keisha >

it is great to hear you are 3dpo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring on that bfp to this lady who deserve it so much!
Cridge > It is great, mainly because it puts my mind at ease that I don’t have to pay all that money extra for donor eggs. But we will only consider that maybe after 3 IVF's. And if the doctor recommends it.
I can only imagine how you feeling, as I would most probably be the same. I want one of each like most people but would prefer two girls over 2 boys, don’t ask my why but with that said I will most probably end up with 2 boys. But right now I just want 1
Fx'd for your gender scan on the 25th!
Scerena > My injections was easy, I just placed ice on the spot to numb it and then it doesn’t hurt at all. Also had 1/2 bad needles but just changed it and it was fine. Almost holiday time for you!
I also don’t temp on my monitored cycles. But I have to this cycle as my accu lady wants to know when I O, so that she can change the needles. I wont read to much into those stats, relax and believe you gonna get your forever baby.
My AF has been 1-2 flow and the rest spotting, so I wont be to worried as I had a 11mm lining on CD10 last month and this is all I had this month.
Blondy > I also didn’t respond to Clomid pre OD, but afterwards I responded very well and O'd on CD14 everytime but unfortunately didn’t result in a pregnancy, FX'd for a nice fat follie and that you are one of the lucky ones that fall quickly after OD
Kyla > GL with the 2ww!!!!!!!!!!!!
anupur > hope you have managed to O over the weekend.
LPear > Hope you can atleast get some funding. These TTC meds is crazy expensive.
AFM > Having a relaxing and laidback cycle is actually nice for a change. I have been drinking a bit, not crazy but having the odd glass of

and a beer every now and then
Just counting down the days to my follow appointment, I just want to know what the plan forward is. I don’t want to get excited about starting IVF in our next cycle but then it is delayed for another month. Don’t need any more false hope.