Anyone testing around feb 10th?

Hello, ladies!!

It's really likely I'll be implanting Feb. 10, though I'm 6DPO today so who knows. I've already started testing because I have a compulsion haha (and a stash of IC!!). I'm not expecting anything as of now, though, and at least not until Feb. 10. Excited and hopeful but so scared to get my hopes up too much and be severely disappointed.

Baby dust to all you ladies hoping for those BFPs!!!
Sorry about the negative result k.n!

To all the ladies who got a negative test, dont be discouraged. I tested early for both of my pregnancies and it was always negative until 17 dpo.

afm - gosh, I feel pregnant and have symptoms that are identical to the last two pregnancies that I would be surprised if I wasnt...but at the same time I am nervous that I am. I am so nervous that I am not looking forward to testing...The symptoms I have been having are: backache, cramps, constipation (sorry tmi), and peeing a lot!
9DPO today. Luckily, I had a busy weekend so it made things go by quickly. I have some tests on hand but haven't felt like testing yet. I really don't want to be disappointed by a BFN.

Nothing for symptoms really other than creamy, lotiony CM. Fx! I will probably test 12DPO as I think that gives me more time for implatation and a BFP!

Good luck ladies!!!
Think im out this month ladies, beginning to spot, although it's really light have to squint to see. Im.not hopeful though, just waiting for it to become darker and get full blown af.

If I do get my period, I'll probably be back in september, hopefully all of you will be pregnant by then.
Keep us posted Hello Kitty!

So I've been trying to keep myself sane and not go crazy with symptom spotting or anxiety.

But some weird sh!t is happening and I know my body and this is not normal. I can't figure out if I'm manifesting them by wanting this so much of if something is up.

1. Seriously emotional. I mean like weeping over anything and everything. I had a normal email at work and promptly started to cry and then I called my co worker in a panic to explain the email. I'm sure he thought I was insane. Poor guy.
2. Loss of taste. This, this is weird. I've never had this before. I haven't tasted a single thing in 2.5 days. My husband made me some ginger tea and I asked him why he made it so weak and didn't add sugar. He looked at me like I had grown a second head. Seems it's so strong it burnt his mouth and he put 2 tsp of sugar in the small mug! All I could taste was warm water. We had General Tso chicken for dinner and it just tasted like burnt to chicken to me. He said it was just as delicious as always.
3. Bloating. You might not believe me. But I had to google this. I thought maybe I had eaten something my stomach didn't like. I know all about water retention before my period. But I didn't know what I was feeling in my stomach/abdomen area until I did a search. So yea, that's new two and nothing I've experienced before.
4. Creamy CN. Lots of it. Now. When usually I have none or very little sticky CM (sorry if its TMI) it's also what I would define as sweet smelling and not the usual acidic smell it would have right before AF.

It all sounds so incredibly encouraging until you hear that I took a test yesterday and today and both were negative.

So basically I'm sitting here confused and teary. AF is due tomorrow. I usually have 26 day cycles so I guess I'll see if she shows up. I just don't know why all the tests would be negative if I was pregnant with all these symptoms.

I feel like I'm losing my mind because I'm 100% sure I just wasn't ignoring all this stuff for all the years I've had my period but wasn't TTC-ing.

Anyone have any suggestions? Feedback? Ideas?

I'm going to cords post this into a few threads I'm on. Sorry if you see it a few times.

Thanks guys for any and all advice or help you might have.
My mind is racing telling me to test although AF is not due to Friday. I don't want to waste a test for it to come back Negative. Still no symtpoms at least I have not seen it. This is my 8th cycle trying!
My mind is racing telling me to test although AF is not due to Friday. I don't want to waste a test for it to come back Negative. Still no symtpoms at least I have not seen it. This is my 8th cycle trying!

FX Skye! Its an insane compulsion to want to test!
af did show up for me, although its been very light these past 2 cycles. I probably will delay ttc until next year, around this time. Dh wants to visit his family overseas this time next year, so looks like we will be more on the preventative side, but still wont use birth control. Good luck to the rest of you ladies. Hoping for some bfps this month!
Sorry hello kitty...
At 12dpo i also got a bfn so we will see :) Last pregnancy i didn't test until i was 14dpo ;)
AF is suppose to come tommorow, tested today and it was a negative. But my urine has to be contaminated as i had an episode of vomitting and diarrhoea so i lost alot of water, they gave me two IV with vitamin B to help with the appetite. Am better but my stomach still hurts.
Anyways i had cramping,which was off since 10dpo,now my boobs are sore and big and the veins are all over the area. I will test again if and only if AF doesnt show up
Well tested and BFN. But AF is due today and she's not here yet. If she doesn't show up by Friday I'll test again. I'm never more than a day or 2 (MAX) late.

FX for lots of positives ladies. And if not let's hope for BFP's next month. I'll update again soon either way.
Only 10dpo here.... I feel absolutely nothing... a little bloated but that's typical for me. Doubt I'll be testing anytime soon. With my dd I had extremely sore/sensitive boobies. I def don't feel anything close to it :(
Thanks ladies....
Miss I sorry for your loss...I'm in the same boat with you...testing on the 18th but I don't feel a thing either just bloated and face breakout...I want my babies to be close as well...I hope this is it for us all.

Miracle worker: o my I do hope you feel better...your urine is diluted and full of Saline and you still have a chance!!

BabyforIris: I know how you feel don't want AF to show but I need an answer, right..FX FOR A LATE BFP!!!

Hellokitty: Sorry about AF showing....traveling overseas will be refreshing to get away and take your mind off TTC. I always hear when you least expect it is when it happens.

AFM: well based on Fertility friend I'm in my TWW... AF suppose to come on the 15th... So I'm assuming I can do a trial practice test :blush: but I'm sure that's not the best idea. So I'll wait to see if AF shows...BUT I have a doctor appt. tomorrow so I'm sure they'll give me a pregnancy test so we'll see tomorrow....

No signs other then bloating, Acne raging....sounds like AF symptoms...
BabyforIris: I know how you feel don't want AF to show but I need an answer, right..FX FOR A LATE BFP!!!

No signs other then bloating, Acne raging....sounds like AF symptoms...

Honestly I've come to terms with it being negative. I'd just like the cycle to restart so I know here I stand!

FX for you hun. You never know!
BabyforIris: I know how you feel don't want AF to show but I need an answer, right..FX FOR A LATE BFP!!!

No signs other then bloating, Acne raging....sounds like AF symptoms...

Honestly I've come to terms with it being negative. I'd just like the cycle to restart so I know here I stand!

FX for you hun. You never know!

Babyforis: I know exactly how you feel....A fresh new start try again sounds like a plan to me!!
Ever since I started taking my prenatals again my AF came on 5 days earlier and i only been taking them 3 weeks before AF showed...are you taking your prenatals?
Yes Never I started taken them in November if you can believe it! I wanted to give my body time to absorb as much as it needs before we started to try.

It hasn't changed my cycle but I swear its made my boobs hurt more since I started taking it. Could be in my head but I was enjoying pain free boobs. Ha ha

Also AF showed up this afternoon. Right on time as always! So 100% a BFN. Less upset than i thought I would be. Ready to get going on cycle #2. Going out to buy a thermometer tonight so I can start tracking my temps. I'm a little worried I have a very short luthal phase. I think tracking might help me figure it out. :)
Hi ladies :flower:

So sorry to hear about the negative preg tests..... I have to say tho, it's encouraging to me to see other people being positive about it. And for those who don't feel so positive, please hang in there... <3

I'm 10 dpo today. I should recap my story... I was taking massive amounts of aspirin over the first half of my cycle this month due to an injury. I knew it could mess with things, and I did... Basically, I ovulated from both ovaries (cyst pain tells me). So I was having CRAZY symptoms, far too intense for this point... Sick as a dog. One of the cysts started to absorb yesterday and is just about gone, and half the intensity of the symptoms went with it. Still have one hanging out on my other ovary. Aspirin can cause LUFS, so I don't even know if the follicle ruptured. I ovulated, but eggy could be stuck in the corpus luteum. So I have no idea if I still have a chance or what......... At least if I did conceive it won't be twins tho! (To some that may sound terrible, but I have a spinal deformity so pregnancy will be risky as it is... And multiples would be a bit of a crisis.)

I'm 'due' on Monday, but this cyst could frig things up if it decides to hang out longer. Typically if it's just a normal corpus luteum I feel them less and they would be reabsorbing by this point.

Maybe this is a good thing......?

But I have a feeling I'm out.

I want to test so bad. I'm going to TRY to just wait until Friday (as we have plans that night). Saturday is hubby's birthday.

Wwwwhhhhooooooo kkknnnooooowwwwssss what's going on in there! I'll know soon. Time seems like it's dragging along though.....
Gave in and test, not do till Friday. But, it was a BFN yesterday. I am really hoping this happens.
Any updates Skye? Anyone?

I did a test this morning, 12 dpo... I don't flipping know what to think of it! If it's positive, I may as well still call it negative because it's that light. I don't have a good feeling about it. My boobs are less sore today. I wonder if this will be a chemical. Still no spotting tho.

I posted pics in the test part of the forum.

I really don't feel like this is going to be it. Which is ok... We just started trying.
Ella86 don't count yourself out so soon...those symptoms lightening up don't always mean a m/ last pregnancy I didn't have sore boobs at all...and thought I was doomed Bc everyone was yelling.."Sore boobs!" I think I wanted to have them so bad so I can feel secure but nope never did and baby boy came out just fine. But you know your body better then anyone else so FX to you that that line darkens up...and it may be too early still.

Skye1212: hoping it happens for you too!!!
I caved in and tested too....BFN....fertility friend says AF should come on the 15th but I'm almost certain that's too early so I'll just wait for AF on the see if she shows...I have 1 more hpt test left AND IM NOT BUYING il have to use that test wisely.....

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