Anyone in Minnesota??!!

ayclobes, who were you seeing in Minneapolis? Our RE is at Fairview, Reproductive Medicine Center.

I was seeing Dr. Campbell at the Midtown Medical building off of chicago ave in Minneapolis. My midwife suggested I see Dr. Damario, he comes to my ob/gyn office a couple times a week..which would help b/c im a wreck when it comes to driving in the city. Otherwise, I doctor in Waconia.
Oo, Dr Damario is our RE. He's wonderful. I read some reviews online when I got the referral and was a little bit cautious. But we're absolutely satisfied with him.

We're a little bit weird of a case (we saw a RE before we even got me off the pill due to some other questions and ideas we had), but everthing's been working fine so far.

We'll be seeing him again in a month or two.

Otherwise I have a local OB/GYN for all the regular stuff here in Mankato, at the Mayo clinic.
I see a midwife in waconia, and i need to make an appt with her to talk about seeing the RE--dr. damario. I'm an hour from mankato. I was seeing the re i mentioned above in june..and a few months later we were pregnant--naturally but in nov, found out the baby stopped now we're waiting to ttc again..which completely blows lol.
I'm sorry for your loss, ayclobes. :(

We're kind of stuck trying to get pregnant naturally, so far without luck for 6 months. At this point, we don't know yet what we'd like to do IVF-wise. I guess I'll think about it later. It's mostly the expenses that really keep putting me off.

I live in Mankato, but I'm originally from Europe (Croatia).
oh wow. We've been able to get pregnant 6 times in the past year and a half..but only 1 out of the 6 stuck past 6wks..and that ended in a missed m/c. It stinks, but im glad that i now know we CAN get pregnant..its just a matter of a healthy baby. I would go through with IUI before IVF though.. have you tried clomid/femara?
Nope, I've not tried anything, as there has been no need to put me on any medication at all. I ovulate regularly, my cycles are pretty much worthy of a textbook (said Dr Damario himself). All of my hormones are fine, except for AMH, which may or may not matter in the end. So long story short, we've been told to keep trying at home for a while and in about two cycles we'll just go back to the clinic.

I'm not sure yet how I feel about stimulation, overall. I need to talk to the RE and see if they do all the monitoring the way that'd make me feel comfortable. If not, then I'm even more clueless as to what our next step will be. Might take the AIH route first because it's cheap. :/
Do you use opks? b/c i used the cheapies, then in sept i decided to get the clear blue easy digital ones with the smiley faces if it catches a surge..and low and behold the month i did that i caught my surge and ended up pregnant..i would get those though..if you don't want to do clomid or anything. Before i got pregnant, i didnt even know if i o'd every month..but my dr thought diff b/c my af was 26-27 days on the regular...even though i have pcos. I'm hoping af shows up within the next 2 wks so we can get back to trying..i feel like im wasting time :/
ayc - I hated the smiley opks - I missed it the two months i used it and decided to go with cheap ICs and caught my surge because I could see the line getting darker which warned me when my LH was starting to pick up. But every person is different, what works for you might not work for me. Did you ever ask the dr why only one out of 6 made it past 6 weeks?

Jazavac - I know a BnB buddy on here who ovulates regularly but was put on clomid because the dr suspected that she might ovulate regularly but the egg isn't high quality enough hence why she had a hard time getting pregnant and stay pregnant as well (she had 3 mc). good news, she's pregnant now! Just a thought cuz i know clomid kinda has a multi-use purpose :shrug:
I use regular cheapies, not the smiley faces.

I'll see about drugs if the RE recommends them. So far, there's been no reason.
I see that you have only been TTCing for 6 months... why are you seeing a RE? Usually a RE won't see a couple until they have been ttcing for more than a year or have had 3 miscarriages. it took me and my DH 6 months to conceive. I guess statistically we were normal as it takes a couple on average 6 months to a year to conceive.
We went to see a RE while I was actually still on BCP because we needed some information. There's an underlying genetic issue which may or may not be passed on so we wanted to be on the safe side. So, long story short, our story is a bit different than most because I learned about possible infertility issues (low AMH/everything else perfect on my end and slightly lower sperm count on my husband's side) before we even tried to have a baby and we've had a RE since two weeks before our official TTC date. Actually it's the low AMH that got us to start trying now, instead of waiting for some more answers to come from other places.

We'll see what happens next when we go see Dr Damario again, which should be in a month and a half or so.
I hope you won't have to go see Dr. Damario because you'd have gotten a natural BFP! :D
That'd be great, but, as usual, I am fairly sure it won't happen!
You never know hun!
this is true, you never know. anything can happen..
Thought I would jump in here and say hi! I'm living in south dakota about 5 miles away from the Minnesota border. I grew up in Southern Minnesota.

Wish all of you TTC the best of luck and all of those that are preggers the best and healthiest pregnancy's!
Thanks Missy - how far along are you?
I am 12 weeks and 1 day along. This is my 3rd child. A big surprise!!
oo - almost out of 1st trimester :happydance:
Hey, Missy!

And yes, I know anything might happen, but after six months of doing things absolutely right (or as good as one could do without owning an ultrasound machine, I guess) and no luck at all, I'm getting less and less hopeful. If I ever even was hopeful to begin with.

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