Anyone TTC #2? Buddies?!

don't let them make you feel like anything is wrong either. kids all move on their own schedule!
don't let them make you feel like anything is wrong either. kids all move on their own schedule!

So true. He has been a huge lesson in that. He didn't sit until 8 months, rolled at 9.5 and crawled at 10.5. But he is very smart and has amazing fine motor skills. I've heard eating and gross motor are all related.
don't let them make you feel like anything is wrong either. kids all move on their own schedule!

So true. He has been a huge lesson in that. He didn't sit until 8 months, rolled at 9.5 and crawled at 10.5. But he is very smart and has amazing fine motor skills. I've heard eating and gross motor are all related.

My almost 3 year old still wakes up at night! In the same boat with ya. Even after I stopped breastfeeding last October. I thought maybe that had something to do with it, but nope! :shrug:
Ashley I'm sorry you're feeling out and down about TTC. I really hope that it happens for you soon. :hugs:

Krissie Christian is perfectly normal, all kiddos move at their own pace and some things they will be ahead in while others it may take them a while to learn. No two children are the same. I'm sorry that he isn't eating or sleeping well for you. I hope that changes for you soon. Every once in a while Liam goes through spurts where he doesn't want to sleep very well (usually while he was sick or teething). Christian will get there sooner or later though. :hugs:
OPKs can be so strange sometimes. Apparently the second estrogen surge can happen anywhere in the middle of your cycle so it's possible that it could be that? I think it's caused by the corpus luteum implant to help the uterus prepare for implantation. It's possible that you could just now be implanting, are you temping at all?

How are all of my fellow American ladies enjoying their 4th of July? We had dinner with my ILs and announced that we were TTC. MIL is really hoping for a little girl this time. We also watched Independence Day and later we are planning to watch the fireworks in town. :D
Here is the wondfo I took. I don't think anything is there.

So yeah I'm just going to wait for AF to show up.

I won't be able to even TTC in July because of course, DH will be gone the week I will probably be ovulating. I don't even know when I'm supposed to get my period so it's just a waiting game right now. We will still try to DTD right after my period ends and up until he leaves but I know that nothing will come of it.

I'll probably take a little break from here in July because I'm really just frustrated and confused as to why everything we did this cycle didn't work. We didn't haven any issue conceiving our daughter so I don't understand.

Anyways hope you all have a great 4th of July : )

Hi Ashley, I have been reading here and there since I still get emails when new posts are posted. Don't give up! I think you remember how frustrated I was, we tried for 8 months and nothing, we did everything, OPK, preseed and I was about to give up and then got positive HPT. I did not have any issues with my son, happened the first month and we only :sex: like 3 times, but I am 10 years older now, it will happen! Thinking of you!
Thank you ladies :)

Dom - It is very frustrating! I was just SO sure that this was our cycle since we did everything :(
I know I'm not out until AF shows but I'm like 100% sure that she will be here in the next few days
No, I haven't temped. I am thinking in August/September I want to try.

I think I am going to put the opks and hpts in another room so I am not tempted to use them. :haha:

I started progesterone yesterday so maybe that is affecting it?
I was feeling that way too! I had cramping and thought it would start anyday.
After having my daughter I don't get ANY PMS symptoms any more. I used to get cramps, sore boobs a few days before. Now it's absolutely nothing.
I have no idea when shes coming. Idk if that's a good thing or not?
Ashley, the way you were talking I expected AF to come tonight! Absolutely you're not out til your AF shows!

Wish I had experience with wondfo's so I could give you an opinion on the test you posted but I don't even know where to look for the second line :shrug: sorry!
Hey Ashley! Sorry but I have to stop TTC for our second baby. I found out that since my next pregnancy would be considered high risk that I have to stop bfing my sweet baby girl. I don't want to be forced to wean her sooner than she wants to be so I have to stop and wait it out. I will still be stalking your journey though and cheering you on along the way!!

I am so sorry you are out this month :(. Fx you get your rainbow next month!
:dust: :dust:
:hugs: sorry Kiwi! I understand about not being ready to wean yet. Especially at 8 months!!!

I wish you luck on your breastfeeding journey!
aww kiwi what a lovely thing!! glad you are not stopping bfing early to ttc. :)

afm cd 6 and just hanging out. go on vacation tomorrow morning. that's something!
Ok ladies I hope you don't mind but I have to post a vent thread. I also hope it doesn't make me sound like the worst person, I just have to get it out there and don't really have anyone else to vent to in this particular situation. Anyways, we tried for quite a while with my daughter, which I expect to have to do again and that's fine. However, when I was pretty close to being due we found out my sil got pregnant with her boyfriend she had been with for all of two months maybe. Flash forward to now, we have all found out he is a terrible person and has been abusive so she decided to move home and get divorced. Well last night we were out celebrating the fourth and she brings her daughter back from the bathroom in a "big sister" shirt. I honestly just couldn't even say anything. I just get so frustrated that it can happen so easily, twice, for someone in a bad situation like that and here we all are trying and planning and ready but we are forced to wait. Idk if I'm still exhausted and drained from the wedding and it's making me emotional or what I just can't quit thinking about how unfair and not right this whole situation is. I am usually so positive about waiting as I realize now the waiting got me my daughter who is wonderful and I wouldn't go back and change the time we had to wait to conceive. It's just, ugh. Part of me even feels like I just don't want to be pregnant at the same time again. I'm not going to let this stop me from trying obviously just really sucks that we are back in this same situation again . I honestly knew this would happen with her I had just hoped since she moved back and everything we were in the clear. Anyways, sorry for my big whiney post! Hope all you ladies are doing wonderful! I'm just over here on CD8 waiting to get closer to O time! I even pushed through BDing last night with a migraine ;)
Hope you have a good ttc break kiwi!

Funny story - I've used 1 of my tests I have been saving for testing on the 15th (day before my official test day)

....I have been nauseous every day, not knowing why because I'm never sick everyday without there being a bub in the oven. It's weird, wondering if it's because of stopping the pill? Hm, anyway, DH said I can't buy more pregnancy tests until he gets paid on the 15th anyway, sooo that will help me be good with taking tests :thumbup: Might ask him to hide the last one I have lol
Ok ladies I hope you don't mind but I have to post a vent thread. I also hope it doesn't make me sound like the worst person, I just have to get it out there and don't really have anyone else to vent to in this particular situation. Anyways, we tried for quite a while with my daughter, which I expect to have to do again and that's fine. However, when I was pretty close to being due we found out my sil got pregnant with her boyfriend she had been with for all of two months maybe. Flash forward to now, we have all found out he is a terrible person and has been abusive so she decided to move home and get divorced. Well last night we were out celebrating the fourth and she brings her daughter back from the bathroom in a "big sister" shirt. I honestly just couldn't even say anything. I just get so frustrated that it can happen so easily, twice, for someone in a bad situation like that and here we all are trying and planning and ready but we are forced to wait. Idk if I'm still exhausted and drained from the wedding and it's making me emotional or what I just can't quit thinking about how unfair and not right this whole situation is. I am usually so positive about waiting as I realize now the waiting got me my daughter who is wonderful and I wouldn't go back and change the time we had to wait to conceive. It's just, ugh. Part of me even feels like I just don't want to be pregnant at the same time again. I'm not going to let this stop me from trying obviously just really sucks that we are back in this same situation again . I honestly knew this would happen with her I had just hoped since she moved back and everything we were in the clear. Anyways, sorry for my big whiney post! Hope all you ladies are doing wonderful! I'm just over here on CD8 waiting to get closer to O time! I even pushed through BDing last night with a migraine ;)

That can be frustrating, I'm sorry girl!! You don't sound like a horrible person though. After I had my mc a friend of mine announced she was pregnant and it hurt so bad. I was so jealous that she got to keep hers. My due date from my mc was August 9th, so that's coming up and it's making me really sad. I guess it does make it worse with social media, you see all these pregnancy announcements. I hope it happens for you, FX you catch that eggie this cycle!! Good on you lol!! The things we do to conceive!!
I'm sorry Kiwi but completely understandable. I hope that breastfeeding continues to go well for you. Good luck and I hope it won't be too much longer before you can start TTC again. :hugs:

Have fun on vacation Mommyxofxone! :cool:

Miracles, you are NOT a terrible person. I think we all feel like this at one point or another. While I was still WTT I had not one, but TWO cousins that announced pregnancies with baby #2 on FB. One had barely been in a relationship for 2 months when she got pregnant and the guy left her after he found out. The second was only in a relationship for 1 month when she got pregnant and now her baby's father is in prison (again). I felt like I was stabbed in the gut, why did my younger and more irresponsible cousins that were not in stable relationships get to be pregnant with their second babies when I was getting married to my partner of nearly 3 years with financial stability and a 3 bedroom house (rental) and I was still stuck WTT? Life just isn't fair sometimes, but you know what? I'm glad that I'm married to a man that loves me and treats me well, live in a 3 bedroom house, have financial stability, will have a good age gap between my kids, and that my DH decided to start TTC the exact cycle I wanted to start trying. I shouldn't be jealous of them at all, they are completely ruining their lives. THEY should be jealous of ME and SHE should be jealous of YOU. You will get pregnant again soon enough, maybe sooner than you did last time and when it happens you are going to be so incredibly grateful that you are not in her shoes. :hugs:
That can be frustrating, I'm sorry girl!! You don't sound like a horrible person though. After I had my mc a friend of mine announced she was pregnant and it hurt so bad. I was so jealous that she got to keep hers. My due date from my mc was August 9th, so that's coming up and it's making me really sad. I guess it does make it worse with social media, you see all these pregnancy announcements. I hope it happens for you, FX you catch that eggie this cycle!! Good on you lol!! The things we do to conceive!!

Oh no, I'm so sorry :hugs: that must have been terrible. See, I know it could be worse and I'm probably being dramatic it just really bothers me. Maybe you could do a balloon release on the 9th? Idk if that's a silly idea but seems like it might be something you could do to make yourself feel better on that day. You could write a note and attach it to the balloon even :shrug:

I'm sorry Kiwi but completely understandable. I hope that breastfeeding continues to go well for you. Good luck and I hope it won't be too much longer before you can start TTC again. :hugs:

Have fun on vacation Mommyxofxone! :cool:

Miracles, you are NOT a terrible person. I think we all feel like this at one point or another. While I was still WTT I had not one, but TWO cousins that announced pregnancies with baby #2 on FB. One had barely been in a relationship for 2 months when she got pregnant and the guy left her after he found out. The second was only in a relationship for 1 month when she got pregnant and now her baby's father is in prison (again). I felt like I was stabbed in the gut, why did my younger and more irresponsible cousins that were not in stable relationships get to be pregnant with their second babies when I was getting married to my partner of nearly 3 years with financial stability and a 3 bedroom house (rental) and I was still stuck WTT? Life just isn't fair sometimes, but you know what? I'm glad that I'm married to a man that loves me and treats me well, live in a 3 bedroom house, have financial stability, will have a good age gap between my kids, and that my DH decided to start TTC the exact cycle I wanted to start trying. I shouldn't be jealous of them at all, they are completely ruining their lives. THEY should be jealous of ME and SHE should be jealous of YOU. You will get pregnant again soon enough, maybe sooner than you did last time and when it happens you are going to be so incredibly grateful that you are not in her shoes. :hugs:

You know, this is honestly the exact thing I was thinking after I vented. I stopped and realized I shouldn't be upset because I do have a supportive and wonderful husband who will be there for me and it's sad to think that she won't have that when she delivers, brings the baby home, etc. I guess at this point I just feel like part of what really bothered me about the whole situation was that we were told in a way where we were put on the spot and almost like it was expected of us to get excited about the news? I get making the best of a situation and I understand that nothing can be done about it now but I just would have preferred to not have to chose between either feeling like a bad person because I didn't congratulate her or choosing to put my feelings aside and play like I am excited. I chose the first option :blush: oh well.

Totally different subject, but I've been meaning to ask you, are you checking your pH at all?!
so totally not a bad person miracles. it sucks. it always sucks. My sil was pregnant before she was married it was this huge scandal. later when her dd was 2 &1/2 she found out she was pregnant with another one- and the best part was he had JUST moved back in that month after living somewhere else since he was cheating on her. took like one time by accident. both kids accidents. and here we are.

however, i've been on the other side too. i had just started a new job and had been ttc for a few months before moving to the new job. i got pregnant before my new co-worker, who had apparently been trying for a year and was going to fertility treatment. she HATED me for it. and a bunch of the girls i worked with were really angry and acting like i didn't deserve it. I was trying too but apparently that didn't matter becasue i wasn't their dear co-worker they knew so long and well. I was the new girl. it sucked. i also had two friends that were due at the same time as me- we were all so excited! and they both miscarried. they are sisters in law. the one was pregnant with twins. the one with twins and i stayed close but the other one? never talked to me quite the same again. Like it was my fault. things happen.

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