anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Im feeling fine :) No side effects from the progesterone yet.

DH works so i can make the snow globe and hide it in the bath room wiht my morning test. And then when he comes home for lunch tell him to do the test with me, that is to say if he is willing to do it. And just take the snow globe out and put it next to tests :D I dont know, i have a bit to think about it still so will perfect my method :haha:
Tella - Find a cute pic of a small baby, put that in the snow ball as 'your' baby!

Then when you get your BFP in 12 days u can give that to ur DH all wrapped up! What say u? U have to find a wrap with pink and blue balloons!!! :) It is such a cute idea!!!

I couldn't do anything I used to think i wld do to surprise my DH. It just came as an unexpected but pleasant shock, I just started crying like a mad woman - like proper wailing!!! My DH thought I had gone crazzy!! I just showed him the test, the funny thing was when he saw the test he thought it was an ovulation test, and thought it was time to get jiggy - MEN!!!! So he said, *as I am wailing* - Why are you crying we will just do 'it', and I said no u idiot look at it properly then he did and so the pregnant and not pregnant control lines printed and what my test lines were and just gave me a hug, and calmed me down and told me to take it easy as it was too early!

This is so like him - just never shows his emotions! Bless his heart he doesn't let me do anything strenuous at all. I just remember a month ago when I decided to fully 'give up' as I couldn't be TTC and also not worry, he walked out on me saying I was being selfish, and I thought it was all over, and a month later, we got our good news! Miracles do happen ladies - They do!!!! We just have to believe!!

Trust me it won't be over all this stress about becoming pregnant, it bloody gets worse when you do get the BFP as then you are always worried about the lil bub!!! I am scared to even kneel for too long or sleeping in the wrong position!!! I try to put it out of my head just cannot help it!

Snflwrgrl - I have no symptoms yet like yours, apart from sore boobs and frequent loo visits, I guess they may start later as I am just 5 weeks - Gosh how time flies you are 13 weeks already, I just feel my time is going so slowly, I just want these first trimester to end ASAP so that I can relax more!

Here is to wishing all the ladies in waiting after OD a speedy graduation!!! XXX
Hi everyone. Thanks for the welcome. :)

I just wondered if anybody could possibly tell me how long i can expect to bleed for after the surgery? Also, how long until we can start 'practicing' ;) I had my OD last Monday, and still have a medium flow of blood.

A little bit about me. Im 38 and suspected PCOS for many years, but decided that it was something i could 'live with'. I am so blessed to have a 10 year old son (i don't have a clue how i managed it, but i did!) and me and my hubby have not exactly been trying, but haven't been preventing pregnancy either. However, the body clock is ticking fast now, and now that we have set the wheels in motion with with OD, we are clinging to any hope we can, that we are blessed to have a baby together. Im currently on metformin too, which i did take a break from but my gynae told me to start talking it, post surgery.

To be honest, i feel a little bit in the dark now.. I don't know where it goes from here? Should i be checking my temperature? Buying ovulation kits? Like i said, its something that i have just lived with before and didnt really pay it much attention. I am sorry to sound dumb!
Tella- Do that then hun :) that sounds good :) Awww Im praying you get your bfp as thats such a lovely idea!

janex- :hi: I didnt really bleed much as I was on af when I had the op done and afterwards it was mainly spotting so I cannot really help you with that one hun...
We bd again 10 days after the op, probably could have before but to be honest I wasnt really in the mood and scared of oh hurting my :haha: Alot of ladies bd before then.
I used ovulation sticks and I temp as you will get a much clearer picture from temperatures hun- I nearly gave up with this cycle until my chart showed I ovulated- I recommend taking your temp to everyone hun. How are you feeling in general?
Scerena - Yay for ovulating!!! So happy for you!! :dance:

As far as the injections - they're not bad at all!! I had a bad one yesterday where the needle didn't want to go in, so that wigged me out a bit, but in general, you can't feel it. Really, it's nothing to worry about. Especially since you're going to get your bfp before you even need to worry about it. :winkwink:

Tella - I LOVE the thought of dh poas!! :rofl: hahaha!!! That cracks me up. The snow globe is way cute too. I say if you can't get him to poas, then use the snow globe idea.

Janex - We're like twinsies. :winkwink: I have a 9 year old son, although I know exactly how that happened. :haha: It's a miracle though, isn't it?! I'm just a few years younger than you but I'm really feeling the clock ticking as well.

I spotted for about 5 days after my OD, and we dtd 5 days after. I wouldn't worry too much about still bleeding, just be sure you count the first day of bleeding (op day, I assume) as CD1. I would definitely be temping and if you want to use opk's, that's a good idea as well. Lots of women on this thread have ovulated soon after OD, although some of us (or maybe just me?) needed some medical help to ovulate afterwards. I "only" waited about 30 days post-op and when I still hadn't ovulated, I brought on a cycle and started meds.

Don't feel dumb - this is a great thread with lots of informative women. We're here to help you through it! :flower:
Thank you cridge :dance:
Im glad the injections arent too bad but that sounds horrible last night for you :hugs: I love your positive attitude about me not needing injections fingers crossed!
So how are you feeling??? Good I hope? X
:happydance: scerena glad you ovulated. Janex I bleed the day after the od for 7 days and we :sex:on cd9. Then on cd 22 af showed up again, I'm now on cd 10. I have decided not to use opk's or temp this cycle and just try and :sex: every other day. xx
Arza- I did you pre-seed before but had a bad reaction to it so we're now using conceive plus and I have heard pretty good things about it so FX'd

scerena- so glad you got ur + opk, when do u think you will take a :test:? so excited for you :happydance:

Tella- Fingers crossed for your :bfp: Really hope this is it for you

kat- how are you feeling?

MariaF- thanks so much for the info, yeah this is my first cycle after OD, i think i'll try testing with fmu and see how it goes, just waiting now to start af so i can start temping again

I went and bought the cb digital ovulation sticks so next time i get a dark opk on the cheapie one then i'll use the digi to see how it turns out.

I managed to pull my stitches out today as i was getting a little bit of puss from the the one on my bikini line, so hopefully that will heal nice on its own
Thought i'd share you my opks since last sunday. Bottom one is from today


  • OPKS3.jpg
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Paulapuddle- I am really going to try my hardest to not test until if I am late- that willl be the first time I have managed too if I can hold out and I brought no tests so far either which is AMASING for me :haha: Plus I dont have much hope of this cycle to be honest as I ovulated sooooo late!
Do you feel as if you have ovulated??? If one of them are positive I would say you was very close on cd23- some people do not get very dark positives... fx'd! Stitches are horrible arent they- I kind of twisted my ones out on one of my incisions as it was itchy lol! If you havent ovulated then I hope you do soon :hugs:

NIKKIA- bd'ing every other day is a good cycle and that is also my plan next cycle :thumbup: but I will carry on temping so I know if I will need any help ovulating, the relaxed approach brings so many people their little miracles and hopefully it will for you too :)
Girls, I thought I'd tell you that a good friend of mine just got her BFP - 5 months after the OD. All they did differently was use tons of Preceed just like we did when we caught. So here's another OD graduate! Her DH's SA wasn't too bad, but wasn't great so I guess Preseed must have helped!

I thought I'd post it on here for more hope! She's been spotting brown ever since she found out so I just pray it's all going to work out for her!
Thank you so much for the replies! So im right in thinking that if i bled the same day as the OD, i should count that as CD1? The bleeding has more or less stopped now. I guess its time to start practicing now :happydance:DH will be happy!

That is great news about your friend, MariaF! Sending positive thoughts her way!
Janex - We're like twinsies. :winkwink: I have a 9 year old son, although I know exactly how that happened. :haha: It's a miracle though, isn't it?! I'm just a few years younger than you but I'm really feeling the clock ticking as well.

I spotted for about 5 days after my OD, and we dtd 5 days after. I wouldn't worry too much about still bleeding, just be sure you count the first day of bleeding (op day, I assume) as CD1. I would definitely be temping and if you want to use opk's, that's a good idea as well. Lots of women on this thread have ovulated soon after OD, although some of us (or maybe just me?) needed some medical help to ovulate afterwards. I "only" waited about 30 days post-op and when I still hadn't ovulated, I brought on a cycle and started meds.

Don't feel dumb - this is a great thread with lots of informative women. We're here to help you through it! :flower:

Hey it sure does sound like we're twinsies! YAY! By temping do you mean using a basal thermometer? And can you recommend any opks? Im sorry to be such high maintenance. I just want to get it right :wacko:
Scerena- Yeah i agree with u on the opk for cd23. We had :sex: that night and used plenty of conceive plus but I've never had them go dark, suppose i will have to wait and see if af arrives

MariaF- ah wow for your friend and thanks for sharing, there's definitely hope for us then, FX'd for her :)

Janex- i was already on cd4 when i had my surgery so i've counted the op as cd1, less confusing lol. I've been using the 'one step' opks and they're good enough, you can buy them from ebay or amazon and i have tested around 2pm and then again in the evening around 8pm, that way then if you do ovulate then you won't miss your surge. Good Luck :)
Maria- congrats to your friend :dance: I really hope her bean sticks! We used conceive plus a good few months ago i might start using it again this cycle :)

Janex- yes count the first day as bleeding as cd1 now go and make you oh happy :happydance:

Paula- goodluck! I am hoping that you ovulated :)
Thanks Paula!

I was a little bit excited and have already ordered a thermometer and opk kits on ebay! lol.
Arza > Im still so happy everytime I see your ticker :dance2:

janex > I had full flow for about 3 days and 2 days spot. I only started temping and monitoring my cycle after my first natural AF. Then BD about 8days after the OP, just waited for stitches to come out.

Cridge > That is what I thought but im not sure if he will take to the idea.

Paulapuddle > Thanks :hugs: Fx for a quick heal on your stitches!!! I thinkg you surged between CD22 and CD23 and possibly just missed it. Hope you BD'd enough.

Maria > Thanks for the uplifting news!!! Fx'd the spotting stops and that she will have a H&H 9 months!

AFM > The whole weekend was fine until last night. I woke up at about 2am with the most incredible cramps. So bad that I was actually in tears, and it was low down cramps exactly like period pains, I kept on thinking that im gonna wipe and there's gonna be blood, but thank goodness there wasn’t. I know the progesterone will prevent a full period but OMW it was unbelievable sore. I used a electric warm bottle but only luke warm not fully heated up to ease the pain but this morning I heard it's not a good idea as it raises your core temp too much. And also the lower back pain is also very prominent. Fx'd that it is all good symptoms!!!

Oh yes and I find my patience to be very thin, and the funny thing is, I know I'm snappy but can't help it :blush:

As for my reveal idea, i think im gonna rather just do the snow globe seeing that it is appropriate for Valentines day. But im gonna do a Digi on the one side and a normal line test on the other side.
i am soooooo excited for you Tella,,,,, this is gonna be it !!!! :thumbup:

Hi ladies, hope everyone is still doing okay,,,,,, :kiss:
Cridge, Maria, Scerena, Azra, you are always in my thoughts....

Welcome Janex and all the new ladies,,,,, welcome and i hope your stay will be a short one.... hopefully you will graduate from this OD thread very soon.
I found this thread to help me through many difficult and trying times.... sometimes all you need is a shoulder to cry on, someone to understand and relate to,,, and some insight and wisdom,,,,,, this is the right thread. :happydance:

AFM-i still have not temped yet, i guess i am waiting to see my FS on Friday morning to have a heart to heart chat with him.... I WANT a baby this year !!! :winkwink:

my TTC kit has arrived, and looking at it on Saturday i was tempted to start my regime, but hubby thinks it will be much wiser to start off after i chat with doc.

so here is to more :dust: :dust:
to all you beautifull ladies.....

Tella, i hope that bean sticks like glue ............ maybe those cramps are becuase the bean is burrowing in the linning (oh i pray it is !!! ):winkwink:

have a wonderfull weekend ladies.... :hugs::hugs:
God bless.
Tella - I started having implantation cramps at 5DPO and at 7DPO I had reall strong cramps so I had to take pain killers. I was convinced af was going to appear early. I rarely got such bad cramps even on CD1...So I have everything crossed it's also a good sign for you!

MommyMel - best of luck with your appointment :thumbup: Where about in your cycle are you?
Thank you Mel :D

Well i thought the bleeding had more or less stopped. It was only slightly visible when wiping (Sorry TMI!). Me and hubby BD last night, 6 days post surgery. Maybe it was too soon because the bleeding has came back heavier now? Noticeably visible when wiping. :(

I wish it would stop already. I know i am being impatient but ive had the past few years of either constantly spotting, or having nothing at all for months.

I have two questions if anybody can answer them please? First of all, how long was it before your stitches dissolved? Secondly, should i still be temping whilst i am spotting?

Thank you so much. This thread/forum is a godsend!

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