Hello Ladies!!!!:wave::wave:
Tella - Such great news, Love your attitude,

and +ve thinking, bless you. You will get ur good news soon, I just know it!!! Here's hoping for a valentine bub

Kat Crazy - All your symptoms sound soo promising - Good luck chick!!!
Paula - Good luck hun, do you use pre-seed, it is really good if you don't have very good CM (*quote* MariaF). Good luck to you too!
Maria - Ur friend and her OH are so funny - LoL! I would hate for my DH to say any such thing infront of anyone except me! Although my hubby is also one of those that you talk to and through!!! So I doubt he would even know what to say!

No matter how much I explained to him, he still does not have a clue what ovulation is, what OPK's are, when to test, he just goes with the flow, the only good thing is he wanted this bub as much as I did, and that helped, he was on board, just not fully on board if that makes any sense.
How are you otherwise - you need to update ur bump pic!
snflwrgrl - Thanks! So whats the news with you, what stage are you at? Update please.
AFM - No symptoms yet, just got the worst cold ever, and really suffering through it, as it is my habit to reach for the medicine counter and have all the expectorants under the sun and ibuprofen every 4 hours, lemsip etc etc. I like it gone ASAP!!! Now - NO CHANCE!!! I just have to sit through it, it may be getting better - I hope! Having paracetemol, and hot lemon water - YUCK!
Its hard to relax - its like for 4 years all I have done is run around myself trying to figure out what is wrong with me, and now, I just do not know what to do with myself, I feel like I am forgetting to do something, every morning I reach for my thermometer and realise - wait No!!!
Sorry ladies - I feel so guilty writing my progress on here, I do not have a journal (dont know how to start one) and this was the only forum I was connected to really! I am sorry if I upset anyone. I really pray that all of you get ur BFP's soon!