Anyone TTC#2 and wanting to chat

Hey stevensmummy :hi: welcome xx

Good luck with NTNP/TTC :)
Since this thread started I've had my bfp & had my baby she's 10weeks old now ... We kinda just stuck around for chats ... There is some girls still ttc though x
Hii ladies do you mind if I join you all?? I'm not officially TTC just more NTNP (just without opks) just DTD and hoping things happen. Got my implant out yesterday so not even sure where abouts I am ATM which is frustrating lol!! Anyway :dust: to you all :) x

Hello. Welcome to the thread. I have also since had my BFP and LO is now almost 5 months old :shock:

Good luck NTNP

Thanks ladies!! Here's hoping this is a lucky thread then! Both your LO's are soo cute!! X
Stevensmummy, thanks :cloud9:

well... im going to a weaning course today... will be... interesting, feel a little silly being a 2nd time mummy going on a weaning course but HV said I should go just to get out of the house and meet more people.

Feeling really nervous about going, especially since I will be late as it starts at 1pm and ive to pick liv up at 1pm from nursery at the other side of town.

Arghh... Best be off xx
Sounds fun!! I wish I had done all the classes I had been offered when I was pg with steven and when he was born but I was too scared :hehe: I would defo do it next time round! Have fun stef :) x
I forgot the classes lol :blush:

Welcome Stevens mummy :wave: Im Sarah and still ttc boo what's your name btw :)

Right booked my drs appointment for next Wednesday but told Sam we need to keep DVD :) I let him have a night off last night but he won't get away easily tonight lol

Kerri I remember your ttc mission lol
Hi Sarah lol, oops my bad, my name is Charlene :) and I hope you get your BFP soon!! x
:haha: no probs :) hi Charlene :)

You must be excited to have your coil out :)
pmg sarah i read that as you must be excited to have your cock out at first glance :rofl:
It's the implant I had which was the rod in my arm :) yeah super excited!! Just hoping it doesn't have any long lasting effects on my body, i never returned to my normal cycles after BCP so I'm hoping this won't leave me in the same mess lol!! X
:haha: at stef!

How is eceryone sorry been so quiet x

Been suffering, got sent home today as threw up with ms BUT was caught, then they decided I had the sickness bug going round at school and sent me home, which means I have to be off tomorrow as well to make it look realistically like it was a bug!!!:dohh:

I have now been given anti sickness which i had to wait for it to come in as I cannot take the common ones as they make me fit :blush:

SO Gp confirmed I was pregnancy test...he asked how many tests I had done I said 2.... more like 10! :winkwink:

BUT, they also said die to my bipolar i may not be able to bf and that upset me loads as surely suffering with this one of the best tings to bond is to bf? SO that will be disucssed in the coming months i am sure. they are also getting a consultant on board regards to my pregnancy with ollie and i may see them once or more dpeending. My other issue was its only a year since I had a massive inernal bleed and was in icu but they reckon it wont be a problem on a natural birth but have to speak to consultant.

What every happens \i am deptermined to enjoy this bump!

sorry that was a waffle thanks for reading xx
Hey Jem! :)

Yayy for getting the pregnancy confirmed :) :) xx
Sorry youve been sick but good idea about hiding it from work as a sickness bug! Yuck MS sucks and i hope the anti sickness tabs help! xx

Hope you can discuss further about your birth options and feeding options.... howcome they wont let you BF with bipolar ??
:hi: girls hope your all well afm going to test next weekend if no af x x
Hey Jem! :)

Yayy for getting the pregnancy confirmed :) :) xx
Sorry youve been sick but good idea about hiding it from work as a sickness bug! Yuck MS sucks and i hope the anti sickness tabs help! xx

Hope you can discuss further about your birth options and feeding options.... howcome they wont let you BF with bipolar ??

they are not sure th effect of the meds on the baby xx
Ahhh i see, Well i hope you get something sorted that your comfortable with.... At least youve got plenty of time to discuss your options before baby arrives xx
What gender are you hoping for this time or are you not bothered
Hope you get some answers jem I know how rubbish it can be to be told you can't do something you really want to do :hugs:

Stef - dirty moo lol

Kerri :wave:

Well booked my drs appointment for next wednedaday. Really nervous now :wacko: really don't want to go but needs must I guess :)
Sarah hope all goes well with the dr and you get some answers ... I've just read this thread back from page 1 Upto when Stef got her bfp!! Wowza that was strange ... Sooo many people joined and left ... Wonder how many of them got their bfp's??
Also I was sooo worried about ttc #2 back then ... Reading that with my little Macie fast asleep on me was surreal

I love this thread and all you girls you've been like a second family xx

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