anyone over 35 going for fertility treatments this year? IUI, IVF etc

I am trying ICSI again... Pick up is expected this weekend... My first one didn't work out despite everything being great...

Anyone hit the jackpot the second time around....
New here! I'm 38 and ttc for my first. It's been put off for a a while, mostly because I have PCOS (though all of my labs are beautiful now). I lost 60 lbs, and my body started having cycles again, so we decided to give it a shot.

well, the shot part became literal. I just completed by first injectibles/timed intercourse cycle. Our "window" for it closed this morning, so now I'm waiting. I had one mature follicle when I took the trigger shot, but there were 8 (!) almost mature ones, so my RE didn't think we could wait and let any more mature. It's going to be so tough to wait 2 week now...
Drsquid ~ :yipee: congrats on princess Lila and prince Oliver! Wow you did a good job I almost felt everything you wrote lol. I am so glad they are here and baby and mommie is doing well!

Masas ~ Good luck!

Heelsgirl ~ Good luck to you too! here is some :dust: all the best!
hello everyone! im a bit down yesterday. it is my first treatment for IVF .Got final scan yesterday & was told that i have only one follicle but too small for egg collection. The doctor told me that theres nothing she can do as im already on higher dose of gonal f 450 iu. She told me to continue the injection same dose for two days then for ultrasound this coming tues. if there is no change in size they will cancel the treatment. could anyone share any opinion or suggestion on what will be my next step or best option? hearing what the doctor said,she makes me feel that there is no HOPE for me to conceive babies...... :nope:
Husband has low sperm count due to cancer two years ago. He is all cured now, but not sure if that count can get up. He had 2.5 million, with about 29% motility and 11% morphility. Doesn't look good enough for IUI. We're considering donor sperm, and believe it or not, my husband is not against this at all; mostly because he has really bad genetics with a ton of cancer in his family (also his brother is currently fighting prostate cancer). Curious who else had done this? Keep in mind, I'm old...well, old for babies, 37. Is 37 too old for IUI?
Hi there girls.. I've been reading this thread for the last 2 weeks.. A little bit each day when I have free time. Am only up to about pg 75!!! Long way to go but it's good bcos I'm getting an education on fertility treatments & options! I'm not up to recent posts yet- but hello to everyone else in here.. I'll catch up soon enough!

Here my basic story, I'm 38, DP is 44, we've been together many many years but only started ttc last year. DP had some issues with 'performing', & by that I mean sex is all good up until we actually want him to deposit his goods... & then we have issues. After so many years of trying to avoid pregnancy by having him 'pull out' (sorry.. Sounds so crude!), well now it's like his body & brain are stuck in a habit he can't get out of.
Anyway, we tried a few months of doing self insemination using a syringe.. There's a thread in here where loads of couples are doing it for similar reason, & many get BFP'S. We also went & got bloods done for me & he had SA done. And we were told we're both ok. However my lovely Gp referred us to the local public women's hospital FS dept bcos she said at my age she doesn't like to waste time!! So now we have our appt coming up on 10th April.

So here my dilemma. After a few months last year involving LOTS of frustration with BFNs & some major issues with DPs mother causing huge problems, we actually haven't been ttc now for months. However DP has decided he is desperate for us to have a baby ASAP. He keeps going on about it.. Which I'm happy about of course. And we're ready & willing to start ttc again. DP may or may not still have the issue he had previously.. No way of knowing until we actually BD around Ov time.

So here is my question.. We'll go to see the FS, & I guess explain the 'issues' DP has had previously. My Gp said the FS will more than likely suggested IUI if on the surface of things maybe our only issue is mechanical iykwim?? So if the FS DOES offer IUI... Should we just go ahead with it??? My mum who I talk to about everything said yes, just do it- bcos every month that we just take a chance & 'see how DP goes', it will just get more & more stressful. My only concern is that we haven't ever really had what youd call a decent go at TTC on our own. I feel like Ill feel like a bit of a fraud sitting in front of a FS asking for help : (

However.. As my mum points out.. I'm 38, 39 in december. DP & I have been having unprotected sex for years & years (using the above mentioned method to avoid pregnancies), I've never been on the pill.. & I've never 'accidentally' fallen pregnant. And of course, there's no guarantees that if we just get cracking on our own that DP will be able to perform each month.. Which means using the syringe again. Mum says if we're offered IUI we should just do it. That in the end a baby is what we want, & if IUI gets us there quicker then where's the harm..

I'm just such a stress head.. It's all making me nervous!!

Opinions please!
Juniperjules personally I would just go for it, just due to your age. I tried for 2 years (plus years of pull out just like you!) and ended up doing 3 IUIs while I was 38, they didnt work and so I did IVF, first failed but I had 8 frozen, and first frozen transfer worked. I gave birth 7 days after my 40th birthday. There are lots of people on here in our age range that got pregnant with IUI so definitely try it, I think in my case perhaps my egg shell was too hard as I did really well once I did IVF with ICSI. You never know how long it might take naturally so go for the extra help.

hi everyone! Ive been MIA....just too busy with my lil guy and work. I hope you are all well, anymore bfps? Im actually starting FET next month as I cant wait for another lil munchkin. usually they want to wait until you are 9 months pp incase it happens right away so you have 18 months between c sections. but my FS agreed to start at 6 months as it might take a few tries.
We will be trying single transfers at first. Im loving my boy, will post a few photos if anyone is interested. I dont like those annoying messages of hope but I really did struggle and so anyone our age starting fertility treatments I hope they can see it does work.

35_Smiling :hugs::hugs::hugs: good luck Im sure you will beat it :kiss:


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sarah- he is adorable.

juniper- id probably get a semen analysis done before id do iui. make sure he isnt shooting blanks. i did iui 4 times before i found out the donor sperm id gotten was no good.. ended up doing ivf cause it was faster. i turned 40 six days after the twins were born.


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Sarah, love the photos!!! and so excited to see your going to be going for it again :)

Squid, awww the twins are so cute!!!
hi LL! I did have a sneaky look for you when I came on as hoped to see a bfp....did you try the IUI in the end?

hi are you doing, are you going for a donor cycle yet? I saw Hockey got pregnant with a doner egg, so happy for her and FXd.

omg dr squid they are so cute!! how are you coping with twins?

Im so tempted to transfer 2 when I do the FET next month but worry about twins and my c section scar as Im doing it earlier than they want. plus the thought of twins plus a toddler terrifies me, but I do want the best chance.
Yes doing my third and last IUI this Sunday (Easter Sunday) so I hope this one works
Juniperjules personally I would just go for it, just due to your age. I tried for 2 years (plus years of pull out just like you!) and ended up doing 3 IUIs while I was 38, they didnt work and so I did IVF, first failed but I had 8 frozen, and first frozen transfer worked. I gave birth 7 days after my 40th birthday. There are lots of people on here in our age range that got pregnant with IUI so definitely try it, I think in my case perhaps my egg shell was too hard as I did really well once I did IVF with ICSI. You never know how long it might take naturally so go for the extra help.

Sarah!! Thank you soooo much for replying!! It so strange but I feel like I know you bcos u feature so prominently in this thread.. I'm up to pg 75 (trying to educate my self by reading the whole thread!) & where I'm up to you are just about to try ur 3rd IUI.... I'm thrilled to see that you now have an absolutely stunning little man!! congratulations!! I've got a little smile on my face knowing that things worked out for you. Ive just been thinking how reading this thread has been like reading a book, & now I feel like I've flipped to the back page & found a happy ending! : ) I have to say I AM leaning towards just going ahead with IUI if it's offered.. I wouldn't jump too quickly into IVF but will consider it for certain if IUI doesn't work. I will be interested to see wot options the FS will offer. I'm pretty certain that i don't really want to take clomid at any point. My aunt who is a gynae nurse has put me off it. but I will try other meds if it'll help improve the odds. Lovely to see your going for number 2 by the way!
sarah- he is adorable.

juniper- id probably get a semen analysis done before id do iui. make sure he isnt shooting blanks. i did iui 4 times before i found out the donor sperm id gotten was no good.. ended up doing ivf cause it was faster. i turned 40 six days after the twins were born.

Your twins are absolutely beautiful, congratulations. My DP has already had semen analysis done in October last year & there are no issues with him which I'm thankful for. And on the basis of initial bloods (day 21 test etc) I appear to be ok too. But I'm well aware that even so, that doesn't guarantee that everything inside is necessarily working 100%. My GP basically said that if it's just an issue of the sperm not quite getting to where it should be, then we're great candidates for IUI. So we'll see I guess. I know that DP is going to absolutely squirm at the idea of us having to talk to a FS about his little issue.. Just have to keep reminding him that it's short term awkwardness for long term rewards : )
Juniper- Good luck with your IUI, I would recommend getting your AMH tested if you haven't already. This number will determine how you're going to respond to meds for IUI and then IVF if needed but let's hope it isn't. I have a low AMH so it takes a lot of meds to get any eggs, after going through cancelled cycles etc I do think every woman over 30 should test they're AMH before doing any treatment. It would have saved me a cancelled cycle and money :thumbup:
Juniper- Good luck with your IUI, I would recommend getting your AMH tested if you haven't already. This number will determine how you're going to respond to meds for IUI and then IVF if needed but let's hope it isn't. I have a low AMH so it takes a lot of meds to get any eggs, after going through cancelled cycles etc I do think every woman over 30 should test they're AMH before doing any treatment. It would have saved me a cancelled cycle and money :thumbup:

Thanks for the advice Crystal. I'm a bit nervous about this silly appointment. I'm a nurse so I know I will want to ask way too many questions & I don't want to be annoying!! Although as a nurse I know I have a right to be annoying too! : )

I guess I'm just nervous about what to expect from the appt, wot options we'll be offered & what tests will they want to do??? I know its asking a 'how long is a piece of string kind of question', but can anyone take a guess at what they might be likely to want to start off with? Our basic info is:

1. Me, cd 21 bloods perfect. I also temp'd for a while last year & have been pretty with regular 28 day Cycles my whole life.

2. DP, semen analysis done & no problem with results. I actually don't know wot the results were but I'm going to call the GPs office & ask if we can have a copy to take to the FS.

3. Only known issue we have at this stage is that DP has had trouble with ejaculating (tmi!) while actually having intercourse.. But can do so fine on his own, or with me helping 'manually' iykwim! Which I guess we both feel is psychological.

So that's us.. Those of you with experience with FS, can u take a guess at what might happen? Will they just do IUI based on the info above or will they want to do all sorts of tests on me before proceeding with IUI? To be honest now that I've made up my mind I just want to jump straight in & do IUI. I've got my fingers crossed that with a FS putting the sperm where it needs to be that maybe my body will do the rest.. I know that's a big wish at 38.. But I'm trying to be positive.

We've had a really awful awful 12 months. We actually separated for 4 months & i went to london to stay with my sister for 5 weeks (were in australia). Now that we're back together again after such a tumultuous time & ready to ttc again, we both just desperately want it to work & not be another stressor that we don't need. We both need a little miracle. Things are finally heading towards a really good place for us & I'm hoping that this will be the best year we could have...

Sorry... I'm babbling a bit.. But it's nice to vent : )

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