anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Oh I must have missed the bit about not drinking on the Met :haha: Perhaps at the very start I didn't drink for the first week or so...but this was 2 years ago now so I can't remember! Otherwise I drank as normal :shrug:

At least you'll have some hot weather :thumbup: Doesn't look like England is getting a summer this year :dohh:
LPEAR- I am seeing the fs through the nhs and not privately so that is probably why? I have to pay for iui think it's about £800 not sure if that includes meds? We are going to go straight on to egg sharing of injectables do not work...
I would have a word and see if you an possibly get injectables on the nhs?
I don't get funded for iui or Ivf until I am 30 so egg sharing will be out last option...
I am not sure if this link will help at all?-
I don't take met so I wouldn't know him? I think we go come back around the same time? I go 21st may until 5th June... So are you having a sober holiday? I haven't drank in ages I can't wait to drink I'm ok though as I am not taking any meds this month...

Maria- England is rubbish right! I hope it warms up soon!
:hi: everyone

LPEAR - I hope you can find a way to get funding, I wonder why he said you wouldn't get funded. Maybe you have to start the process through a GP and NHS FS. I don't qualify for IUI/IVF or injectables on the NHS as I already have a son, who is 6. I really hate this rule, because my DH does not have a biological child of his own and I feel strongly that he deserves a funded chance to have one. Also, my son has a disability and since we are a small family (he's the only child of that generation and looks like he may stay that way) I really feel it is important to have a sibling for him so he isn't left with no family once we've passed on. When I have the infertility blues, this is what upsets me the most.
With regard the Metformin and drinking, I don't know either. I'm guessing since the Metformin is for diabetics primarily, it may be worse for them if they drink with it, whereas we are not exactly the same. :shrug: I haven't been drinking though as I'm trying to lose weight.

AFM - I'm on CD17 so officially in the 2ww. :wacko: The faint OPK lines are getting fainter now. I've got a blood test on Friday morning to check progesterone.

I wonder how PaulaPuddle is getting on. GL to everyone.
Hi ladies, i am 3dpo today, ff confirmed that i Oed on Friday (cd46). I am so happy to O without the aid of any medication & the best part is that we BDed Thursday & Friday (the day before & the day of O without even planning it) There was no monitoring except temping, which only confirm O 3days after. Just now waiting to see what happens, if i am not preggy this cycle, i will definitely be doing injectables next cycle.

Thanks for all the support ladies!!!
keisha > :happydance: it is great to hear you are 3dpo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring on that bfp to this lady who deserve it so much!

Cridge > It is great, mainly because it puts my mind at ease that I don’t have to pay all that money extra for donor eggs. But we will only consider that maybe after 3 IVF's. And if the doctor recommends it.

I can only imagine how you feeling, as I would most probably be the same. I want one of each like most people but would prefer two girls over 2 boys, don’t ask my why but with that said I will most probably end up with 2 boys. But right now I just want 1 :thumbup:

Fx'd for your gender scan on the 25th!

Scerena > My injections was easy, I just placed ice on the spot to numb it and then it doesn’t hurt at all. Also had 1/2 bad needles but just changed it and it was fine. Almost holiday time for you!

I also don’t temp on my monitored cycles. But I have to this cycle as my accu lady wants to know when I O, so that she can change the needles. I wont read to much into those stats, relax and believe you gonna get your forever baby.

My AF has been 1-2 flow and the rest spotting, so I wont be to worried as I had a 11mm lining on CD10 last month and this is all I had this month.

Blondy > I also didn’t respond to Clomid pre OD, but afterwards I responded very well and O'd on CD14 everytime but unfortunately didn’t result in a pregnancy, FX'd for a nice fat follie and that you are one of the lucky ones that fall quickly after OD

Kyla > GL with the 2ww!!!!!!!!!!!!

anupur > hope you have managed to O over the weekend.

LPear > Hope you can atleast get some funding. These TTC meds is crazy expensive.

AFM > Having a relaxing and laidback cycle is actually nice for a change. I have been drinking a bit, not crazy but having the odd glass of :wine: and a beer every now and then :dance:

Just counting down the days to my follow appointment, I just want to know what the plan forward is. I don’t want to get excited about starting IVF in our next cycle but then it is delayed for another month. Don’t need any more false hope.
Tella- I will probably not bother temping on the injectable cycles as I will know when I o because of the hcg shot :) yes will be good for you to monitor this cycle so the acu lady can get things right :)
Thanks for the tip about the ice too I will def do that :)
Bad needles- what are they???

You have also made me feel better about my af thanks :hugs: I thought something was wrong with me!

We are both on natural and relaxing cycles- Would be great to get a bfp and especially you before Ivf! When is your appointment???
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi :wave: ladies,
Yesterday couldnt go to my fs. There is summer season in India and yesterday the temperature was 40 degree C. My appointment was at 2pm when the sun stay up of the head. So manage for next appointment tommorow afternoon. Last saturday and sunday I saw some ewcm get out from my vagina. I am confused to think that is it ewcm? We was bding on last friday. So i dont hope too much for this cycle. I just want to see af as early as possible that i can start my new cycle.​
Scerena - i think doctor will prescribe me some ovulation induction meds. By the way your packing is ready? Now just six days left for ur journey.​
Tella - when is ur next appointment? I will pray that u get ur bfp with ur egg.​
keisha and kyla -both of u congrats for ovulation. Best of luck.​
:hi: ladies....

missed you ladies lots..... :hugs:

sorry i have been MIA.....

Hubby and i decided to do IVF not june but rather wait and take a break, a decent break for about 3 months.
we have decided to buy a house now instead, he believes that me looking for a house is causing so much stress ontop on ttc. for the first time he said that it breaks his heart each time i get a bfn, he says me trying being strong each month is killing him because he knows how much i want this, and can see the pain on my face, even when i try to hide it.. ..... :cry:

now at work this morning, i hear that my colleague who is not married but living with a married man for the last 3 months is pregnant, she only knows him for 6 months ,,,,:wacko:
now she avoides me like the plague...... wtf ?? :shrug::wacko:

i am gonna relax, chill out and take a real break.... might be just what my ovaries needs.... :winkwink:

How is everyone doing. ? :hugs:
Oh Mommymel - I'm so glad that dh has recognized everything you've been feeling and going through. I think taking a break to buy a new house is a great diversion!! I'm jealous of the new house!! We moved into our house when our son was 1 and our plan was to be here for 2-5 years. Well, here we are 9 years later. In those early years, dh said if we ever had another kid we'd have to move, but now that we're having another kid, we've done too much to the house to want to move. I should say dh doesn't want to move. I've had the itch for about 7 years. :haha: So that sounds like great fun to me and a great way to stay distracted and take a relaxing break! :thumbup: I hope you stick around with us though!
anupur- will be great if they give you some meds, as your body is trying on its own already so hopefully your ovaries will have a good reaction to meds :) No I havent started packing but everything we are taking is stacked up in a couple of piles :)
And sounds like your body is hopefully going to ovulate this cycle :)

Mommymel- buying a house sounds like a great distraction, I hear many of stories of ladies not ttc and getting their bfp hopefully this will be the case for you fx'd!
Always the way- the ones who are not actively trying seem to fall and us ladies seem to wait make me mad especially how she is avoiding you, or maybe she feels bad, not sure maybe try and talk to her to find out why?? I agree please still stay on here with us :hugs:

AFM- Nothing new to report ladies as still havent tracked my cycle very pleased of myself :)
Went clothes shopping for our holiday today and I loved that :happydance: poor oh's bank balance though! He really does spoil me rotten :)
Thanks for the info Kyla and Scerena. I did some more research and found out that it does look like I can get some injectables on the NHS! Yay! Maybe it was just Menopur my FS was talking about as that is what they use at my private clinic. I feel a lot more positive about things, so thank you!

Scerena - I go on the 26th and get back on the 5th. Yes it will be a sober holiday, boo!! I haven't had a drink (apart from the odd sip) since the beginning of February. I am actually going to ask my FS when I see him on the 24th whether I can drink or not! I know people who are on metformin due to diabetes and they all drink, so why can't I!!

Kyla - yay for the 2ww!!

Mommymel - how exciting about the house, hope you find the place of your dreams and the break does you a world of good.

Anupur - the EWCM sounds like a great sign, fingers crossed!

Blondy - good luck for tomorrow, come on follies, you can do it!!

Tella - hope your follow up appointment comes round very quickly.
Hi girls!
I get follicle tracking on the NHS like Scerena does - i guess it must vary in different areas.

Mommymel - I think a break might be just what you need, I have read that it has helped other people and if it doesn't help you physically it certainly will mentally. Then you can head straight into that next IVF cycle and get that BFP!

LPEAR and Scerena, hope you girls have an amazing holiday!! At least the weather will be warmer than here!

Kyla- how is your 2WW going? quickly I hope!!

I am a little nervous for tomorrow - been BD'ing already tonight in case there is any follicles growing! I have never seen any big follicles in there before so I might end up falling off the bed haha!!
LPEAR- yay for funding :dance: do you know what injectables you can get funded for? I am getting funded for human menopausal gOnadotropins (hmg) I will get three cycles worth then onto egg sharing :)
We come back on the same day so we can share all our holiday goss :dance: are you ready to go and got everything you need???
Yes ask the doc hopefully you can relax and have a few cocktails on the beach :)

Blondy13- aww thanks :) yes it's 30degrees out there so much better then the 14degrees here :) can't wait!
I hope you have a nice size follicle ready, great idea bd'ing, looking forward on hearing your follicle update :)
thanks Ladies, i am definately staying around to see you get your BFP...... i am addicted to this thread, not getting me off it,,,

i have been having 31day cycles for the past 3 months on time (with meds), i am
curious to see if this pattern will continue without meds now,,,,, maybe my body is starting to normalise now ?
a question: why does only my right boob get little pains in them, almost like they filling up or something, i have noticed this for the last 3 cycles, does it normally happen after ovulation or before ? it seems to start on about CD10 each time... :shrug: i have no idea why.......

come on ladies, we need a bfp here...... its been a while.....
:hugs: to all of you beautiful ladies.....
Mommymel - I'm not sure why only one boob would be affected, but I don't think it's anything to worry about. I always got sore right after I ovulated - within hours, but I've heard of women that feel symptoms just before, so ....??? Did you ever start temping? You could easily find out if you're getting sore just before or just after ovulation by tracking one month. Of course, if it's happening around cd10 and you're having 31 day cycles, that wouldn't be right around ovulation....??? :shrug:

Sorry - I'm not much help.
Scerena > any needle that didn’t want to go in smoothly. Most of mine was just not sharp enough so I just changed them.

Regarding AF, I also asked my FS if it is ok when it is so short and he said it is fine. My next appointment is on the 24th of May. 8 days to go :happydance: OMW a natural BFP will be absolutely amazing, we gonna follow SMEP this month so I hope we catch that eggy!! and more importantly it implants. Im going to over stock on the pineapples after O for like 8 days.

Oh shopping is the best! You gonna have so much fun on holiday! But I want to ask for a small present for the holiday place :winkwink:

anupur > As long as it is clear and stretchy it is EWCM, I hope you have caught that eggy and wont see AF for the next 9 months :winkwink: My appointment is next Thursday, I also pray for a natural BFP!!!

MommyMel > Bless his heart, I think a lot of our DH's pretend to not be affected but deep down it hurts as well. I hope you find the perfect home for you guys and the new baby that will be here in a year or so!!!! Maybe we will be cycling together then.

We also looking for a new house, and it is extremely stressfull to go through all the searching and financing etc.

I don’t have the boob thing but im also curious to see what my body is going to do after all the meds. If been having 28day cycles and would love to stay on that!!!!!!

LPear > :wohoo: that is great news!!!!!!!! TTC is bad enough and stressing about finances just adds to it!

blondy > GL with you scan, fx'd for a nice fat follie!!!

AFM > Absolutely nothing to report, come on O!!!!!!! I did however take out my thermometer last night so that I can start temping this morning but I woke up ran to the bathroom and after about 10mins realised I didn’t temp. So I need to get back into routine for that.
I went to my doc today. He saw my folliculare study report. I request him to prescribe some medicine. For next cycle he prescribe me to take CCQ 50mg from cd2 to cd6 and bd from cd11 to cd20. He told me also to take duphastone or sustain (progesterone tab) from cd16. So I am excited for next cycle. Doctor understood my mental position so he assured me that it will happen. He told me if naturally i can get my bfp without any cost so why spent money to do iui or ivf at this moment. He want to progress step by step. If i couldnt preggo after 3 cycle of meds then he will go to other costly treatment.
Tella - best of luck for 24th may. I told my hubby about ur ivf cycle and my hubby said to me that mentally how storng u are. He told me to learn keep patience and positv hope.​
Scerena - 5days to go :yipee: . Here in india weather is too hot so dont want to move anywhere from home.​
mommymel - I love to smell new home's color. So did u get ur dream home? Ur hubby is so nice that he will buy a new home for u. Really nice. Naturally get bfp is amazing.​
lepear - so next cycle will u do iui? I am thinking that Fertility treatment is so expensive.​
maria & cridge - how r u?​
Anupur - I'm so glad you have a plan for next cycle! I agree with your doc - start with small steps and hopefully that will do the trick to get your bfp!

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