anyone ttc or ntnp before there child is a year old?

aww hun dont give up hope yet.. I must agree they look pretty light.. fxed for you
Shelli I really hope its not a chemical, fingers crossed for you!

Thanks ladies for your thoughts. I'm thinking two things lately, 1) I want to be his friend even if we do get divorced. We've always been friends, I can't imagine not being on good terms with him. Even now I feel like we're still on pretty good terms. 2) If we do stay married, I don't want to go back to what we were, I want a completely new beginning.
Shellie - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, the last test out of the case looks faulty, hopefully they were just 2 dodgy tests and you have a sticky bean on board.

Rojo & lallila - gl with testing hoping af stays away for you and you both get your bfp's

Pita - I'm glad things are civil with your DH it makes it easier for you to decide what you truly want and if you can ever forgive him and move on with your marriage, I hope whatever you decide brings you happiness :)

Afm - I've been toilet training Frazer so not had a lot of time on my hands to come online. He's doing really well and is dry in the day now (we haven't tried venturing out the house nappy less yes lol) af is due on Friday and I'm having the usual signs she is coming so not holing out much hope although I had a faint line on a ic this afternoon (I'd been asleep for 3 hours lol) but it disappeared after the 10 minute mark so I think it was a faulty test, I'm trying to hold on for 4 hours to test again tonight but It was my birthday yesterday and dh took me shopping and I've managed to get into a size 14 skinny jean for the first time in about 10 years.... This would be fine if they weren't pressing on my bladder making me need to pee every 2 minutes :)
lalila and rojo!!! omg just one more day keep us up dated we are all waiting to see if all the bding paid off!!!!

shelli i really hope its not a chemical!! i to agree they look lighter but are you using fmu with all of them? Because if you arnt they will differ in the darkness. fingers xx:hugs:

spiffy wow just 32 days. Trust me unfortunatly those days are just going to fly by. I wish i can just stop my baby from growing lol

pita i really hope everything works out for you and your husband. I agree if something like tat ever happend to us i too would always want to be friends. Its good for you and good for your lo. I really hope things work out though so that you can all be a happy family again:hugs:

afm well not to much going on. I think i have desided to do the genetic testing but the only thing is if they find something in my blood my dh is soo afraid of needles he doesnt want his blood drawn lol. Last year i finally made him get caught up on vaccines and stuff so he had like 4 shots last year and he got a physical they checked his blood and stuff lol. So he is like no i dont want any needles this year haha. My dh is a baby. He complains more then my baby does haha. Also he doesnt have insurance so if they ever did have to test him would it be coverd by my insurance?

Who feels like there pregnancy now are kinda just flying by? I do i can tell you that lol. Almost 10 weeks for me i remember like yesterday i just got my bfp lol and now first tri is almost over (kinda) lol. on bnb 2nd tri starts at 14 weeks right? How is second tri ladies?

i just wanted to add that it is soo true. The ladies on this thread are amazing!! they bring the best advice and well just are here when needed. Thank you everyone on here for being such wonderful amazing woman!!
chell wow i really hope i can get jonathan potty training by 19 months lol. natalia was soo easy i got her trained in one day just before she hit 2 lol. But starting to get jonathan started before this baby comes along would be great. Im kinda scared to potty train a boy lol. Is it kinda the same prosess of a girl. Boys just sit to pee when they are little right? ITs not until later they stand. Im clueless lol i never had any brothers and my dh cant remember getting potty trained.
Shellie, I see what you mean with those tests, but I'm still holding out hope for you! :hugs:

Pita, it sounds like you are looking at things the right way with your DH. If you get back together, I think a fresh start will do you a lot of good, and if you don't, then staying friends will definately be the best way to go about it, especially for Colin.

Chellxx, good luck with testing this week! Remember, we loooove to analyze pee sticks, so feel free to attach pictures! :haha: And good luck with the potty training! I'll definately have two in diapers, since I doubt I could get Alia potty trained by the time she's 16 months old. ;)

Duejan, I don't think your DH will have to have his blood drawn, just you. However, I can totally sympathize with your DH, because I'm a total wimp about having my blood drawn too. :winkwink: As for the pregnancy flying by, sometimes I feel that way, but then other times it still feels like forever until July. I think it feels slow right now because we're getting closer to finding out the gender so I'm getting impatient. :haha:
Shelli, I do also have to side with the other girls and say that the last test does look light. But if you aren't testing with FMU then that could affect the results. Could you go to doctors and have blood work done to confirm rising HCG?

Pita, it is good that you've been thinking about what you may want to do with you and your husbands marriage. I also agree that staying friends would be best if you two do decide to part ways. :hugs:

Chell, I hope potty training goes well. I plan to start training Sam when he is 18 months. I want to start early as I've heard boys are so much harder than girls. I half looking forward to it and half dreading it! :wacko:

Duejan, I don't think that if something is found in your blood to show genetic problems with the baby that they will need to draw your DHs blood. I would ask a nurse but as far as I understand the reason problems show in your blood is because it's something with the baby not your particularly or your DH. Plus they will compare your blood results with US results and come to an answer. I also think it has to all be done between 11-14 weeks?

I also agree that this pregnancy is going quick. I can't believe I'll be second tri next week. I am sooooo looking forward to feeling the baby move! :happydance:

AFM, yesterday we went to a Super Bowl party. It was fun but I think I are too much! Oh well, guess I have an excuse! :blush: today is just a lazy day as Mondays are my days off. Then 4 long days! Yay :haha:
Spiffy, do you have a date for gender scan? I am so excited but nervous! I want a girl soooo bad! Only 42 more days...not that I'm counting or anything! :haha:
Haking, I don't have a date yet, but I'll get the date at my 16 week appointment this Thursday. :flower:

Oh and, I definately pigged out yesterday! We didn't watch the game, but we still ate all the yummy food! In fact, I even took a picture of our feast! :haha:


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Spiffy, that looks yummy! I had lots of finger foods and then on top of that ate a small dinner. LOL. Oh well, it was only one day!

Back to eating healthy today. :)
Spiffy that food looks yummy right now! Im trying to eat healthy buy i could dive in to that feast haha.

Ok here are the tests from today, sometimes I think I see something others I think its in my head so please feel free to be honest lol. I also dipped one in water from the same batch and it was a stark white. I'm on CD32 of a 36 day cycle. I think I ov'd on 24th which makes me 11dpo, if I was pg I thought I would have a darker line by now, with Maycie I had a positive at 3w6days.

In the 1st pic the bottom test was after a 3hr hold and the 2nd was only an hour, now ive uploaded them I really don't think i see anything :shrug:


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I don't think we can get the blood work to check for rising HCG in the UK, not unless you go private. I think I'll just have to wait it out. I mostly used SMU as I usually get better results with it :shrug:

Pita I'm not sure what happened with your DH but I hope things work out the way you want them to :)

Chell well done with the potty training! I didn't have Max trained until he was 3 lol.

Duejan good luck with the genetic testing, I'm sure it'll go great.

Gender scans are great, I got an early one at 16 weeks with Parker as I was desperate to know if she was a girl or not! Looking forward to finding out what you're all having :)
Chell I can definitely see the line on the second picture. Looks pink too :thumbup:
Chell, I think I see something on that zoomed in picture, but I guess time will tell for sure! Good luck! :thumbup:

Shelli, I'm sorry you can't get in for bloodwork. I would try FMU the next time you have a test handy and see what that give you.

And Haking, your comment about eating healthy today made me laugh...*looks down at the plate of leftover Superbowl food in her lap* :blush:
thanks, i'll just keep testing until i know one way or the other now :).

Potty training has been ewasy so far, i just had him trouser-less all day and kept telling him to go potty and praised him when he went. he now claps himself, i also do a pee-pee dance and song and a poo-poo song and dance so he knows the difference and he got it in a day or two. He now has pj bottoms on in the day so i can get them down in time and he will say wee wee when he needs to go.

My big dilemma is getting out of the house without a nappy and going through the night?!? how did you make the step to going all night etc??
I didn't lol. I think he was in nappies through the night until about 4. He just out grew wetting the bed himself. He'd get up each morning and be dry so I stopped putting them on him. And when going out he still wore a nappy for a while, until I was sure he was aware when he needed to go.
I know boys and girls are different.. but they tell you here to wait until you have a dry diaper at bed to start potty training.. we did my daughter at 2.5 :)
Ok I'm going to be honest, the whole potty training discussion scares me silly :haha: How do you know when to start? :wacko: When do you take the risk to try it without nappies? Do you not end up with a stinky house? :haha:

Chellx I do think I can see something on your tests :thumbup: Keep going and hopefully you'll have a definitive answer soon. Although I too would have thought it would be darker at 11dpo. Difficult to know though because implantation could have been later. Fingers crossed!

Really really hope it isn't a chemical for you shelli. So many things can affect the tests at this early stage though, when you do them and how much water you've drunk. Keeping fingers crossed for you.

I agree HAKing, this pregnancy feels like its going really quickly! Last night I felt the first tiny little kicks from my little bean :happydance: I shrieked with delight on the sofa and DH asked if he could feel it too, I said I don't think so, not for quite a while yet! He was rather disappointed bless him :haha:

Thinking of you Pita - I hope everything resolves itself one way or another sometime soon. I'm glad that whatever happens you'll be able to stay friends, because you'll be forever connected to each other.

Spiffy, oh my God your little girl is not so little anymore! Can't believe she's going to be 1! What are you going to do to celebrate? :happydance:

As for me, good and bad things. I appear to have a sinus infection :dohh: At first I thought it was just a rotten cold but I have so much pressure and pain around my eyes I think it must be an infection. I rang the doctor's today and was told there aren't any appointments until next week! Complete joke :wacko: So tomorrow I will be ringing up and demanding an emergency appointment, I can't go that long without antibiotics. And no doubt the receptionists will be right snooty madams about it. I don't care about ruffling some feathers!

However, on the flat front... We have almost sold it!:happydance: Two bidders, just trying to get them both to increase it slightly but in the next couple of days we will have sold. And then we can go find out family home! I'm so excited! Not a moment too soon, baby bean will be here sooner than we think.

My next scan (20 week scan) is on 27th February, three days after my 30th birthday. Can't wait for my birthday, DH is throwing me a party and then I get to see bean and know everything is good, and find out gender. I literally have no clue what we're having!
Rojo - that makes sence, his nappies have been dryer in the past week and first thing he panics for the potty so I'll let him go at his own pace, I'm so proud of him. I started ec at 8 months so used to sit him on the potty but we moved countries and I couldn't keep it up.

Shelli - I think I might wait for going out then or make a few short trips and see how he goes, my mum keeps telling me how we were all out of nappies at 18months yadda yadda so I felt a bit pressured :(
Pie, I'm sorry to hear about your sinus infection. :( Hopefully you can get a hold of some antibiotics soon! But that's great news about your flat almost being sold! :happydance: And that's awesome that you felt your little bean last night! I keep thinking that maybe I've felt a few flutters, but I'm still at that point where I'm just not convinced yet. I felt Alia at 16 weeks, though, so I was kind of expecting to feel this one sooner, but I guess not! That's great that you get to have a fun birthday and then go for your scan a few days later! I'm just like you, I have no idea if this baby is a boy or a girl. I just keep going back and forth about it. :shrug:

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