anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Nikkia & MommyMel - How are things with you both?

Lpear - Am I remembering right that you have an appointment this week? Think it was after my MW appointment, so good luck :thumbup:

Bride - Roll on Friday, hoping this week flies by :flower:
Thanks kyla nervous about the outcome but sure it will be worth it !
Hopefully the week flies in for u henry and u get a Xmas bfp :-)
Cullen is the tree up ??
Well get af last night but it's very light do u think I should go ahead and take clomid tomorrow ?
Hi girls, just checking in with you all x

Bride, is it definitely AF? I had one day of spotting and it must have been implantation, maybe wait until you know for sure its AF?

Kyla, yep tree is up! Looks all festive now, more like its actually December :)

Nikki, no havent yet, off to the GP tomorrow, first appointment so will see what happens then, probably refer me to midwife after that, hows you?

Henry, keeping everything crossed for you hun and sending you some of that :dust:
Bride - If it's light, I'd say wait until tomorrow to see how if it develops into AF, as I was always told to take Clomid days 2-6 ONLY when the CD1 is a proper bleed. Also, make sure you do another test to be sure that it's not pregnancy spotting (my fingers are crossed for you).

Cullen - :happydance: for Christmas trees! Good luck with your appointment tomorrow, did you work out how many weeks you are now? Hope you get a midwife appointment reasonably soon.
Hi all! been trying to stay away to avoid obsessive thread reading during tww! so far so good! :haha:
Thank you for the babydust cullen, and good luck for your appointment tomorrow :flower:
Anyone got anything exciting planned for Christmas? Ive still got quite a bit of shopping to do :wacko:
I hope everyone who just got their bfp has H&H 9 months!

Bride - I also had 3-4 days of bright red spotting which then turned into a bfp. How many DPO are you?
Thanks for remembering Kyla, my first ivf appointment is today. Got all emotional about it last night, it'd sinking in!

Hope everyone is well, it has snowed a bit here. X
Good luck today Lpear we got our od done the same month I've an appointment with the fs this Friday think we are going to ask about injectables let me no how u get on x
Maria I've had a really long cycle this month I'm tested at day 50 and bnf :-( dont think I should take the clomid as af is so light it's only there when I go the toilet :-(
Congrats to those with BFPs!!! That is such wonderful news and gives me hope! Cullen – I remember that you and I had the OD on the same day so I was happy to read your news!

I have been reading everyone’s updates but there is just too much to comment on and it has been quite a while wince I posted.

AFM – had the OD late July 2012 but I don’t think I ovulated at all since then but I did get AF for the first time without being induced w/ meds so that is something at least. I had a failed round of clomid (3rd or 4th round – never O’d.) in October. Had consultation at Esperance clinic in Eastbourne at end of October and begin an IUI (with injectables) very soon, possibly the next few days! I took provera (finished Saturday) and am waiting for AF. I hope it hurries up and arrives so I can get started – I guess in the next few days I would think! I am anxious but excited to start an IUI round. I just don’t want to get my hopes up too much.

If anyone has any suggestions on anything then I am all ears! I am a thin PCOSr and I eat healthily, not drinking and only have one cup of caffeinated tea per day. Is there anything else I can do to bring AF on quickly and just generally?

Sending lots of good vibes to all and baby dust to all those in need xoxo
Hey sunny hope the injections work for u I had od done in march and have been on clomid since may with no ovulation I'm seen the fs on Friday and hoping to go onto injectables too fingers crossed although I'm so scared of needles ill gladly do it of it gets me a bfp ! Hope af arrives soon and u can get underway with the injections xx
Lpear - Good luck with your appointment today. I hope it goes well, it's onto new beginnings. :hugs:

Henry - Nothing much excited planned for Christmas, just trying to stay home as much as possible these days to avoid all the winter bugs going around. I've been doing almost all of my shopping online, which has been fab. We always do our grocery shopping online so I've managed to avoid going out in the damp, cold winter weather really successfully! How are things with you?

Bride - :hugs: I remember when I was on Clomid before my operation. I was told to take Clomid days 2-6, test on day 28, if BFN then count day 29 as a new CD1 and take Clomid 2-6 again EVEN if I didn't get AF. They never gave me anything to bring on a period and sometimes I didn't get AF at all, but it helped me to move on rather than being at the mercy of long cycles and not knowing. I think you should still do a test though, so you can go in on Friday with a definite BFN or not (you never know). :hugs:

SunnyMonkey - :hi: Nice to see you back on the thread. I've not much advice about bring on AF as I never successfully managed to do it, maybe someone else will know how long Provera needs to work? Good luck with your IUI, let us know how you get on. :flower:

Cullen - How did you get on with your GP?
Oh really so u just started a new cycle with af ? See Im used to getting my af and it been proper this is just when I wipe myself like the end of af so don't think I'll take clomid I'll test tomorrow and hopefully I can move on to injections next month I dont mind having moth without medication
ps Bride - I know it's late in the cycle, but have you got any OPKs you could use to test for ovulation? Sometimes light spotting can be ovulation bleed and it might be helpful to know if that's what is happening as it's more info to take to your FS. :thumbup:

Edit - We posted at the same time. Yes, just started a new cycle, I think some FS advise that rather than waiting or messing about with provera - others like to use provera to refresh the lining I think. They did tell me though as I said the other day, if the AF was more very light spotting then it wasn't a proper AF for starting the Clomid. On my BFP cycle (with Femara) I had very light spotting on the first 2 days which I didn't count as a proper AF as like you it was just on the paper when I wiped. Then it started so I took my Femara 2-6. Think the drugs work better with true bleeds.
Hi everyone x

Lpear, hope all went well today hun x

SunnyMonkey, hiya hun, yes we did have our OD done same day, lovely to hear from you, keeping fingers crossed you get that BFP soon xx

Well, I went to GP today, he did a scan, saw the placental sac with what didnt look to me like anything but to him like the baby inside, he described it as the stuff that floats inside lol, he didnt see a heartbeat despite trying several times but said I'm definitely in the early stages of pregnancy and to come back in a couple of weeks and he would scan again, really hope its nothing to worry about, he didnt seem worried at all though. Have to get myself booked in with the midwife, he said theyre into January now so not a massive rush x
Cullen - :happydance: So glad you got a scan and could see the sac, wouldn't worry about the heartbeat, it's early to pick it up yet and your Dr wasn't worried. Aw, so exciting!
Cullen I'm sure there not anything to worry about your only a few weeks gone :-) take it easy and enjoy it hun
No kyla I never use opks I used them before and got sick of never getting a smiley face so I just track my cycle
Maybe I'll get a proper bleed tomorrow at least I'm going to fs Friday I just hope he will move onto injections like I hope he doesn't say go away and lose weight for a few months then come back ! The doc has a habit of brushing me off because I'm only 25
Bride - I hope your appointment goes well. Don't be fobbed off, your age is irrelevant really, you've been ttc because you are at a stage in your life when you want a baby and you've been through an operation to help you. We are told to seek help after so long of ttc, and you've done exactly right.
I can't stand Doctors who fob people off because of weight either, your BMI is reasonable. :grr: I'd be prepared to tell him (even if it's not totally true :winkwink:) how this ltttc is causing you and hubby depression and anxiety and if necessary have a cry. Also if he does mention the weight, say you're happy to have a referral for a dietician BUT you want to do this in conjunction with injectables. I had to accept a dieticians referral (my BMI was 37) but I never phoned to book the appointment because I'd been trying to lose weight, and I was exercising 5 times a week so unless she was a miracle worker I couldn't see what she could do for me. You could also say you've joined something like Slimming World to help, but since weight isn't the direct cause of your annovulatory cycles, you want to move onto the next step.
Sending you lots of positive vibes for Friday hun. :flower:
Tha so much kyla you are right I'll be firm on Friday and won't let them blame mr weight ! I go to unislim and walk 4 days a week so I really do try
Bride - Thinking of you today hun. Hope it goes well :hugs:

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