Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Lucy, I know we have to have all these test it is only protocol, and at least we know what the results will be so no nasty surprises, it surprises me how some men dislike the one little thing they have to contribute when we have to be proded, poked, sliced and diced and they just have to jizz in a pot and they get all the sympathy you can imagine :)
Wowee Wannabe that must of been like winning the lottery 6 times to have all those babies, I too have all fertile myrtles in my family (except me), My Nan also had 6 babies my Mum has 3 and my Brother and his wife also have had 6 babies, If only I could just have one for myself ;) (I always say that he has taken mine, his and my sisters quota of babies and that is why I am having all this trouble) xx
Ash- TTC limbo is the worst! I hope af shows up soon so you can start on your next, more aggressive cycle.

Wannabe- I'm with you on the POAS withdrawl! There should be a 12 step program for us LTTCers! I hope af arrives for you right on time so you can get your surgery without a hitch.

Greekgirl- Your walk sounded wonderul! I love asparagus but I have never found it in the wild. It sounds delicious.

AFM- 10dpo!! And like I mentioned to Wannabe, I am dying to poas! However, I told myself that I wouldn't test until AF was late. I'm secretly hoping that the dr. will have me do a bood test on Tuesday when I go in, but I doubt he will. No symptoms that aren't completely expected the week before af.

I got pregnant in Feb 2010 which ended in a MC. I've been trying since Dec 2010. Nothing as of yet. I have my first appointment next month to see the fertility specialist.
Lucy, I know we have to have all these test it is only protocol, and at least we know what the results will be so no nasty surprises, it surprises me how some men dislike the one little thing they have to contribute when we have to be proded, poked, sliced and diced and they just have to jizz in a pot and they get all the sympathy you can imagine :)
Wowee Wannabe that must of been like winning the lottery 6 times to have all those babies, I too have all fertile myrtles in my family (except me), My Nan also had 6 babies my Mum has 3 and my Brother and his wife also have had 6 babies, If only I could just have one for myself ;) (I always say that he has taken mine, his and my sisters quota of babies and that is why I am having all this trouble) xx

mrs h, you really make me giggle.. Jizz in a pot.. Ha ha men dont half moan dont they.. I say that to my oh i would swap places any i dont think they understand some times how hard us woman have it! But as long as it gets us there hey.. Xxx
I got pregnant in Feb 2010 which ended in a MC. I've been trying since Dec 2010. Nothing as of yet. I have my first appointment next month to see the fertility specialist.

Welcome to the group. I am so sorry for your loss!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

Good luck with your appointment!!:flower:
Well girls she finally showed up! I had terrible cramps late this morning and then bam! She was here with a vengeance. I'm happy though! Never thought I'd say that! OH and I have been packing all day and we got a lot done .. now all there is to do it pack up the kitchen and pack up our clothes and bathroom and then we're out of here on March 1st =D I'm very excited! And now I'm even more excited because I get to start clomid in 2 days and then IUI around March 3rd or 4th =D Weird ... never thought I would be the one who needed IUI to get pregnant but it is what it is!
@Ash, I am glad she showed up on time... Good luck with the upcoming IUI!!! I hope it finally brings you your BFP!! I have everything crossed for you!!!:dust: :dust:

AFM, I try not to symptom spot anymore because with me I have experienced every symptom under the sun and none of it meant anything because AF always crashes the party... But I do keep an eye out for unusual symptoms that i havent ever experienced before and I just noticed within the last day or two that on my inner upper thighs right below my lady parts that I have some small dark patches of skin, they arent pimples thoough because they arent raised or anything, it is almost like blotchy dark brown freckles, very odd.. I am not sure what caused them or if they mean anything, but I did do a google search and I found that it is a pregnancy symptom... here is a section from this web page where they talk about it...

Skin darkening

•In most pregnant women, hormonal changes cause darkening of skin that is already darker than the rest of the woman's skin.
•This darkening may be most obvious in freckles, moles, areolas (colored rings around the breast nipples), nipples, labia (the genital tissue outside of the vagina) and the inner thighs.
•Some of this darkening may fade after delivery. But these areas are likely to remain darker than they were before pregnancy.

Here is the weblink, it talks about skin changes during pregnancy....
sounds like a good sign wannabe - not one I'd ever heard of mind you! I know what you mean about symptom spotting though - it drives you crazy as most of them can be symptoms of a whole range of other things too

Ash - are you moving house? did I miss that? Glad AF has showed up for you so you can get cracking on your IUI cycle x

MrsH - my whole family left it very late to have children, so no one really breezed through it - but I am the only one who has had to take such drastic measures to get there .... if I am indeed there, which I may well not be!

AFM - 1 week to go til scan day and I'm crapping my pants! I just need this week to be over so that I can get it over and done with ... I desperately need the reassurance of seeing heartbeats, and if it isn't to be then I need to get my heart broken now, so that I can begin to mend it
Oh wow, I leave for one weekend and there is loads to read!

@Mrs.H - I have an extremely fertile family too, my grandma had 7 kids and I have 40 first cousins, so loads of babies everywhere. I hope I join in the fun soon :) You are right about men putting it on with their contribution too. My husband is really unhappy about it and its nothing compared to what they will do to me!

@Chels - I hope this is it for you, well done on waiting to test. I think if I was doing a Clomid cycle I would be peeing on something nearly every morning. You're a champ!

@Unique - Welcome! We have similar time lines, I got pregnant in feb/march of 2010 and had a mc, and started ttc in Sept. 2010 with nothing to show for it so far. Hope you enjoy this thread and I'm sending you loads of :dust:!

@ash - that is great that you are handling AF with ease. I never thought I would need help to get knocked up, but there you go. Such is life! We can only carry on and it won't make a bit of difference once we have a baby to snuggle :)

@wannabe - I have heard that before, that is interesting that you noticed some patches. I hope it means you have a bean :)

@urchin - your story is so great, and I can't wait to hear you report back next week that babies A & B are wriggling around and growing like mad in your belly. I believe it shall be so!!

AFM - I am kind of bummed right now. Not much going on. I am bored at work, and desperately awaiting spring. There are lots of changes going on at my office right now and I have been finding it rather stressful. Its very unclear what will happen with my job, the only thing painfully obvious is that I am pretty much useless and I have nothing to do. All this is coinciding with my upcoming FS appointment next month, along with a cold, gray winter, and a hubby who has been a little distant are all adding up to make me less than cheery.

I need to get out of this funk. I think I am going to start doing yoga again in the morning and going back to the gym. Also, I need to call some friends and try to go out more. Winter seems to make everyone either hibernate on the weekends or go skiing all the time, and I feel like I haven't seen my friends in ages! I hope my mood picks up soon.

On the ttc front, I am doing ok. I am taking maca this month, but not with great hopes of it actually working. DH and I talked yesterday and he seems to have finally accepted the fact that we will probably need help. I think it bothers him, but he is dealing with it. Its such a terrible thing, infertility. I think up until this point, he always figured we would get pregnant on our own, but its been about 1.5 years now, so we are both pretty resigned to the idea that its not going to happen easily now.

Anyway, hope everyone else is having the best Mondays possible :-D :dust: and :hugs:
HI ladies, how is everyone today, nothing to report from me just waiting for af to arrive should be here on sunday
wannabepreggo - thanks! I'm happy she came, she was 2 days late but that's way better than a week or two late! I hope those dark patches of skin are a good sign for you! FX'd! :hugs:

Urchin - yes I am in the process of moving right now. My OH and I are going from a 3 bed 2 1/2 bath in NJ to a 1 bedroom in Manhattan! It's pretty hectic because we are getting rid of most of our furniture only because there's no room for it in the new place! I'm happy to be moving but it's kind of bittersweet. We got our furry baby in this place and what not but hopefully we move, I get pregnant with my IUI cycle and then we have a whole new chapter to write! I'm confident that your litte beans are going to be just fine! I'm also counting down until your scan, I can't wait to find out that you're having twins! :haha:

Poco - I wish it were easy for me like it is for some others but you're right, when I finally have a baby to snuggle it won't matter! It will be wonderful and this journey would have been totally worth it! If you don't mind me asking what's maca? And I'm sorry you're in a funk! I was going through a funk about a month ago and I started going to the gym again and doing yoga and it helped so I think that's a GREAT idea! :hugs: Yes, infertility is horrible but you have lots of people on this site in the same boat willing to help and talk!
Hi ladies,

I'm afraid to say I'm back to join you, got my BFP Xmas day, I went for my 12 week scan and baby had died at 8 weeks, I had actually been for a scan that week as got some cramping and see baby's heart beat, It must have died literally days after that.
I started getting spotting last week that got worse and redder so got a early u/s and showed no heartbeat.
I've opted for a d&c going in on wed, but not actually got an appointment so the nurse said I might have a really long wait. I've started cramping today so maybe It'll happen before but hopefully not. I have passed big clots before (non pregnancy related)and found the cramping really unbarable

Poco Luckily my husband is more than willing to do his part, but I know some of my friends had problems with their men :)

Urchin I am sending you good baby vibes and this time will be different...... Go Eenie and Meenie. It does suck being the only one in the Family not able to conceive au naturale, I know my sister had PCOS, but she is neither trying or has a man, and to be honest that doesn't necessarily stop you from getting pregnant, I would swap gammy blocked tubes for that any day.

Ash good luck with your move, me and hubby have just sold/also in the process of buying, so a move is imminent, I am hoping we will need the extra space now IVF is looming, and I don't think 1/2 babies in a 1 bedroom flat is exactly practical/responsible :)

StickyBeans I am so so sorry for your loss, I cannot comprehend what it must be like, especially after LTTC, you will get a lot of love here so you have come to the right place :) xxx

Well Monday is done. so another new week, you know what that means?!! Another week closer to my IVF appointment :D
Hi Poco - that'll teach you to go away!
thanks for your confidence chikkie - I'm very nervous, but have everything crossed
Sorry to hear that all is a bit meh for you just now :( hopefully the spring will bring you something more exciting
It is definitely a process you have to go through to accept that conception just ain't gonna happen naturally for you.... I don't think it's exaggerating to say that it's a grieving process. But once you are through it, you can get proactive and find treatments that will help. xxx

Hi gilmore - good to see you xx

Ash - wow! that's quite a down-sizing ... I have no idea how I would fit me and my things into a 1-bed place (and I'm no good at all at being ruthless with my posessions!)
What's prompted the move?

Sticky Beans - I am so sorry to hear that you've lost your baby... it seems so cruel to have come so far and then for things to go so wrong.
Great big hugs hon :hugs:

I never understand why the boys make such a fuss MrsH, it's not like they have to do anything they've not done a thousand times before :rofl:

Thank you for the good baby vibes - I am really hoping for a better ending this time

Another week closer is all good! particularly for us ladies who have got used to living our lives in small weekly or fortnightly chunks!

AFM have spent a lot of today throwing up - which really isn't nice, but is such a good sign that I can't be too fed up about it
Hi ladies,

I'm afraid to say I'm back to join you, got my BFP Xmas day, I went for my 12 week scan and baby had died at 8 weeks, I had actually been for a scan that week as got some cramping and see baby's heart beat, It must have died literally days after that.
I started getting spotting last week that got worse and redder so got a early u/s and showed no heartbeat.
I've opted for a d&c going in on wed, but not actually got an appointment so the nurse said I might have a really long wait. I've started cramping today so maybe It'll happen before but hopefully not. I have passed big clots before (non pregnancy related)and found the cramping really unbarable


Well my OH has been working in the city for a year now and he's been driving 30 minutes to the train station and then taking the train into the city but it's getting rough. He can work on the train because he has wireless internet through his phone to his computer but he leaves at 7AM and doesn't get home until 7PM so it's just getting really rough on him. So, we decided to live in the city that way it's much easier on him! And I get to see him more :) Plus, we think it would be a great experience and I'm going to look forward to raising a child in the city. I think it's totally different than living in the suburbs but I think it will be fun and interesting! I'm always up for a change and journey! And yes, it's been very hard parting with certain items but I've been getting rid of things that I haven't used for years ... and it makes sense, if I haven't used it why am I keeping it?

On another note, I called my FS today and I'm going in on March 1st for a follicle scan and if they're big enough I'll be getting my ovidrel shot that night and then going in on March 3rd for the insemination! I'm looking forward to that part, just not the clomid part ... I start the clomid tomorrow and hoping that I don't have too many bad side effects!
Oh and urch I'm happy to hear that you're getting sick cause that means those beans are stuck there! =D
that makes sense Ash - seeing more of Mr Ash will be good at the best of times, but once there are wee Ashlets running around you're going to need him home earlier - and he will need to be able to spend time with them before bed!

Oddly, I'm making the opposite decision - I'm moving out of the city and back to the country to raise mine - the children round here are kinda feral and it isn't what I want for mine at all ..... then there is the small matter of the Birmingham accent (if you think Ozzy Osbourne you won't be far off!)

Today laydeez, I am officially a blueberry and Eenie and Meenie are making joints (told you city life was a bad influence on them :rofl: )

and it's pancake day - wonder if I can manage any of those tonight???
Sticky beans so sorry for your loss :hugs:

Urchin: fx you manage to have some pancakes tonight

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