Since I got the positive yesterday welast night and going to tonight and tomorrow and I hope thats enough. I never thought it would be this hard to get pregnant! Every month I am disappointed. I try not to get my hopes up because than I start my period and it starts all over again.
I don't know how you ladies can wait lol. I'm SO impatient...I don't think I could ever just wait for my period not to show haha
I don't know how you ladies can wait lol. I'm SO impatient...I don't think I could ever just wait for my period not to show haha
I was just so disappointed last month, thought for sure I was pregnant cause period is never late and it was last month. If I was going to test early, what day should I? My cycles are normally 24-25 days but last month was 28 days, so should I test 6 days before the 25 days or 28 days? What do you think?
I guess you're supposed to stop when you get a negative...but I haven't yet. Tomorrow will be day 8 of only positive OPKs
I caved and tested on a one hour hold.... my ic is much darker, and so is my frer if I compare it to yesterday's picture, if I compare it to the dried test it's not as good looking, but it's definitely darker.. Now it has dried much darker than these pics so I am BEYOND excited!!!!