Anyone in Minnesota??!!

honestly, 6 months to a year is NORMAL for a couple to conceive. thats why the RE states that they will not see anyone unless they have been actively ttcing for a year or more. i'm still not sure on why you are so set that you are having problems conceiving if it's only been 6 months? i know you said something about BCP and having questions that you got in early to see a RE but if you ovulate regularly and you bd daily or do temps and opks, then you very much have a chance to conceive normally just like any other couple (assuming they have no fertility issues).
Our limit, set by the RE, was 6 months. We're extending it simply because we're not sure yet we want to pay the money for something with such a small success rate.

Due to my AMH levels (Anti Mullerian Hormone, also known as ovarian reserve), it is quite possible that I am a low responder. This means that stimulation, as part of any IVF/AIH/whatever procedure, might not at all work. I could get none, one or twenty million eggs, but of course nobody can tell. That's why I'm not just jumping into IVF, even though I should because, well, I have low AMH levels and my time has pretty much run out.

I do ovulate, I am healthy, I am 34 years old, but my ovarian reserves are those of a (pre)menopausal woman and there's no time to waste. That's why I've had a RE since before I even got off the pill. I learned about this AMH almost by chance (we didn't go to a RE to get either of us tested, but instead we wanted to know what was available in terms of embryo preservation), but the doctor decided to run a quick test to see whether or not we should waste time on embryo preservation to begin with.

On top of that, my husband's SA came back with 12 million instead of more than 15 mil. sperm, so this adds onto the pile of why it is highly unlikely that we'll conceive without assistance (yet assistance might be of no help at all).

Long story short, our chances are a lot lower than those of a healthy couple and the only reason we're not trying IVF are the insanely idiotic prices that come with the American healthcare. Unfortunately I can't get off work either to fly back home and get it all done for next to no money (it's covered by my insurance over there).
Oh wow, now it all makes sense. :( Never heard of AMH though, that's a first that I have heard of that here on BnB. Hope you find some buddies on here who are goign through the same thing as you as I know they probably would have better advice or suggestions for you than people like me who have no idea what the hell they're talking about! :haha:
There are a few here who have the same result, but then again, the majority of low-AMH women are either much older than I am, or have a bunch of other issues. Because everything else is fine with me (all other hormones came back perfect, pretty much) and the RE doesn't care much about my husband's slightly lower count, we pretty much fall into the idiopatic infertility department. Bleh!
So the only way for you guys to conceive is IUI/IVF?
I am or was super confused..I think my body is back to normal, and I'm just waiting on af. We can ttc starting january if af shows that month..which I don't see why she wouldnt. Sat,Sun, & Mon I had lots of what looked like ewcm--it had the consistency and color. I was kinda shocked b/c I thought that I was due to O soon? and according to a chart i had/have if i would have gotten my cycle in december i would have o'd sometime in the last week and a half. Does that fit in with when i got the ewcm?

DH and I talked, and we've decided we'll ttc naturally until april, then if we're not pregnant then..then we'll talk to my midwife about starting clomid. June 2011(i was on it jan-march, then june 2011) was the last month we were on clomid, so it would be almost a year since being on it--and she'll be completely monitoring me throughout.

I got my claim papers back from ins. from my d&c/surgery..and if we wouldnt have had insurance..we would have had to pay close to 4k..I'm so thankful we have ins..b/c now we oue around 500$ not too shabby.
wow, yeah, surgery are ridiculously expensive! :nope: and if you have ewcm i would have :sex: just in case as i know some people dont really miss a beat between miscarriages.
I wanted to..but dh said he'd rather wait a full cycle before ttc again. He doesn't want the same thing to happen again..which i can understand..but still. Plus, we were at my moms on sunday-monday..and it was impossible then lol
So the only way for you guys to conceive is IUI/IVF?

Nope, actually the best way for us to conceive is naturally, because it doesn't require possibly useless stimualtion.

At the same time, even though we're doing it right (I have textbook cycles, clear ovulation patterns, I do OPK and temping, etc), it's not happening so we might need IVF afterall. We just don't know yet if we wish to take that route.
Insurance... ugh, don't even get me started on that one.
Yeah insurance sucks! :(
I'm doing good. Officially full term today and to be honest i'm ready for the baby to come out ANYTIME now! With my luck, I probably will go overdue. :nope:

How about you? How was your holidays?
Full term because you hit the 37th week, I assume? Or is the ticker wrong?

The holidays went fine, I suppose. I'm still getting used to everything being completely different than back home.

Yes, they consider 37 weeks to 42 weeks full term.

Where is back home?

I married a guy from Mankato, so I moved here in August of 2009.
Oh that must have been a real big change! Why a huge move though?
He speaks barely any Croatian so this just made more sense!

It really was a huge move, though. In the beginning, it was all find and dandy, while now it just gets to be, well, more and more complicated. I get to talk to my family and friends all the time, but the differences in everyday life are slowly killing me.
Ever gonna consider moving back? or is it a done deal in Crotia?
We don't know yet. For now, we'll definitely stay here and then we'll see what happens in the future. All of my family is over there, while all of my husband's is here.

We might just choose something completely different.

What I miss the most is life in a big city, this tiny little place is killing me. There's nothing ever going on and I'm not even a social butterfly or anything!

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