but I'm so freaking out that it's not going to happen this cycle. I have an u/s tomorrow to see what's going on and I'm so scared that I didn't respond. I'm fully prepared to blame my cold if I don't have any follies in there, but in reality, I don't know how much of a difference a cold would make.

Anyway. I'm just really down right now and totally freaking out. I'm hoping for good news tomorrow but I fear I'm not very well prepared for bad news. Sometimes I just want to scream at my body - give it a good beating for its bad behavior. :haha:

Nikkia and Scerena - you're in my thoughts. I hope tomorrow goes well (and there are no cancellations!!) :hugs:
Oh Cridge, sweety :hugs:

I think most of us on here felt the same about our DHs at some stage during this journey. I clearly remember shouting at mine that he clearly didn't want kids because he "wasn't in the mood" when I was ovulating. And worse still - even towards the end of our TTC journey he still didn't really know much about my diagnosis and what pills I was taking and what surgeries I had, etc.
That was really painful - I remember I lived from appointment to appointment, from test to test - yet he had absolutely no clue when the next appointment was and what it was about.
Also, he hardly ever came to the fertility clinic with me - only when it was totally necessary - like on the day of IUI. So it was tough seeing all other women there with DHs and I was alone :nope:

But one day I realised that it won't make a difference if I shout at him, beg him or cry...So I just accepted that he wanted a baby - but in a different way. He wasn't losing his mind, he wasn't stressing, he wasn't counting days - but he still wanted a baby. And I guess he knew that I had it covered for the both of us :dohh:

I really hope you feel better soon - both physically and emotionally. And of course best of luck for the scan tomorrow :thumbup:

And to all the ladies waiting for the OD in the next couple of days - I hope they both go ahead and the op goes smoothly!!!
I'm sorry you are having a rough week. I know it's challenging and I wish there was something I could say to make it better...we have all been there. The possitive comments on this post kept me from quitting and skipping this cycle so I've definitely been where you are, and I'm sorry. I don't know why we are going through this but at least we arn't alone! I hope you get good news tomorrow and all goes well. Something I decided last month: Don't be sad and frustrated until there is something to be sad and frustrated about....Try to think like your normal possitive self, maybe tomorrow will be good news.... and I hope your cold gets better too!
Hi to all you ladies out there....sorry for not being online...I think the website got a little over whelming for me...sorry....1st CONGRATS to all you BFP's and god willing all will be fine with you joy my end nearly 1 yr to OD so period no BFP I have now given up officially...just going to enjoy my life and try and be happy...but im on here to support you all....a very well deserved baby enroute to you all i hope...keep well happy new year and be good :o)

xx Ren xx
hi Ladies,

Cridge, i am so sorry you having a bad patch... i guess we all have our "bad" days...... , my mom always told me that when i am down on my kness, then its the perfect place to start praying, i guess that is what has carried me through all my hard times.... .. :hug:

MariaF,,,,, you are growing so quickly,,,, i pray you continue having a healthy pregnancy....

to the Ladies awaiting OD,,,, good luck to you and i pray its going to give you your BFP soon !! :hug:

a happy and blessed 2012 for all, may this be the year for you and may all your dreams and desires come true !!!!

thank you for always being there and for all the support, it gets me through this roller coaster....

p/s : i caved and tested on 31 Dec 2011 (morning early) but it was a BFN,,,, AF still has not shown up, not even a sign..... boobs aint sore, nothing.... which means that i had NO AF for the nothing of Dec 2011 ...... :shrug: .....

love you all !!!!
Oh Cridge :( I am so sorry that you are having a really rough patch. I swear its the really strong ones that stay strong for so long that when it does cave in, it seems to cave in THAT much harder. :nope: Sometimes were strong for so long that when we do let ourselves crack-all the hurt and pain that we have been trying to keep far far awaycomes rolling tenfold and desides to unpack its bags for awhile. And those days are rough. :hugs: I like what Mel said about praying. That was has helped me through so much. Is prayer, time, knowing the sun will rise tomorrow and knowing that this too will pass. Keep your head up lady and keep fighting the good fight!
Scerena & Nikka-Really hope you girls get to do your OD as planned. Please try not to worry. I had all three procedures done (Lipro-something, the drilling and the hyst-something. One of you girls is having all three done as well) My sugery went off without a hitch and I was back at school and work a few days later. I had very very little pain and just had to have my husband help me out of bed a few times (mainly just cause I was scared of popping out a stich or something). So good luck to you both and get ready for good things to happen! :)
Mommymel-No af is a good sign! :)
AFM-Ive just been really tired. I threw up once last week and praised God. Ha. I know that sounds weird but the more symptoms, the better is what I say. My doctor told me that if I stop feeling sick or if my breasts stop hurting that its the first indicator that somethings wrong. So this morning, my dog is getting sick at 5am and it wakes me up. I clean up the mess and realize I didnt gag once (I havent been really feeling sick lately-just gagging kinda). Then I start feeling my boobs and realize they dont hurt at all. Im freaking out and naturally, dont get back to sleep. My dh feels me tossing and turning and asks me whats wrong and I just tell him Im scared. Since this morning-I do feel a little more at ease as my breasts do still hurt. But I havent dived too much into preg books or journalling out of fear that something will happen. I need to have faith and just try to relax. I told my dh a U/S might help (we havent had one yet) but he would rather us wait till the 16th of this month. Thats the first day he has off where he could go with. This will be the first appointment he has been to with me since this whole ttc thing started. Im grateful that hes now in the game.
Anyway-big hugs to you all that are struggling. Please know that Gods timing is maybe not something we understand but also something we cant control. I pray this New year brings each and everyone of you what we all have been praying and trying and working so hard for!!! :yellow:
CMP - this is exactly what I went through! I never felt physically sick, just nauseous. But the nausea wasn't there every day. So the first day I woke feeling fine (around 4 weeks 4 days) I freaked out. But then next day it came back. My temps were also high and boobs were slightly sore.

But one day (around 7 weeks) I woke up to a dip in my temps, no sore boobs and feeling completely normal :wacko: this is where I lost it and booked in for a private US. Trouble was I still had to wait a couple of days for it. Anyway, the US showed a healthy bean and around about the same time the worst, strongest nausea hit me :haha:

Then everything subsided almost completely at around 11 weeks... And then I threw up for the first time at almost 14 weeks - go figure?! The fact that you are anxious is totally understandable but I hope an US will help put your mind at rest.

MommyMel - how strange?! Did you track ovulation at all this cycle?

Cridge - all the best for the scan!

i have not ben tracking at all, i am trying so hard to take a break from it, want to just not think about it all the time and let things happen on their own, so all i know is that my last AF was on the 24th November 2011....... it is really strange, i dont even have sore boobs like i normaly get before AF arrives.....

i hope nothing is wrong with me .... :shrug:
:hi: all
I hope youre all well?
Well long story short I went in this morning for the op- I told them I was on my period full flow and the surgeon didnt even blink an eye and done it :)

I was in tears before I went down and whilst going to sleep I was the second lady in... They was all VERY lovely and supportive to me....

So I was in and out of surgery in about an hour, I come round and they asked me on a scale of 1-3 how much pain I was in I said 2 so they gave me painkillers... Apparently I was a little disorientated fiddling withthe thingy in my hand and asking for oh lol when he wasnt even there as he wasnt allowed to stay I was saying he was in the room waiting lol...

Anyhow about an hour after I was up and going to the toilet... I took it easy Im walking very slowly, I couldnt go back to sleep and still havent as I have visitors here at home I just dont feel tired.. I have been keeping dosed up on painkillers and I feel minimal pain just mainly uncomfortable at times but nothing major- Hopefully I wont be any worse tomorrow fx'd :happydance:

-My left tube was blocked BUT they unblocked it :) so I now have two tubes
-They done ovarian drilling and she is happy with my ovaries she said my pcos wasnt too bad and they should work good now...
-No endo :)
-My lining is always good they looked in my uterus- So ,must have been the clomid thinning my lining....

So basically she is happy as I have two tubes and should have more regular periods... Now the nurse said try naturally now as I am absolutely fine see how things go- They will send me a follow up appointment and discuss plans etc then...

I didnt however ask when we can bed again? Any ideas???

I am so happy that I had the op done and I would do it again if I had too :)

Thank you for the support ladies I really appreciate it :)
Hi girls!

Ren - welcome back. i'm sorry that things have been tough, but there is always purpose to our lives even without the family we always thought we'd have.

Mommymel - I'm sorry (or maybe not) that af hasn't found you. I think it's one of two things... either you didn't ovulate (yet) or your pregnant. It's typical to have atypical symptoms when your'e pregnant. If you usually have sore boobs, they might not be sore when you're pregnant. BUT, if you usually get sore boobs right after ovulating, and you haven't felt that yet, then I would say there's a good chance you haven't yet. I know you don't like temping, but darn it, I wish you would for my sake. :haha:

CMP - good to hear from you! Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm a very religious person and my faith is what has gotten me through my years of infertility. During my breakdown the other night, DH and I decided that it's not a matter of "can we be happy with just one kid" or not, because we know that we can. It's a matter of "does the Lord have plans for us that do not allow us to have another child?" The whole 'my will vs. the Lord's will' thing. If I just knew what His will was for me, I could be content and move on.... but I'm just not sure. So in the last 24 hours, I've started out on a mission to see if I can find out. If the Lord is indifferent to us having another child, then I'm all in (until August of this year), if He says I'm done, then I'm okay with that. I just want to know. So anyway, that's where I'm at right now. I've been very emotional the last few days but I know I'll get through it...eventually.

As for YOU - I'm sure everything is fine with your little bean, but hey - an u/s sounds great!! Try to get pics so you can show us!

Rosmuira - welcome! :hi: We'd love to hear more about your experience!

Nikkia & Scerena - I hope your ops both went very well today! (Update: Scerena - we were posting at the same time. I'm SO happy your op went so well and that all good news came from it! The next couple of months should be very exciting!! Congrats!)

AFM - SO. Bad news and good news.

Bad news: Nothing is going on. My lining is just under 4mm (but it IS trilameter - that was the only good news), and I have no measurable follies. Awesome. I spent 2 hours waiting on my doctor (good thing I love her) so I had lots of time to sit there and feel sorry for myself after my u/s. My doctor took my estrogen level to see if it's high and if it is, she wants me to start Lupron injections to bring it down. I'll have to do some research on that.... I've heard of it used in infertility, but don't really know how it's used. If I had to guess, I would say my estrogen is right on.... because that's how my body does it. It sucks.

Good news: I've discussed gonal-f injections with my dr. before and she said she doesn't do that - I'd have to go to a specialist. She even gave me the name of one. I decided to try my luck again and said "so, you won't do gonal-f, will you?". She said that she usually doesn't, but in my case.... she WILL! She said she's determined to get a "win" with me and she wants to see it all the way through. She's going out of town for a couple of weeks, but she said that my February cycle (hopefully my next cycle) I'm in for gonal-f!!! I'm so excited... but I had the thought on the way home that I might have to pay for it all out of pocket ($3000), which won't be good. Not sure if DH will go for that. But if you remember... a month or two back DH and I had a chat about gonal-f and he didn't want to go that far because that would mean switching doctors and going through all the hullabaloo. Well, that's out of the way, so as long as it doesn't cost us a fortune, I think we're good to go.

I set another appointment for an u/s next week. My doc wanted me to do OPK's and when I get a + to go back in for an u/s, but I'm just going to keep an eye on cm and when I start seeing some, I'll go in. The u/s tech told me today that if she didn't know my CD, she'd have guessed I was on CD6, so I figure I have at least another week.

I'm not planning on ovulating this cycle, but I won't give up on it either. If I haven't ovulated by CD25, give or take, I'll start NPC to bring on af.

So that's my update. I hope you're all having a great day!
Thanks cridge :hugs:

Can I bd this cycle if I feel up to it? I didnt ask...

Sorry to hear about your lining :hugs: clomid thinned my lining- youre taking femara right? Glad to hear your doc is willing to do that got you though :)
scerena - I waited 5 days post op to bd. I think many women on here waited about the same amount of time. So I say as long as you're up to it, go for it.
Brilliant thanks i didnt want to harrass the ward when i got home lol, as soon as i feel up to it and ovulating i will do it :) x
Cridge - i know i should be tempin, but i will start all that in Feb, iam trying to take a break (its so hard when its on my mind constantly),,,, but i promise i will be temping every morning ..... how does it work again ? :blush:

my boob were sore about 3 weeks agao,,, only my left boob (does that mean i ovulated from my left ovary :haha: ?), it wasnt as sore is it normaly is, but both boobs were tingly and had little spikes of pain in them occasionaly.. :shrug:

i can totaly relate to you regarding your religious beliefs,,,,, i am leaving this in Gods hands,,,, i will do whatever i can, but the rest of this problem i am taking to him in prayer... it has got me through many hard moments... :hugs:

My Gran always said that if God brings you o it, he will carry you throught it, if you have faith in him..... and i hold onto those words !!!

please give me some details on how to temp properly, so that i can start somewhere... :thumbup:

Scerena, you were up and about quickly, strong lady you are !! i am so glad everything is okay now,,,, so bring on that BFP ..... :thumbup:

to all the ladies, have an awesome day, :kiss: :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks mommymel :) i am trying to take it easy now as dont want to make things worse... Did you bd the same cycle you had it? I want to when i feel up to it and ovulating... Im keeping up with the pain killers so i dont get any pain... Ive bled a little from one of my incisions is that normal? Its not loads.
Lets hope this OD and tube unblockage goves me a :bfp: and i hope all you kind ladies also get yours very soon :dust: we all deserve it x
:wave: Cridge glad to here your feeling more positive about the gonal f injections. fxd.

Scerena Glad all went will with the od and they un blocked your tubes.

Well mine is all done also i was on the afternoon list so was long day.

Both tubes clear normal uterus.

glad its over i'm a little sore today and have been getting a sore shoulder and stich pain on my right side from the gas, feel little light headed today, but ok.

I also have a lilltle bleeding from my sight but I'm not worried. It also hurts a lillt when i pee did anyone else get this?

They told me the sooner the better to start:sex:

When did you start temping? Also do you use opk's should I?
Hey hun glad everything went ok :hugs: so they found nothing wrong? Now we are in good working order we should be seeing a :bfp:

Im glad the blood is nothing to worry about! And sorry to hear you got the dreaded has pains :( i have been taking codrydamol since i have been home for any pain its mainly the belly button incision that niggles at me... And YES hurts when i pee too i think its the pressure...

Ive ordered opks as im cd4 and will start using them from about cd10 also im going to start temping again this cycle i would highly recommend that to you...
So what cd are you did af arrive?

And great about bd'ing i will TRY my hardest too when i know i am ovulating! X
Hi Scerena, Yep nothing wrong except the pcos. They only gave me paracetamol.

Whick opk's do you get?

I'm currently on cd 35 no sign of af i was sure she was on her way. I been fairly regular last few myhs 28-30 days. I have had a little bleeding since the op but I'm guessing thats all the trauma. x

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