Jennie - please be careful about upping the dose. One thing is that it dries up CM AND has a horrible effect on your lining - but these are all not as important as the risk of OHSS
I also decided to up my dose from just 50 to 100 and nearly ended up in A&E

So please be very careful
Fee - fab news on the progesterone and fingers crossed for that BFP tomorrow
Tella - any new symptoms?
How are the other ladies doing?
AFM - exactly a week until the appointment

I am totally ignoring the fact that Ididn't ovulate this month because I know the ball will start rolling very soon in the right direction.
I also told my new boss that I have a Dr appointment related to lady-bits

without telling her it's TTC related. And she said she's be happy to talk to me about it as it took her 2 years and endless tests to conceive! So I felt such a relief!!
My BBT is 36.7 which is way too low for after ovulation hence I know I didn't. But it's also way too high for follicular phase - indicating low estrogen. This is why I never got the LH surge and hence no ovlation. I will be asking for a baseline scan next wednesday to make sure this follicle didn't turn into a cyst