Hi Ladies! I just made my own thread, but then stumbled across this one, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon!
My son will be 1 year on October 5th, and hubby and I were hoping to get pregnant around the time that he's a year. AF still hadn't returned at 9 months, so cut back on night nursing and got AF on August 12th. My period was really normal too, so I thought that was a good sign. Started charting my temps, although hard to do when little one is still waking up in the wee hours of the morning. Still seems like i had a serious temp dip on August 19th and then spiked up between the 20-24th and now holding steady at a high. This is the first time I've ever tracked my temp, so not exactly sure when that would mean I ovulated??
Didn't really try this month which I feel kind of stupid about now. Anyway, would have expected to have my period by now if my cycle was regular, but nothing yet. BFN when I took a test. I've totally convinced myself I'm having pregnancy symptoms anyway, symptoms that I wouldn't be far enough along to actually be having! But now I'm also convinced that I've suppressed AF again. I started night nursing again because I just couldn't keep up with pumping bottles during the day for every night. Is it possible to suppress your period again with BF after you've successfully had one?
Really really really wanted to get pregnant either September, October, or November and now I'm afraid we're not even going to get a chance to try in September

You guys are all way more experienced at reading this stuff than me, so please let me know your thoughts. Should I be on B6? Vitex? Is my cycle just not back to normal? Should I try to cut back on the night nursing again?
Good luck to everyone!