Anyone in Minnesota??!!

oh no! did they talk to you about options on ending it? if i were you i would have just waited it out naturally as there have been many cases where the baby were just slow to develop and turned out just fine and healthy. :hugs: i am still holding on hope for you!
yeah, im waiting a couple weeks to see. I don't want a d&c..unless i have have have too
100% agree with you! do you have a journal?
no, i was going to start a pregnancy one on friday :/
I feel ok though..god does not give you what you cannot handle, and does not punish you. the baby may not have been a healthy one.
i have faith you'll have your precious one soon!
I am so sorry!! I wish i had more say I know the pain i've had 4 m/c's. I wish I could come give you a hug!
I am so sorry!! I wish i had more say I know the pain i've had 4 m/c's. I wish I could come give you a hug!

thanks. I'm spending a few days at my moms, hopefully to help get my mind off of things..while i wait for my body to do its thing naturally. I am hoping we'll be able to have a successful pregnancy soon..but I am going to focus on losing more weight after my body gets back to normal and stuff. Before I got pregnant with this one..I had lost 21lbs..I think thats what we're gonna try to do again. I hate the fact that I'll be losing this one..but i am looking at it as the baby was not healthy.
most likely it was not healthy or meant to be. i am in awe of your strength to see the positivity in the situation. but its still heartbreaking, i remember what it was like to have a miscarriage as i had one before. :hugs: as long as you stay strong and stick to your guns on your goals with the weight loss and TTCing it will definitely happen sooner than you think!
I have to stay positive for my husband, he is very emotional. I decided to spend a couple days at my moms b/c my husband works overnights..and it is not good for me to be alone at night, as i would be thinking of all the "what if i did.." and "i should have.." ect and i cannot do that.

This is our 6th loss in 2 years. the other m/c's i had were very early around 4-5weeks..we thought they had an issue with not sticking, but now that we know we're completely capable of getting pregnant and having a sticky baby (kinda) we feel ok. I have pcos, so i will be asking/calling my old ob and making an appt with her. i am supposed to see her on nov 22..but that was for my first appt..and since i'll likely lose the pregnancy, i want to see what she would suggest..and if i should be on meds for my pcos and what not.

I would rather lose an unhealthy baby early, than have an unhealthy baby that would need alot of medical things that leads to high medical bills. I know it sounds bad, but that would be how we feel.

I had the depo shot may2009. I did not get a 2nd dose like i was supposed to in aug/sept after i stopped that..i gained almost 100lbs! I was 170-180lbs before getting depo and shot up to almost 240/250 after the shot..and was unable to lose weight from 2009-2011. I lost 21lbs from june2011-sept2011. I will be hopping back on that train, when I am told I am able to do so. I was soooo strict with myself to succeed. I'll never understand why this baby didnt grow past 6wks, but god does not give you more than what you can stinks hardcore, but we will have a baby soon. I believe that.
I agree, I would rather suffer a miscarriage than carry an unhealthy baby to term.

I've never been on birth control but I have seen the weight gain some women go through and it's just crazy! I know you can do the weight loss! I think some PCOS women here take fertility drugs like femera or clomid to help increase the egg quality so I am thinking that's what your dr might do or refer you to a fertility specialist if she hasn't already.
I was actually seeing an RE from minneapolis..but we did not want to spend loads of money//do invasive treatments. I'd been on clomid before and it did not help. We wanted to conceive naturally. After my cycle is back to normal..i think we'll ttc again. Might see an re after all and see what to do.

My mom thinks that the baby did have a heartbeat..but stopped growing at 6w4d due to not being healthy.

My aunt on the otherhand, does not understand anything. My mom told her what was going on..and she says "so, there was nothing ever in there?" and my mom said "NO, there was a baby, you could see..but the baby had no heartbeat" my aunt does not she never went through anything related to pregnancy. she told my mom "well, can't they just adopt then?" ummm NO! grrrr lol. sorry i had to vent.
have they tried you on metaformin yet? There is a really awesome doctor up here in buffalo she's not an RE but has extensive knowledge about infertility. The other thing we've been trying is the grape fruit juice, and a reduced gluten diet (hard as heck i love my pasta) I have PCOS also it's a tough one to deal with, but my sister who has it got pregnant and it stuck after 2 months on metaformin. Wishing you the best of luck, I'm assuming your not to terribly far away from us so if you ever wanna head out for dinner and vent i'm right here. I know it's a weird offer from a stranger but I really know how you feel. Plus our dh's might find it nice to talk to another guy who knows how emotionally hard it is to go through a miscarriage.
have they tried you on metaformin yet? There is a really awesome doctor up here in buffalo she's not an RE but has extensive knowledge about infertility. The other thing we've been trying is the grape fruit juice, and a reduced gluten diet (hard as heck i love my pasta) I have PCOS also it's a tough one to deal with, but my sister who has it got pregnant and it stuck after 2 months on metaformin. Wishing you the best of luck, I'm assuming your not to terribly far away from us so if you ever wanna head out for dinner and vent i'm right here. I know it's a weird offer from a stranger but I really know how you feel. Plus our dh's might find it nice to talk to another guy who knows how emotionally hard it is to go through a miscarriage.

I was on metformin the month I got pregnant..but I was told to stop taking it after i got pregnant...I should have kept taking it? I'm going to start it up again. We are in the gibbon/fairfax/winthrop area..kinda by new ulm. Not sure how far that is from Buffalo. My DH is always super busy..he rarely has a day off. I'll run it by him and see what he says. We used to go to often..but havent been there in a very long time.
how long were you on it before you got pregnant? My sister got pregnant right after starting it and her blood sugars had not yet stabalized enough to carry a pregnancy. after that miscarriage she got pregnant a month later with her daughter. They should have told you not to try and get pregnant the same month you start it or until they say your blood sugar is stablized. unfortunatly buffalo is like an hour and a half away from you. i'm guessing that's gonna be to far.
The month I got pregnant, was the first month I started taking it. I was not intending on getting pregnant the first month i started the metformin.

I got a call back from my clinic with my levels..they were 33,785. The dr reviewed the u/s. ges. sac present. embryo present. yolk sac not present. no fetal heartbeat. Ovaries look good. I have/had pcos..i had alot of cysts on my ovaries months ago..but now from the u/s there are NO cysts on my ovaries! this mean the pcos is or has gone away?
That would be a good question to ask on the forums as I know there are many women on here who have PCOS. No cysts on teh ovaries definitely does mean something and I think it's good news as well. I think you were supposed to continue taking metformin even if you got pregnant but I am not sure, I'll have to ask my BnB buddy on here who takes that. Both my sister in laws have PCOS but I am not sure what they did to get pregnant (one has 3 daughters and the other one is 23 weeks along now) so there is something that can happen for you to conceive and have the baby stick!
For some reason, BnB did not show me a new post from you in nov? weird. I ended up getting the d&c 11/23--i started bleeding/spotting 11/23-11/29. Yesterday i started having bad period like cramps..does that mean af may be coming soon? i hadn't had cramps since 11/24. I have my post op on 12/7 so i'll have to ask the doc.
ayclobes, who were you seeing in Minneapolis? Our RE is at Fairview, Reproductive Medicine Center.

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